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#include // 引用图形库头文件




#define pi 3.1415926

int fgbs(int n1 ,int n2) {

int hcf, temp, lcm;

hcf = n1;

temp = n2;

while (hcf != temp)


if (hcf > temp)

hcf -= temp;


temp -= hcf;


lcm = (n1 * n2) / hcf;

return lcm;


inline void calcDrawingPoint(long & resX, long & resY, long cenX, long centY, float angleRotation, float angleRevolution,float radiusInner,float radiusDraw) {

long innerCenterX = sin(angleRevolution) * radiusInner;

long innerCenterY = cos(angleRevolution) * radiusInner;

long drawX = innerCenterX + sin(angleRotation) * radiusDraw;

long drawY = innerCenterY + cos(angleRotation) * radiusDraw;

resX = cenX + drawX;

resY = centY + drawY;


void initRand() {



void swapInteger(int * a, int * b) {

*a += *b;

*b = *a - *b;

*a = *a - *b;;


int getNextRandomInteger(int min, int max) {

if (min > max) {

swapInteger(&min, &max);


return (rand() % (max - min)) + min;


int drawSth() {

float radiusBig = 400;//外轮半径

initgraph(radiusBig * 2, radiusBig * 2, SHOWCONSOLE | NOMINIMIZE); // 创建绘图窗口,大小为 640x480 像素

for (int t = 0; t < 5; t++) {

//float radiusSmall = 105;//内轮半径

float radiusSmall = getNextRandomInteger(40, radiusBig - 20);

//float toSide = 20;//内轮画点边距

float toSide = getNextRandomInteger(3, radiusSmall - 20);

long radiusScale = 10;//角度放大倍数

long stepRadiusScaled = 1;//画图步长

//每圈自传角度 大元等于小圆时,无转动角度,两动抵消,余量为小圆转动圈数,乘以360即为角度(小圆为反向转动)

float innerSelfRadiusPerRound = 0.0 - ((radiusBig - radiusSmall) * 2 * pi / radiusSmall);


float innerPublicRadiusPerRound = 2 * pi;

float toCenter = radiusSmall - toSide;//内轮花点偏心距

//circle(200, 200, 100); // 画圆,圆心(200, 200),半径 100

//circle(radiusBig, radiusBig, radiusBig);

int cr = getNextRandomInteger(10, 255);

int cg = getNextRandomInteger(10, 255);

int cb = getNextRandomInteger(10, 255);

setlinecolor(RGB(cr, cg, cb));

//linerel(10, 10);

//lineto(20, 15);

//lineto(25, 30);


float outCx = radiusBig;

float outCy = radiusBig;


//float innerC0x = outCx - radiusBig + radiusSmall;

//float innerC0y = outCy;

float ric = 0;//内轮圆心位置角度

float rid = 0;//内轮画芯位置角度

int gbs = fgbs(radiusBig, radiusSmall);

int pass = gbs / radiusBig;//总共要绕外圈转多少圈

printf("%d\n", pass);

if (pass > 120) {//圈数过大,重来




//double passed = 0;

long roundStepNum = 360 * radiusScale; //每圆步数

long totalStepNum = roundStepNum * pass;

long currentStepIdx = 0; //当前步数游标

while (currentStepIdx < totalStepNum) {

long dx = 0;

long dy = 0;

ric = (currentStepIdx / (360.0 * radiusScale)) * innerPublicRadiusPerRound;

rid = (currentStepIdx / (360.0 * radiusScale)) * innerSelfRadiusPerRound;

calcDrawingPoint(dx, dy, outCx, outCy, rid, ric, radiusBig - radiusSmall, toCenter);

//printf_s("currentStepIdx:%ld,rid:%f,ric:%f,X:%ld,Y:%ld\n", currentStepIdx,rid,ric, dx, dy);

if (currentStepIdx) {//非第一个点

lineto(dx, dy);


else {


moveto(dx, dy);

lineto(dx, dy);


currentStepIdx += stepRadiusScaled;



_getch(); // 按任意键继续

closegraph(); // 关闭绘图窗口

return 0;


int main()




return 0;



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