
Time for another of these roundup posts where I look back, baffled at how quickly time has passed.


TripIt tells me that I spent 158 days on the road last year, visiting 56 cities in 16 countries and travelled 184,988 km. That did include a holiday in Nice, but otherwise my travel was conference or CSS Working Group related. I also got to attend Google I/O which I enjoyed far more than I had imagined I would. A huge thank you to all the conference organisers who have invited me to share my thoughts about CSS on their stages, and the attendees who have listened, and asked great questions that will inform what I do next.

TripIt告诉我,去年我在路上花了158天,参观了16个国家/地区的56个城市,行驶了18​​4,988公里。 那确实包括在尼斯度假,但除此之外,我的旅行涉及会议或CSS工作组。 我还参加了Google I / O,享受的乐趣远远超过了我的想象。 非常感谢所有邀请我在他们的舞台上分享我对CSS的想法的会议组织者,以及已听取与会者的声音,并提出了重要的问题,这些信息将为我下一步的工作做准备。

  • Newcastle upon Tyne for Frontend NE
  • Lisbon, Portugal for the Netcentric Summit
  • Oxford, UK for Render Conf
  • Seattle, Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco and Denver for An Event Apart
  • San Francisco, USA and Freiburg, Germany for Smashing Conf
  • San Francisco for Google I/O
  • CSS Working Group meetings in Seattle, Paris, San Francisco and Tokyo
  • Reading, UK for the Breaking Borders meet up
  • Berlin, Germany for CSSConfEU
  • Athens, Greece for Frontend United
  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands for CSS Day
  • San Jose, USA for Fluent
  • Brighton, UK for Patterns Day
  • Rovinj, Croatia for Web Summer Camp
  • Krakow, Poland for the GDE Summit
  • Stockholm, Sweden for NordicJS
  • Toronto, Canada for Web Unleashed
  • Dublin, Ireland for
  • Braga, Portugal for MirrorConf
  • Bochum, Germany for RuhrJS
  • Nantes, France for DevFest Nantes
  • London for Mozilla View Source and also for Google Developer Group DevFest London
  • 泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔的前端NE
  • 葡萄牙里斯本参加网络中心峰会
  • 英国牛津(Render Conf)
  • 西雅图,波士顿,华盛顿特区,芝加哥,旧金山和丹佛参加活动
  • 美国旧金山和德国弗赖堡的Conf Conf
  • 旧金山Google I / O
  • CSS工作组会议在西雅图,巴黎,旧金山和东京举行
  • 英国雷丁,打破边界聚会
  • CSSConfEU,德国柏林
  • 希腊雅典,前线联队
  • 荷兰阿姆斯特丹CSS Day
  • 流利的美国圣何塞
  • 英国布赖顿模式日
  • 克罗地亚罗维尼参加Web夏令营
  • 波兰克拉科夫参加GDE峰会
  • 瑞典斯德哥尔摩,使用NordicJS
  • 加拿大多伦多,网络发布
  • 爱尔兰都柏林
  • 葡萄牙布拉加举办MirrorConf
  • 德国Bochum的RuhrJS
  • 法国南特(DevFest)法国南特
  • 伦敦(Mozilla View Source)和伦敦Google Developer Group DevFest

I ran several workshops on CSS Layout over the course of the year, including in-house at The BBC on behalf of Mozilla.

在这一年中,我举办了一些CSS布局研讨会, 包括代表Mozilla在BBC内部进行 。

CSS网格发货 (CSS Grid shipped)

Having been wandering the globe talking about CSS Grid for almost five years, Grid finally shipped in browsers in 2017. This was good, as I didn’t really want to be some kind of CSS vapourware lady. I knew Grid was important the first time I read the initial spec. I had no idea how my championing of the specification would change my life, and allow me to get to work with so many interesting people.

