T5是Chelsio的网络芯片,具体的硬件参数可以参考《Chelsio T5 HW Debug Guide V1.02.pdf》文档,如有需要请留言留下你的邮箱,我发给你。



  1. T5芯片firmware的烧录。
  2. T5芯片在Linux下的驱动调试。


CPU:Intel Xeon E5-2648L



系统:ubuntu 15.10 64 bit destop版本

一、T5 firmware的烧录


  1. 如果T5芯片是第一次烧录,即T5为空,则在烧录之前,硬件上需要把T5芯片的debug0_data0引脚下拉,烧录完成后,再复原。当正确烧录一次之后,再次烧录时,此引脚不用再下拉。
  2. 烧写所需要的所有文件,均为芯片供应商提供。t5seeprom为源码形式,如果提供的t5seeprom不能运行,则需要重新编译生成t5seeprom。


  1. 使用 lspci | grep -i chelsio查看chelsio的前缀,比如我的为03:00.0

root@jojo-desktop:/home/jojo# lspci | grep -i chelsio

03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Chelsio Communications Inc Device 50a9

03:00.1 Ethernet controller: Chelsio Communications Inc Device 50a9

03:00.2 Ethernet controller: Chelsio Communications Inc Device 50a9

03:00.3 Ethernet controller: Chelsio Communications Inc Device 50a9

03:00.4 Ethernet controller: Chelsio Communications Inc Device 54a9

03:00.5 SCSI storage controller: Chelsio Communications Inc Device 55a9

03:00.6 Fibre Channel: Chelsio Communications Inc Device 56a9


./t5seeprom -b 03:00.0 write -f:./ok/eeprom.bin -K NA:000743112200

root@jojo-desktop:/home/jojo/t5# ./t5seeprom -b 03:00.0 write -f:./ok/eeprom.bin -K NA:000743112200

Using Part number(from Board) :����������������

Using Serial number(from Board) :������������������������

Using MAC address(from Board) :������������

Read 0x8000 bytes from file ./ok/eeprom.bin

0xb30 bytes of 0x8000 written

0x1808 bytes of 0x8000 written

0x25c0 bytes of 0x8000 written

0x3294 bytes of 0x8000 written

0x3f68 bytes of 0x8000 written

0x4c40 bytes of 0x8000 written

0x5914 bytes of 0x8000 written

0x65ec bytes of 0x8000 written

0x72c0 bytes of 0x8000 written

0x7f94 bytes of 0x8000 written

Wrote those bytes to serial eeprom starting at 0x0


cxgbtool enp3s0f0 loadfw ./ok/t5fwbootstrap-

cxgbtool enp3s0f0 loadfw ./ok/t5fw-



1. 从chelsio官网下载驱动,网址为:https://service.chelsio.com/


2. 下载后,解压,make即可。顺利的话,会在build/src/network/cxgb4/下生成cxgb4.ko文件,insmod此ko文件。完成后可使用lsmod查看cxgb4是否存在。

3. 使用dmesg | grep cxgb4 查看驱动的log,确认Firmware version和Bootstrap version能正常打印出来,则表示驱动加载OK。

root@jojo-desktop:/home/jojo/t5# dmesg | grep cxgb4

[   12.650763] cxgb4: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel

[   14.282757] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: firmware on card ( is older than the version bundled with this driver, installing firmware on card.

[   39.856587] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: Coming up as MASTER: Initializing adapter

[   40.430381] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: Successfully configured using Firmware Configuration File "/lib/firmware/cxgb4/t5-config.txt", version 0x100002a, computed checksum 0x36228c7d

[   40.454405] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: max_ordird_qp 255 max_ird_adapter 4096

[   40.459109] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: Registering cxgb4 panic handler.., Buffer start address = ffff880c42c00000

[   40.469888] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: 128 MSI-X vectors allocated, nic 32 ofld 28 rdma cpl 2 rdma ciq 28 iscsi 12 iscsit 24

[   40.484350] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: PCIe link speed is 8.0GT/s, device supports 8.0GT/s

[   40.484353] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: PCIe link width is x8, device supports x8

[   40.486116] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: Chelsio T580-KR rev 1

[   40.486118] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: S/N: \xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff, P/N: \xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff\xffffffff

[   40.486120] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: Firmware version:

[   40.486121] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: Bootstrap version:

[   40.486122] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: TP Microcode version:

[   40.486123] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: No Expansion ROM loaded

[   40.486124] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: Serial Configuration version: 0x0

[   40.486125] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: VPD version: 0x0

[   40.486127] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4: Configuration: RNIC MSI-X, Offload capable

[   40.494763] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4 enp3s0f4d1: renamed from eth1

[   40.508616] cxgb4 0000:03:00.4 enp3s0f4: renamed from eth0

4. 使用ifconfig -a查看网卡是否被正常识别:

root@jojo-desktop:/home/jojo/t5#ifconfig -a

enp3s0f4  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 48:48:48:48:48:48


RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)


enp3s0f4d1 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 48:48:48:48:48:50


RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)





1、apt-get: Package has no installation candidate

解决方法:机器连网,apt-get update

如果还出现,有可能还需要 apt upgrade

2、编译t5seeprom时出现:pci/pci.h no such file or directory

解决方法:查看t5包里,包含的t5seeprom是否可用,如果可用,就不需要编译了,它只是烧录t5 firmware的工具,不是驱动。

3、cxgbtool 不可用


4、编译T5驱动时,提示缺少什么库就连网安装什么库,当安装不上时,apt-get update, apt upgrade。


#export KDIR = /lib/modules/xxxx/build

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