time limit per test

2 seconds

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

Not so long ago, Vlad came up with an interesting function:

  • fa(x)=⌊xa⌋+xmodafa(x)=⌊xa⌋+xmoda, where ⌊xa⌋⌊xa⌋ is xaxa, rounded down, xmodaxmoda — the remainder of the integer division of xx by aa.

For example, with a=3a=3 and x=11x=11, the value f3(11)=⌊113⌋+11mod3=3+2=5f3(11)=⌊113⌋+11mod3=3+2=5.

The number aa is fixed and known to Vlad. Help Vlad find the maximum value of fa(x)fa(x) if xx can take any integer value from ll to rr inclusive (l≤x≤rl≤x≤r).


The first line of input data contains an integer tt (1≤t≤1041≤t≤104) — the number of input test cases.

This is followed by tt lines, each of which contains three integers lili, riri and aiai (1≤li≤ri≤109,1≤ai≤1091≤li≤ri≤109,1≤ai≤109) — the left and right boundaries of the segment and the fixed value of aa.


For each test case, output one number on a separate line — the maximum value of the function on a given segment for a given aa.




1 4 3
5 8 4
6 10 6
1 1000000000 1000000000
10 12 8





In the first sample:

  • f3(1)=⌊13⌋+1mod3=0+1=1f3(1)=⌊13⌋+1mod3=0+1=1,
  • f3(2)=⌊23⌋+2mod3=0+2=2f3(2)=⌊23⌋+2mod3=0+2=2,
  • f3(3)=⌊33⌋+3mod3=1+0=1f3(3)=⌊33⌋+3mod3=1+0=1,
  • f3(4)=⌊43⌋+4mod3=1+1=2f3(4)=⌊43⌋+4mod3=1+1=2

As an answer, obviously, f3(2)f3(2) and f3(4)f3(4) are suitable.


#include<stdio.h>int main()
{int t, l, r, i, sum;scanf("%d", &t);while (t--) {scanf("%d%d%d", &l, &r, &i);if (l / i == r / i || (r + 1) % i == 0) {sum = r / i + r % i;}else{sum = (r / i - 1) + i - 1;}printf("%d\n", sum);}return 0;

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