本文收藏我所了解的从 dotnet core 3 到 2020.11.10 发布的 dotnet 5 的 WPF 的变更



App resource threading issue by SamBent · Pull Request #3577 · dotnet/wpf

DataGrid.Copy: fail silently if clipboard is locked by SamBent · Pull Request #3576 · dotnet/wpf

FixedPage SOM bugs by SamBent · Pull Request #3575 · dotnet/wpf

ClearType anti-aliasing by SamBent · Pull Request #3570 · dotnet/wpf

Reentrancy when closing ToolTip by SamBent · Pull Request #3568 · dotnet/wpf

修复多线程下的 HostVisual 多 UI 渲染问题

HostVisual threading by SamBent · Pull Request #3567 · dotnet/wpf


Avoid reflow of shaped text by SamBent · Pull Request #3566 · dotnet/wpf

Avoid null item AutomationPeers by SamBent · Pull Request #3565 · dotnet/wpf

Vsp freeze by SamBent · Pull Request #3564 · dotnet/wpf

Ask-Mode: [release/5.0-rc2] Custom intermediate output paths shouldn't break markup compilation by ryalanms · Pull Request #3542 · dotnet/wpf

移除校验程序集 Dll 功能,可以提升一点性能,而且因为升级框架之后程序集 dll 文件有一些更改

Remove VerifyWpfDllSet by agocke · Pull Request #3329 · dotnet/wpf


Fix range of for statement by Lelary · Pull Request #3221 · dotnet/wpf

修复 WM Pointer 消息因为使用屏幕坐标带来的兼容性问题,这个提交是对触摸应用来说十分重要的更改。偷偷说一下,这是我参加怂恿的提交

Fix raw stylus data to support per-monitor DPI by rladuca · Pull Request #2891 · dotnet/wpf


Fix PenIMC Activation Context Handling by rladuca · Pull Request #2890 · dotnet/wpf


Ensure PimcContexts are eagerly release when no longer needed by rladuca · Pull Request #2851 · dotnet/wpf


Fix CGlyphRunResource::GetDWriteRenderingMode to choose correct DWriteRenderingMode under ClearType by rladuca · Pull Request #2668 · dotnet/wpf



Use faster char based overload of String.IndexOf by davidwrighton · Pull Request #3278 · dotnet/wpf


Move StackTrace to error branch by SamBent · Pull Request #3574 · dotnet/wpf


Add BindingFailed event for diagnostics of binding failures by spadapet · Pull Request #3505 · dotnet/wpf

更新过时的 API 调用以及修复判空

Temporarily suppress obsolete API errors to get WPF master building by ryalanms · Pull Request #3659 · dotnet/wpf

可能有坑的更改 https://github.com/dotnet/wpf/pull/3659/files#diff-2a913b21f14e90b5fcc2e41824a0f5df8dafdefb28f01104605bcdb62ceeb7b2R46


Replace null comparisons on non-nullable types that now cause compilation errors, due to the .NET SDK update. by ryalanms · Pull Request #3649 · dotnet/wpf


尽管官方说不会去做跨平台的时候,但是依然有一部分 MR 是用来适配在其他平台进行构建,但是当前依然无法在 Linux 平台完成整个 WPF 的构建

Fix the casing of 'Shared' in WpfSharedDir by FraGag · Pull Request #3594 · dotnet/wpf

Support PackageReferences in WPF projects by ryalanms · Pull Request #3585 · dotnet/wpf

Fix RuntimeFrameworkReferences for RTM builds by mmitche · Pull Request #3406 · dotnet/wpf

Add CPD strict dependencies for dotnet/installer by mmitche · Pull Request #3372 · dotnet/wpf

adding XamlRuntime msbuild property/metadata by stevenbrix · Pull Request #3332 · dotnet/wpf

Update guardian package by wtgodbe · Pull Request #3274 · dotnet/wpf

[master] Add internal feed build steps by mmitche · Pull Request #3267 · dotnet/wpf