在谈论CSS Grid的世界上徘徊了近五年之后,Grid终于在2017年在浏览器中发布了。这很好,因为我真的不想成为某种CSS vapourware女士。 我知道网格在第一次阅读初始规范时很重要 。 我不知道我对规范的拥护将如何改变我的生活,并让我与如此众多有趣的人一起工作。

There is so much I could link to from this year relating to CSS Grid, here are some personal highlights.

从今年起,我可以链接到很多有关CSS Grid的内容,以下是一些个人亮点。

When Firefox, Chrome and Safari all shipped Grid within a couple of weeks in March.


At An Event Apart in Seattle, when Rossen Atanassov pulled up a slide of an email from me in 2014, when I’d been chasing up Microsoft to update their grid implementation.

在西雅图的一个活动中 ,2014年罗森·阿塔纳索夫(Rossen Atanassov)收到我的一封电子邮件,当时我一直在追赶微软以更新其网格实现。

I wrote the documentation for Grid on MDN - and followed it up by publishing a similar set of material on Flexbox.

我在MDN上编写了Grid的文档 ,然后在Flexbox上发布了一组类似的材料。

I’ve responded to questions from the community with a number of pieces on Smashing Magazine:

我在Smashing Magazine上回应了社区中的一些问题:

  • CSS Grid Gotchas and Stumbling Blocks
  • Naming Things in CSS Grid Layout
  • Using CSS Grid: supporting browsers without grid
  • CSS网格陷阱和绊脚石
  • 在CSS网格布局中命名事物
  • 使用CSS Grid:支持不带网格的浏览器

My 2016 talk on Grid was published by An Event Apart, while that talk was recorded prior to Grid shipping, the information is still all pretty relevant and I’m glad to have a recorded version.

我的2016年关于Grid的演讲是由An Event Apart出版的 ,尽管该演讲是在Grid发货之前录制的,但这些信息仍然非常相关,我很高兴拥有录制的版本。

My work was mentioned at both the Google Developers Experts Summit, and Chrome Dev Summit.


What has been fantastic is that the community has, in the most part, given credit to the work that Jen Simmons and I have been doing to promote Grid, and layout in CSS. As have people from the various browser vendors. I don’t do this stuff to be internet famous, however recognition means I can get work that pays the bills and therefore continue to work on CSS. I can continue to create learning materials, and show up at community conferences and everything else I do as an independent person who cares about the web.

令人惊奇的是,社区在很大程度上都归功于Jen Simmons和我为促进Grid和CSS布局所做的工作。 各种浏览器供应商的人员也是如此。 我不会因为互联网而闻名,但是认可意味着我可以得到付账的工作,因此可以继续使用CSS。 我可以继续创建学习资料,并出现在社区会议上,并以关心网络的独立人身份从事其他工作。

If you’ve shared my stuff or remembered to reference my work when writing about Grid, thank you. It means a lot.

如果您在分享有关Grid的文章时分享了我的东西或记得参考我的工作,那么谢谢。 那意义重大。

多列布局 (Multi-column Layout)

My main interest in CSS is layout, both for the web and also for print and EPUB. Which meant that reviving work on the Multi-Column layout specification was entirely relevant to my interests. We republished the specification as a Working Draft, in order to work through and fix the outstanding issues, leading Drew to suggest I was regressing the web. I have a lot to learn as a spec editor, but I am enjoying doing so.

我对CSS的主要兴趣是布局,既适用于Web,也适用于印刷和EPUB。 这意味着恢复多列布局规范的工作与我的兴趣完全相关。 为了解决并解决悬而未决的问题, 我们将规范重新发布为“工作草案” ,导致Drew建议我将网络退步。 作为规范编辑者,我有很多东西要学习,但我很喜欢这样做。

As part of this work I’ve been learning how to write tests for Web Platform Tests, I wrote about that for 24 ways this year, as working on tests is a brilliant way to start contributing in a meaningful way to the platform.

