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Organizing your iPhone or iPad Home screen can be an unpleasant experience. Even if you have a layout in mind, Apple’s rigid approach to icon placement can be imprecise and frustrating.

整理iPhone或iPad主屏幕可能会令人不快。 即使考虑到布局,Apple严格的图标放置方法也可能不精确且令人沮丧。

Fortunately, Apple’s iOS 14 update will make the Home screen much better later this year. In the meantime, though, here are some tips for organizing your apps and making the Home screen a more functional space.

幸运的是, Apple的iOS 14更新将在今年晚些时候使主屏幕更好。 但是,与此同时,这里有一些技巧来组织您的应用程序并使主屏幕更具功能性。

如何组织主屏幕 (How to Organize Your Home Screen)

To rearrange app icons on the Home screen, tap and hold one until all the icons start to jiggle. You can also tap and hold one, and then tap “Edit Home Screen” in the menu that appears.

要在主屏幕上重新排列应用程序图标,请点击并按住一个直到所有图标开始摆动。 您也可以点击并按住一个,然后在出现的菜单中点击“编辑主屏幕”。

Then, start dragging icons wherever you want them on the Home screen.


Dragging an app to the left or right edge will move it to the previous or next screen. Sometimes, this happens when you don’t want it to, though. Other times, you’ll need to hover for a second before your iPhone switches Home screens.

将应用程序拖动到左边缘或右边缘会将其移动到上一个或下一个屏幕。 有时候,这会在您不想要的时候发生。 其他时间,您需要将鼠标悬停一秒钟,然后iPhone才能切换到主屏幕。

You can create folders by dragging one app and holding it on top of another for a second. While the apps are jiggling, you can rename folders by tapping on them, and then tapping the text. You can also use emojis in folder labels if you want.

您可以通过拖动一个应用程序并将其放在另一个应用程序上一秒钟来创建文件夹。 当应用程序抖动时,您可以通过以下方式重命名文件夹:点击它们,然后点击文本。 如果需要,还可以在文件夹标签中使用表情符号。

Dragging icons around the screen one at a time can be time-consuming and frustrating. Fortunately, you can select multiple icons at once and deposit them all on a screen or in a folder. While the icons are jiggling, grab an app with one finger. Then (while still holding the app), tap a different one with another finger. You can stack multiple apps this way to really speed up the organization process.

一次在屏幕上拖动图标既耗时又令人沮丧。 幸运的是,您可以一次选择多个图标,然后将它们全部存储在屏幕或文件夹中。 图标摇晃时,用一根手指抓住一个应用程序。 然后(仍然按住该应用程序),用另一根手指点击另一个。 您可以通过这种方式堆叠多个应用程序,从而真正加快组织过程。

When you’re done organizing, swipe up from the bottom (iPhone X or later) or press the Home button (iPhone 8 orSE2) to make the apps stop jiggling. If at any stage you want to get back to Apple’s stock iOS organization, just go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Home Screen Layout.

完成整理后,请从底部向上滑动(iPhone X或更高版本)或按“主页”按钮(iPhone 8或SE2),以使应用停止抖动。 如果您想在任何时候回到Apple的股票iOS组织,只需转到“设置”>“常规”>“重置”>“重置主屏幕布局”。

将重要应用放在第一个主屏幕上 (Put Important Apps on the First Home Screen)

You don’t have to fill up an entire Home screen before moving to the next. This is another useful way to create divisions between certain types of apps. For example, you can put the apps you use most often in the Dock, and any remaining ones on your Home screen.

在进入下一个屏幕之前,您不必填满整个主屏幕。 这是在某些类型的应用程序之间进行划分的另一种有用方法。 例如,您可以将最常使用的应用程序放置在Dock中,并将其余的应用程序放置在主屏幕中。

Whenever you unlock your device, the Home screen is the first thing you see. You can make the most of this space by putting the apps you want to be able to access quickly on the first screen.

每当您解锁设备时,主屏幕都是您首先看到的内容。 您可以通过在第一个屏幕上放置想要快速访问的应用程序来充分利用此空间。

If you prefer a cleaner look, consider not filling up the screen entirely. Folders take time to open and scroll through, so it might be better to place those on the second Home screen.

