It is not always possible to prove some crimes. To achieve this, modern tools may be needed which must threaten the “self-esteem” of criminals. However, when we want to learn the license plate of a car, we can change this with techniques that have been renewed in many ways.

它并不总是可以证明一些罪行。 为此,可能需要现代工具,这些工具必须威胁罪犯的“自尊”。 但是,当我们想学习汽车的车牌时,可以使用已经以许多方式更新的技术来改变这种情况。

Nowadays, with the increase in the number of automobiles, it has become more difficult to control traffic rules and to apply criminal measures.



We are at a point where it is inevitable to create reasonable solution-oriented strategies. These will undoubtedly be important not only to ensure the road safety of vehicles and pedestrians but also to achieve a serious reduction in the number of traffic accidents. Maybe it’s time to better illuminate some points. After all you won’t solve the problem without clarifying.

我们正处于不可避免的时刻,以制定合理的面向解决方案的策略。 无疑,这不仅对确保车辆和行人的道路安全非常重要,而且对于严重减少交通事故的数量也将是重要的。 也许是时候更好地阐明一些要点了。 毕竟,如果不澄清,您将无法解决问题。

“The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance. Proceed, and light will dawn, and shine with increasing clearness on your path.” — Jim Rohn

“您遇到的困难将随着您的前进而解决。 继续前进,光便会拂晓,并在您的行进路上越来越清晰。” —吉姆·罗恩

License plate recognition systems first entered daily life in England in the 70s. However, in parallel with the development and widespread use of many more camera technologies (see: LPR Cameras), increasing the computing speed and developing more mobile tools has emerged as a need.

车牌识别系统于70年代首次进入英国的日常生活。 但是,在开发和广泛使用更多相机技术的同时(请参阅: LPR相机 ),已经出现了提高计算速度和开发更多移动工具的需求。

There are applications developed using Python and OpenCv. However, different systems can be preferred for different projects as an application area.

有使用Python和OpenCv开发的应用程序。 但是,对于不同的项目,最好将不同的系统用作应用程序区域。

什么是VNPR? (What is VNPR ?)

Vehicle License Plate Number Recognition is a real-time embedded system to automatically recognize license plate numbers.


什么是Raspberry Pi? (What is Raspberry Pi ?)

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来源: https : //

It is a credit card sized computer. It has been developed especially for young children to use and love coding, due to its affordable price. It is capable of performing most operations that desktop or laptop computers can do.

这是一台信用卡大小的计算机。 由于价格合理,它是专门为幼儿使用和喜欢编码而开发的。 它能够执行台式机或便携式计算机可以执行的大多数操作。

To discover more about the Raspberry Pi, you can log in here and start learning in your native language thanks to the multiple language support:

要了解有关Raspberry Pi的更多信息,您可以登录此处并开始使用您的母语学习,这要归功于多语言支持:

This system suggests implementing an automatic license plate number recognition system that uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to interpret information about the images of a vehicle license plate number with the Raspberry Pi processor. The captured image is processed and verified by the Raspberry Pi processor for authentication purposes. The system then divides the plate into sections and identifies each part of the part. The system removes the number plate using the open ALPR design.

该系统建议实施自动车牌号码识别系统,该系统使用光学字符识别(OCR)来通过Raspberry Pi处理器解释有关车牌号码图像的信息。 Raspberry Pi处理器对捕获的图像进行处理和验证,以进行身份​​验证。 然后,系统将板划分为多个部分,并标识零件的每个部分。 系统使用开放式ALPR设计移除车牌。

什么是ITS(智能运输系统)? (What is ITS (Intelligent Transportation System)?)

ITS was developed to implement information and communication technologies in the field of road transport, some of which include vehicle management, traffic management as well as interfacing with other systems of transportation.


和Python (And Python)

It is possible to find a useful repository for the plate recognition system from the GitHub repository:


You can download the file in the repository to your computer and perform your own vehicle plate recognition test. First of all, there are some pictures as can be seen in the existing file, but if you want to support the work with your own pictures, you can increase this number.