作为这项工作的一部分,我一直在学习如何编写针对Web平台测试的测试, 今年我用24种方式对此进行了撰写,因为进行测试是一种开始以有意义的方式为平台做出贡献的绝妙方法。

第22本书-新CSS布局 (Book no.22 - The New CSS Layout)

I wrote another book, and in October it was published by the lovely folk at A Book Apart. The feedback has been amazing. I really wanted to place Grid and Flexbox into the overall picture of layout in CSS. To explain where we came from, and where we are heading.

我写了另一本书 ,并于10月由可爱的人们在A Book Apart出版。 反馈是惊人的。 我真的很想将Grid和Flexbox放在CSS布局的整体图中。 解释我们来自哪里,以及我们往何处去。

粉碎杂志 (Smashing Magazine)

From November 1st I’ve been the Editor in Chief of Smashing Magazine. I landed there right in the middle of their major site relaunch, and I feel as if I’m still finding my feet. We have some fantastic content coming your way in 2018 - I know because I read all of it! I’m very keen to help make Smashing the best place for practical content for web developers, stuff that helps you to do you job better.

从11月1日起,我担任Smashing Magazine的总编辑 。 我降落在他们的主要站点重新启动的中间,感觉好像还在找我的脚。 我们将在2018年为您提供一些精彩的内容-我知道是因为我阅读了所有内容! 我非常热衷于帮助Smashing为Web开发人员提供实用内容的最佳场所,这些东西可以帮助您更好地工作。

I’ve updated our guide for writing for Smashing, and we are always keen to hear from potential authors.

我已经更新了Smashing写作指南 ,我们一直热切希望听到潜在作者的来信。

运输栖息处和跑道3 (Shipping Perch and Runway 3)

Drew and I shipped a major update to our products in 2017 - Perch and Perch Runway 3 launched in March. We also went to making a free download available for testing for the first time, and it has been fantastic to see new people discover the products for the first time.

我和Drew在2017年对我们的产品进行了重大更新- 3月推出了Perch和Perch Runway 3 。 我们还首次提供了免费下载以进行测试,很高兴看到新人们第一次发现这些产品。

We’re especially keen on the Perch Runway Headless CMS mode, and the Webmention functionality we’ve also added this year.

我们特别热衷于Perch Runway无头CMS模式,以及我们今年还添加的Webmention功能 。

宣布通知人 (Announcing Notist)

In addition to Perch and Runway we’ve been working on a brand new product. Notist aims to be a hub for your speaking events, and the resources that go along with them. We announced in the last part of 2017 and we’ll be launching very soon.

除了Perch和Runway,我们还致力于开发一种全新产品。 Notist旨在成为您的演讲活动以及与之相关的资源的枢纽。 我们在2017年下半年宣布,并将很快推出。

We’ve added the ability to import your Lanyrd data in preparation for launch. You can read about that here.

我们添加了导入Lanyrd数据以准备启动的功能。 您可以在这里阅读有关内容。

CSS布局新闻 (CSS Layout News)

I’ve continued to send my weekly CSS Layout News email. Tomorrow will be Issue 127 and there are now over 7,800 subscribers. I’ve had some lovely sponsors this year, who have helped with the cost of sending out the email.

我继续每周发送一次CSS Layout News电子邮件。 明天将是第127期,现在有7800多个订户。 我今年有一些可爱的赞助商 ,他们为发送电子邮件提供了帮助。

并非所有工作 (Not all work)

Work and life have always merged into one thing for me, and quite purposely. I’m doing the things I want to be doing, that I find important, and along the way trying to find ways to make a living out of it. I have lots of things I like to be doing that don’t involve running a business, writing code or CSS specifications.