如果您更喜欢干净的外观,请考虑不要将屏幕完全填满。 文件夹需要花费一些时间才能打开和滚动,因此最好将它们放在第二个主屏幕上。

您可以将文件夹放在扩展坞中 (You Can Put Folders in the Dock)

One way to make the Dock more useful is to put a folder in it. You can even fill the Dock with folders if you want, but that’s probably not the wisest use of space. Most people rely on the Dock unconsciously to access apps like Messages, Safari, or Mail. If you find this limiting, though, create a folder there.

使Dock更加有用的一种方法是在其中放置一个文件夹。 您甚至可以根据需要在文件夹中填充文件夹,但这可能不是最明智的空间使用方式。 大多数人不知不觉地依靠Dock来访问诸如消息,Safari或邮件之类的应用程序。 但是,如果发现此限制,请在此处创建一个文件夹。

You’ll now have access to these apps, regardless of which Home screen you’re perusing. Folders display nine apps at a time, so adding one can increase the Dock’s capacity from four apps to 12 with the only penalty being an additional tap.

现在,无论您使用哪个主屏幕,都可以访问这些应用程序。 文件夹一次显示9个应用程序,因此添加一个文件夹可以将Dock的容量从4个应用程序增加到12个,唯一的麻烦就是额外点击。

按应用程序类型组织文件夹 (Organize Folders by App Type)

The most obvious way to organize your apps is to divide them by purpose into folders. How many folders you’ll need depends on how many apps you have, what they do, and how often you access them.

组织应用程序最明显的方法是按用途将其分为文件夹。 您需要多少个文件夹取决于您拥有多少个应用程序,它们做什么以及您访问它们的频率。

Creating your own system of organization tailored to your workflow will work best. Look at your apps and figure out how you can group them in meaningful, practical ways.

创建针对您的工作流程量身定制的组织系统的效果最佳。 查看您的应用程序,并弄清楚如何以有意义,实用的方式对它们进行分组。

For example, you might have a healthy coloring habit and a few mindfulness apps. You could group them all together in a folder called “Health.” However, it would probably make more sense to create a separate “Coloring Books” folder so you don’t have to scroll through unrelated apps when you want to color.

例如,您可能有一个健康的着色习惯和一些正念应用程序。 您可以将它们全部分组到一个名为“健康”的文件夹中。 但是,创建一个单独的“ Coloring Books”文件夹可能更有意义,这样,当您要着色时就不必滚动不相关的应用程序。

Likewise, if you make music on your iPhone, you might want to separate your synthesizers from your drum machines. If your labels are too broad, it makes finding things difficult when you need them.

同样,如果您在iPhone上制作音乐 ,则可能需要将合成器与鼓机分开。 如果标签太宽,则在需要时很难找到东西。

The iOS 14 update, which is expected to be released in the fall of this year, will feature an “App Library” that automatically arranges your apps this way. Until then, organizing them is up to you.

iOS 14更新预计将在今年秋天发布,其中将包含一个“应用程序库”,可通过这种方式自动排列您的应用程序。 在此之前,组织它们取决于您。

根据操作组织文件夹 (Organize Folders Based on Actions)

You can further categorize apps based on the actions they help you perform. Some common folder labels under this system of organization might include “Chat,” “Search” or “Play.”

您可以根据应用程序可以帮助您执行的操作进一步对其进行分类。 在此组织系统下,一些常见的文件夹标签可能包括“聊天”,“搜索”或“播放”。

If you don’t find generic labels like “Photography” or “Work” very useful, give this a shot, instead. You can also use emojis to signify actions, as there’s one for just about everything now.

如果您觉得通用标签(例如“摄影”或“作品”)不是非常有用,请尝试一下。 您还可以使用表情符号来表示动作,因为现在几乎所有表情符号都有一个。

按字母顺序组织 (Organize Alphabetically)

Organizing your apps alphabetically is another option. You can do this very easily by resetting the Home screen—just go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Home Screen Layout. Stock apps will appear on the first Home screen, but everything else will be listed alphabetically. You can reset at any point to reorganize things.