Remove workarounds by wli3 · Pull Request #3248 · dotnet/wpf

Add SDL vars config file by mmitche · Pull Request #3234 · dotnet/wpf

Add the property for MicrosoftWindowsDesktopSdkImported by wli3 · Pull Request #3207 · dotnet/wpf

Recategorize dependencies by mmitche · Pull Request #3188 · dotnet/wpf

这个提交看起来是默认支持到 Win7 系统,默认通过 dotnet 构建的输出可执行版本是 Win7 系统支持版本

Setting default TargetPlatformVersion by sfoslund · Pull Request #3177 · dotnet/wpf

.NET Core WPF Build error on custom BaseIntermediateOutputPath #1718 by ryalanms · Pull Request #3120 · dotnet/wpf

Shuffle property location by wli3 · Pull Request #3111 · dotnet/wpf


Replace hardcoded backslashes with Path.DirectorySeparatorChar and fix WinFX casing (daviddenis-stx, Nirmal4G, PaulEremeeff) by ryalanms · Pull Request #3101 · dotnet/wpf

Fix RuntimeFrameworkVersion logic by vatsan-madhavan · Pull Request #2817 · dotnet/wpf


Make ArtifactsTmpDir platform-specific by vatsan-madhavan · Pull Request #2525 · dotnet/wpf

Remove usage of Microsoft.NETCore.App.Internal package. by jkoritzinsky · Pull Request #3791 · dotnet/wpf


Fixing Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2020-0605 : .NET Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability- Variant (.Net Core 3.1) by arpitmathur · Pull Request #3020 · dotnet/wpf

Fixing Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2020-0605 : .NET Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability- Variant (.Net 5.0) by arpitmathur · Pull Request #3019 · dotnet/wpf

Fixing Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2020-0605 : .NET Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (3.1 Fixed PR) by rladuca · Pull Request #2428 · dotnet/wpf

Fixing Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2020-0606 : .NET Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (3.0 Merge Fix) by rladuca · Pull Request #2429 · dotnet/wpf

Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2020-0606 : .NET Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (5.0 PR) by arpitmathur · Pull Request #2430 · dotnet/wpf


这是原本的 MIL 层的代码,以及触摸 PenIMC 底层代码

Open Sourcing WpfGfx and PenImc by vatsan-madhavan · Pull Request #2553 · dotnet/wpf

在这两个代码开放之后,我就水了 WPF 触摸底层 PenImc 是如何工作的 和 WPF 从最底层源代码了解 AllowsTransparency 性能差的原因




1228498 [ wpf ][ PoliCheck ] - Defect : Term "nuked" by ryalanms · Pull Request #3642 · dotnet/wpf

Update intellisense version by AdamYoblick · Pull Request #3640 · dotnet/wpf

update_intellisense_artifacts by AdamYoblick · Pull Request #3600 · dotnet/wpf

Remove or replace Policheck violations in code comments by ryalanms · Pull Request #3606 · dotnet/wpf

update intellisense artifacts by AdamYoblick · Pull Request #3581 · dotnet/wpf

Fix spelling errors in code comments by lindexi · Pull Request #2841 · dotnet/wpf

LOC CHECKIN dotnet/wpf 20200403 by v-chmart · Pull Request #2837 · dotnet/wpf


#include tuple to matrix_t.hpp by vatsan-madhavan · Pull Request #3056 · dotnet/wpf

Using constants for strings to keep the code consistent by lindexi · Pull Request #2907 · dotnet/wpf


尽管现在 WPF 所有权在 dotnet 基金会下

但是 WPF 还没全准备好接受来自社区的提交代码,只有在单元测试完成之后才敢接受。而 WPF 的单元测试部分是之前已经写好,但是没有开源。这部分单元测试的开源就是最近从 5 月开始做到现在的内容

当前进度会比原计划慢,客观原因相信大家也知道 However, the global COVID-19 pandemic has caused hiring to be slower than usual. 而在 dotnet 5 更新的时候构建部分还没完全跟上,因此暂时私有版本在 2020.11.12 还不能构建到 dotnet 5 版本



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