对于我来说,工作和生活总是融为一体,而且是有目的的。 我正在做自己想做的事情,发现自己很重要,并一路努力寻找谋生的方法。 我有很多想做的事,不涉及开展业务,编写代码或CSS规范。

跑步 (Running)

I’ve had something of a disastrous year as a runner. At the end of 2016 I had more surgery on my elbow, which has given me back use of my right hand and a lot less pain. However the problems caused by one wonky arm have plagued me all year as I have bounced between hip and ankle injuries caused by how much out of alignment things are. In the final weeks of 2017, things seem to be improving, I’ve started CrossFit, wonky arm and all, and I’m hoping to be fit and well to run the Berlin Marathon in 2018 as I’ve got a ballot place. Berlin is my favourite city in the world, doing the marathon there will be amazing.

作为一名跑步者,我经历了灾难性的一年。 在2016年底,我的肘部进行了更多的手术,这使我得以重新使用右手,并且疼痛减轻了很多。 然而,由于我的手臂因不对正的程度而受伤,导致我的臀部和脚踝受伤,因此,一只手臂摆动的手臂困扰着我整年。 在2017年的最后几周,情况似乎有所改善,我已经开始使用CrossFit,摇摇欲坠的手臂以及其他所有东西,并且我希望自己在2018年的柏林马拉松比赛中保持健康并保持健康。 柏林是世界上我最喜欢的城市,参加马拉松比赛将令人赞叹。

I did get to do my 100th Parkrun. Drew and I managed to sync up our progress so we could run our 100s together at Ashton Court. In addition to parkruns close to home I did my first Canadian parkrun, with Drew at Beach Strip in Toronto, revisited Crissy Field in San Francisco, and visited Waterstown in Dublin.

我确实做了我的第100辆Parkrun。 Drew和我设法同步了进度,因此我们可以在Ashton Court一起运行我们的100。 除了在家附近的公园小径,我还做过我的第一个加拿大公园小径,与Drew在多伦多的Beach Strip ,重访了旧金山的Crissy Field ,并参观了都柏林的Waterstown 。

一个“空巢” (An “empty nest”)

My daughter graduated from college this year, we didn’t get to do the whole graduation thing as she was already working as a performer in Bulgaria. She has been working ever since, and we’ve just enjoyed Christmas together after she finished a run playing Cinderella in Wales. She went away to college at 16, so her not being around all of the time is fairly usual. However, she is now independent of us, doing her own thing, exactly as it should be.

我的女儿今年大学毕业,由于她已经在保加利亚从事表演,所以我们无法完成全部毕业工作。 从那以后她就一直在工作,在她完成在威尔士的灰姑娘的比赛后,我们一起过了圣诞节。 她16岁时就去上大学了,所以她不是一直都在外面很平常。 但是,她现在独立于我们,完全按照自己的意愿做自己的事情。

I’m glad that she still wants to hang around with us. That we’ve come out the other side as close friends, which makes it almost more sad she lives in another city! However I’m grateful for the fact that via Instagram, or Facebook and Twitter we can share our lives.

我很高兴她仍然想和我们一起闲逛。 我们以亲密朋友的身份走到了另一边,这使她住在另一个城市更加难过! 但是,我很高兴能通过Instagram,Facebook和Twitter分享我们的生活。

学习飞行 (Learning to fly)

For the last 12 years, any spare money I had was being directed into school and then college fees for my daughter. I’ve not had the chance to indulge any hobby of my own that cost money. The aforementioned empty nest means that I can for the first time spend a bit of money on fulfilling a dream of my own, and so I’ve started to train for my Pilot’s License. It is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do, but that just makes it more appealing as far as I’m concerned. I’m currently “on the circuit”, until I can safely land the Cessna 150. My landings are best described right now as interesting, and no-one wants an interesting landing!

在过去的12年中,我所有的闲钱都被送去上学,然后又给女儿上大学。 我没有机会沉迷于自己花钱的爱好。 前面提到的空巢意味着我可以第一次花一些钱来实现自己的梦想,因此我已经开始为飞行员执照培训。 这是我尝试过的最难的事情,但是就我而言,这才使它更具吸引力。 我目前正在“巡回赛”上,直到我可以安全地降落塞斯纳150为止。现在最好将我的降落描述为有趣的 ,没有人希望进行有趣的降落!