另一种选择是按字母顺序组织应用程序。 您可以通过重置主屏幕非常轻松地执行此操作-只需转到“设置”>“常规”>“重置”>“重置主屏幕布局”。 股票应用程序将出现在第一个主屏幕上,但其他所有内容将按字母顺序列出。 您可以随时重置以重新组织事物。

As folders on iOS don’t have a hard limit on apps, you can also organize them alphabetically within folders. The same as with organizing your apps by type, though, it’s important not to create a barrier by putting hundreds of apps in one folder.

由于iOS上的文件夹对应用程序没有严格限制,因此您也可以按字母顺序在文件夹中组织它们。 但是,与按类型组织应用程序相同,重要的是不要通过将数百个应用程序放在一个文件夹中来创建障碍。

The best thing about this method is you don’t have to think about what an app does in order to find it. You’ll just know the Airbnb app is in the “A-C” folder, while Strava is down in the “M-S” folder.

这种方法最好的事情是,您不必为了找到应用而思考应用程序的功能。 您只知道Airbnb应用程序位于“ AC”文件夹中,而Strava处于“ MS”文件夹中。

按颜色组织应用程序图标 (Organize App Icons by Color)

You probably already associate your favorite apps with the color of their icons. When you’re looking for Evernote, you might be scanning for a white rectangle and a green blob. Apps like Strava and Twitter are easy to find because their strong, vibrant branding stands out, even on a cluttered Home screen.

您可能已经将自己喜欢的应用程序与其图标的颜色相关联。 当您寻找Evernote时,您可能正在扫描白色矩形和绿色斑点。 诸如Strava和Twitter之类的应用很容易找到,因为它们强大而充满活力的品牌脱颖而出,即使在混乱的主屏幕上也是如此。

Grouping apps by color isn’t for everyone. It’s mainly an option for apps you choose not to keep in folders. Plus, it will only work well for those you use most often.

按颜色对应用程序分组并不适合所有人。 对于您选择不保留在文件夹中的应用程序,这主要是一个选项。 另外,它仅对您最常使用的人有效。

One twist on this approach would be to do it by folder, using colored emojis to signify which apps belong in that folder. There are circles, squares, and hearts in various colors in the symbols section of the emoji-picker.

这种方法的一个转折点是按文件夹进行操作,使用彩色表情符号表示该文件夹中包含哪些应用。 表情符号选择器的符号部分中有各种颜色的圆圈,正方形和心形。

使用Spotlight代替应用程序图标 (Use Spotlight Instead of App Icons)

The best approach to app organization is to avoid it altogether. You can find any app quickly and efficiently simply by typing the first few letters of its name in the Spotlight search engine.

应用程序组织的最佳方法是完全避免这种情况。 您只需在Spotlight搜索引擎中键入应用名称的前几个字母,便可以快速高效地找到任何应​​用。

To do so, pull down the Home screen to reveal the search bar. Start typing, and then tap the app when it appears in the results below. You can even take it a step further and search for data inside apps, like Evernote notes or Google Drive documents.

为此,请拉下主屏幕以显示搜索栏。 开始输入,然后在以下结果中出现时轻按该应用程序。 您甚至可以更进一步,并在Evernote笔记或Google云端硬盘文档等应用内搜索数据。

This is by far the quickest way of interacting with apps outside of the Dock or primary Home screen. You can search for categories of apps (like “games”), settings panels, people, news stories, podcasts, music, Safari bookmarks or history, and so much more.

到目前为止,这是与Dock或主主屏幕之外的应用进行交互的最快方法。 您可以搜索应用程序的类别(例如“游戏”),设置面板,人物,新闻故事,播客,音乐,Safari书签或历史记录,等等。

You can even search the web, App Store, Maps, or Siri directly by typing your search, scrolling to the bottom of the list, and then choosing from the available options. For best results, you can also fully customize Spotlight search to only show you what you want.

您甚至可以通过键入搜索内容,滚动到列表底部,然后从可用选项中进行选择,直接搜索网络,App Store,地图或Siri。 为了获得最佳结果,您还可以完全自定义Spotlight搜索以仅显示所需内容。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/678058/6-tips-for-organizing-your-iphone-apps/



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