您可以将存储库中的文件下载到计算机并执行自己的车牌识别测试。 首先,在现有文件中可以看到一些图片,但是如果您想支持自己的图片,可以增加此数量。

Image for post

When you say run the whole file, you can read your license plate on the gray version of the pictures first, then the black version, similar to the following.


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So what should we do if we want to detect the license plate number of a car through a camera?


When you enter the following code in the selected part of the file and convert the image line to comment format with ‘#’


cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)           #VideoCaptureret, imgOriginalScene =

If you want the software to re-recognize the photos, you will need to do the reverse of the previous steps. You can have the following ‘open image’ line read the video capture code line and convert it to a comment line.

如果您希望软件重新识别照片,则需要执行与前面步骤相反的操作。 您可以让下面的“打开图像”行读取视频捕获代码行并将其转换为注释行。

#imgOriginalScene = cv2.imread(“6.png”) #open image

我还可以做些什么? (What else can i do?)


You can use CLONIX to perform functions such as forensic investigations, Lens distortion calibration and image adjustment.


安培五 (Amped FIVE)

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src: https : //

It is specifically designed for investigative, forensic, military and security applications. Its main purpose is to provide a complete solution for processing and reloading, clarifying and analyzing images and videos in a simple, fast and precise way.

它是专门为调查,法医,军事和安全应用而设计的。 其主要目的是提供一种用于以简单,快速和精确的方式处理和重新加载,澄清和分析图像和视频的完整解决方案。

Cognitech®视频调查器 (Cognitech® Video Investigator)

Video Investigator® 64 is designed to process video files and still images alike, including CCTV footage. There are a variety of methods that can be used in either scenario, which is what makes Video Investigator® 64 such a powerful video enhancement software package. No other software will offer the vast array of filters and features to enhance video and images like Video Investigator offers its users. You can join a tutorial like the one below.

VideoInvestigator®64设计用于处理视频文件和静止图像,包括CCTV素材。 在每种情况下都可以使用多种方法,这就是使VideoInvestigator®64成为强大的视频增强软件包的原因。 没有其他软件能够像Video Investigator向其用户那样提供广泛的过滤器和功能来增强视频和图像。 您可以加入下面的教程 。

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MotionDSP取证 (MotionDSP Forensic)

MotionDSP Forensics equips analysts with tools to enhance video from any source, including body cameras, security cameras, and cell phones. It allows you to quickly identify important details such as faces, license plates, and make and model of vehicles to generate forensically valid evidence.

MotionDSP Forensics为分析人员提供了增强来自任何来源的视频的工具,包括身体摄像机,安全摄像机和手机。 它使您能够快速识别重要的细节,例如面部,车牌,车辆的型号和型号,以生成具有法律效力的证据。

结论 (Conclusion)

There is now another way to cooperate to make work of the law enforcement easier. Although we are encompassed by more complex problems, intelligent systems to bring ideal solutions will lead to the formation of strong cooperation on security in the future.

现在,存在另一种合作方式,可以简化执法工作。 尽管我们面临着更复杂的问题,但是带来理想解决方案的智能系统将导致未来在安全性方面形成强有力的合作。



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  1. java毕设项目车牌号码识别系统开源了,很好玩,建议尝试

    1.介绍 这是一个基于spring boot + maven + opencv 实现的Demo教程项目贯穿样本处理.模型训练.图像处理.对象检测.对象识别等技术点,以学习交流为目的,代码注释超多,文档 ...

  2. python基础教程:python+OpenCV实现车牌号码识别

    这篇文章主要介绍了python+OpenCV实现车牌号码识别,文中示例代码介绍的非常详细,具有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下 基于python+OpenCV的车牌号码识别,供大家参考,具 ...

  3. 基于python+OpenCV的车牌号码识别

    基于python+OpenCV的车牌号码识别 车牌识别行业已具备一定的市场规模,在电子警察.公路卡口.停车场.商业管理.汽修服务等领域已取得了部分应用.一个典型的车辆牌照识别系统一般包括以下4个部分: ...

  4. 使用PYTHON图像识别实现车牌号码识别

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  5. 使用PYTHON图像识别实现车牌号码识别的程序

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  8. 《熟练掌握OpenCV----实用计算机视觉工程案例》第5章 车牌号码识别

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