I did set up a Slack for people who fly or who are interested in flying. Sign up here.

我确实为飞行或对飞行感兴趣的人设置了Slack。 在这里注册 。

2018年 (2018)

Goals for 2018? To get Notist launched, and also to promote Perch Runway more to people who didn’t already use Perch.

2018年的目标? 要启动Notist,并向尚未使用Perch的人们推广Perch Runway。

To bring together the work I’ve been doing on CSS into one place. I’ve got some lovely illustration that I haven’t quite had chance to implement yet, as part of an effort to combine a lot of the stuff I’m doing. That’s a pretty immediate goal - I’d hoped to do it over Christmas but the need to move our server infrastructure to Germany while things were quiet took precedence!

将我在CSS上所做的工作汇总到一起。 作为一些我正在做的事情的合并工作的一部分,我有一个很好的例证,我还没有机会实施。 这是一个非常近期的目标-我希望在圣诞节期间做到这一点,但是优先考虑在安静的情况下将服务器基础架构移至德国!

To get the outstanding issues in the Multi-column Layout spec tidied up, with a solid test suite.


To update my online CSS Workshop with the new material I have. I need to spend a week recording video. It’ll all be available to existing subscribers too.

用我拥有的新材料更新我的在线CSS Workshop 。 我需要花一个星期录制视频。 现有订户也可以使用。

To progress towards my Pilot’s License. I’d love to think I could get it in 2018, however the weather and my travel schedule might mean it takes longer, which is fine. The aim is to be a safe pilot, not to finish in the minimum number of hours. I’d love to get all the written exams out of the way though.

取得我的飞行员执照。 我很想我可以在2018年买到它,但是天气和我的旅行计划可能意味着需要更长的时间,这很好。 目的是要成为一名安全的飞行员,而不是在最短的时间内完成任务。 不过,我还是希望免去所有笔试。

To work on some tough but realistic fitness goals as I continue to work to sort out the mess my elbow has caused.


To enjoy the speaking engagements I’ve already lined up this year. I’m already doing my new An Event Apart talk, and I have a few new things to talk about this year at the various events I’ve been invited to.

为了享受演讲活动,我今年已经排队。 我已经在进行新的“ An Event Apart”演讲了,今年,在我应邀参加的各种活动中,我要谈论一些新事物。

Happy 2018.





  • Python语言的2017年终总结
  • 2017年蓝桥杯C++A组分巧克力
  • 计算机屏幕暗度怎么调,电脑亮度怎么调,教您电脑屏幕亮度调节方法
  • 动态创建瀑布流
  • 瀑布流效果实现vue3
  • 动态实现瀑布流
  • recycleView瀑布流
  • 利用jquery实现瀑布流效果
  • Django --图片瀑布流布局+动态的渲染
  • 瀑布流动态加载图片
  • 实现动态瀑布流
  • html动态加载图片,javascript实现瀑布流动态加载图片原理
  • jQuery实现动态瀑布流布局效果
  • 动态瀑布流网页布局 Jquery 源码
  • PyQt5 使用QCustomPlot2动态绘制频谱瀑布图(一)
  • Ajax实现瀑布流动态加载网页
  • JS实现动态瀑布流及放大切换图片效果(js案例)
  • JS动态瀑布流
  • vue环境简单实现动态瀑布流效果
  • alloc流程图
  • Unity 处理大量GCAlloc
  • avio_alloc_context
  • STL源码剖析(二)__alloc_traits特性
  • 通过设置PYTORCH_CUDA_ALLOC_CONF中的max_split_size_mb解决Pytorch的显存碎片化导致的CUDA:Out Of Memory问题
  • dma_alloc_coherent DMA内存申请学习笔记
  • Qt实现简单的单一背景去除
  • 纯色html背景,css 背景(background)属性、背景图定位
  • vim修改jar包
  • vim查看图片代码
  • vim之vim-adventures 综述


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