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本文由BeTheme赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Are you a freelancer? Then your pay often depends on finding clients who can provide you with a steady stream of work. The competition can be fierce, however. Moreover, clients can be picky about who they feel can be trusted to deliver a quality product.

您是自由职业者吗? 然后,您的薪水通常取决于寻找可以为您提供稳定工作流的客户。 但是,竞争可能很激烈。 此外,客户可能会挑剔他们认为可以信任的人来交付优质产品。

Worrying about how other designers get lucrative assignments is a waste of time. It’s what you are doing to capture some of those assignments that counts, and it’s not as difficult as you might think.

担心其他设计师如何获得丰厚的工作分配是浪费时间。 您正在做的就是捕获其中一些重要的任务,这并不像您想的那样困难。

These three strategies can help you. They can put you on the path to getting more clients who are eager to pay you handsomely for your work.

这三种策略可以为您提供帮助。 他们可以带您去吸引更多渴望为您的工作支付丰厚酬劳的客户。

1.建立或更新您自己的创意网站 (1. Build or Update Your Own Creative Website)

Freelance web designers need to have their own websites to publicize their skills. Being able to present clients with a gallery or portfolio of your work is key to getting more work. Yet having a portfolio, even an awesome one, isn’t necessarily enough.

自由网页设计师需要拥有自己的网站来宣传自己的技能。 能够为客户提供画廊或作品集是获得更多作品的关键。 但是拥有一个投资组合,即使是一个很棒的投资组合,也不一定足够。

You need to have your website’s visitors blown away by the user experience you’re able to provide. You want those prospective clients to see the features they would like to see in theirs. These include page load speed, SEO, navigation, and well-structured content.

您需要让您的网站访问者被您能够提供的用户体验所震撼。 您希望这些潜在客户看到他们希望在他们的产品中看到的功能。 其中包括页面加载速度,SEO,导航和结构良好的内容。

Now they know who can do it for them!


2.在更少的时间内获得更多客户 (2. Getting More Clients in Less Time)

The strategy? It’s easier than you think. A problem you may face is that a range of clients represents a wide variety of industry niches. These also come with a variation of website types added into the mix.

策略? 它比您想象的要容易。 您可能面临的问题是,许多客户代表着各种各样的行业利基市场。 这些网站还添加了多种网站类型。

In addition, these clients can have vastly different website requirements. It’s incumbent on you to be nimble enough to find an appropriate template or theme quickly. You should be able to deliver a product in hours, instead of days or weeks.

此外,这些客户对网站的要求可能大不相同。 您有足够的敏捷性来快速找到合适的模板或主题。 您应该能够在数小时内交付产品,而不是几天或几周。

Do that, and you’re already a step or two ahead of the competition. Do it consistently, and before you know it, the competition will be the least of your concerns.

这样做,您已经比竞争对手领先了一两个步骤。 始终如一地做到这一点,在您不知情的情况下,竞争将是您最不担心的事情。

Be Theme gives you the flexibility you need to completely satisfy any client’s needs, and do so quickly. Be Theme’s pre-built websites address every single industry sector and business niche. It’s not all that difficult to create a beautiful website for a client the same day you get the go-ahead.

Be Theme可为您提供所需的灵活性,以完全满足任何客户的需求,并Swift做到。 Be Theme的预建网站针对每个行业和业务细分市场。 在您获得批准的当天为客户创建一个漂亮的网站并不困难。

These pre-built website examples demonstrate why this is possible.


展示柜 (Showcase)

This is an excellent example for a creative client with a product or service to sell. You might even consider it as a starting point for your own creative website.

对于具有销售产品或服务的创意客户来说,这是一个很好的例子。 您甚至可以将其视为自己的创意网站的起点。

广告代理商 (AdAgency)

Here’s a perfect fit for an ad or marketing agency.


视频 (Video)

A creative layout for a video production agency.


模型 (Model)

A good choice for a modeling agency, a fashion designer, or even a photographer.


理发师 (Barber)

For beauty salons, barbers, and visual artists.


设计 (Design)

This will be a good fit for a web design agency. It will also serve bloggers well.

这将非常适合网页设计公司。 它还将很好地服务于博客作者。

None of the above examples would seem, at a glance, to have much in common — at least in terms of their layouts.


They do have several things in common, however.


They all feature interactive galleries and each pre-built website is completely customizable. In addition, the high-quality imagery is the norm and navigation is easy. Moreover, a significant amount of emphasis is placed on the client’s brand.

它们都具有交互式画廊,并且每个预制网站都是完全可定制的。 此外,高质量的图像是常态,导航也很容易。 此外,客户的品牌受到了极大的重视。

30多个一页网站 (30+ One-Page Websites)

One-pagers can be challenging since clients’ requirements tend to be unique. These are often a matter of personal taste. Be Themes’ large selection of one-page pre-built websites is perfect just for that. It gives you the material you need to please the most demanding clients.

由于客户的需求往往是唯一的,因此一页寻呼机可能会具有挑战性。 这些通常是个人喜好问题。 为此,Be Themes提供了大量的单页预建网站选择。 它为您提供了满足最苛刻客户需求所需的材料。

登陆页面 (Landing Page)

视差 (Parallax)

服务 (Service)

电子书 (Ebook)

These one-page pre-built websites are fully responsive. Also, they feature a clever use of white space and their content can be arranged in any way you or your client want.

这些一页的预建网站具有完全的响应能力。 而且,它们巧妙地利用了空白,并且可以按照您或客户想要的任何方式来排列它们的内容。

This is true for all 280+ pre-built websites in Be Theme’s collection.

对于Be Theme集合中的所有280多个预建网站都是如此。

9+网上商店的预建网站 (9+ Pre-built Websites for Online Shops)

Designed with eCommerce in mind, these pre-built websites integrate perfectly with Shopify.


鞋类 (Shoes)

商店 (Store)

店 (Shop)

化妆品 (Cosmetics)

Each of the 9+ pre-built websites feature customizable galleries. They have easy to use menus, and order forms that are no-brainers to fill out. In each case, the designs are structured to showcase a client’s products.

9个以上的预建网站均设有可定制的画廊。 他们具有易于使用的菜单,并且可以轻松地订购表格。 在每种情况下,设计的结构都旨在展示客户的产品。

特定位置的预制场地 (Pre-built Sites for Specific Niches)

You’ll also have your share of sites for specific niches to work with, including…


草药 (Herbal)

20+ pre-built websites for health & wellness.


体育俱乐部 (Sportsclub)

12+ for the growing fitness & nutrition industry.


俱乐部 (Club)

16+ for businesses and agencies promoting events & nightlife.


小酒馆 (Bistro)

9+ for restaurants, bars, bistros, cafes, and diners.


码 (Code)

10+ for the super-charged, fast-growing IT services and products sector.


会计 (Accountant)

And 7+ to make finance- and bookkeeping-oriented businesses sound more exciting.


Plus many more industries and niches, if you care to browse through the entire selection!


3.让您的竞争对手继续浪费宝贵的时间 (3. Let Your Competitors Continue to Waste Precious Time)

It’s what you’ve stopped doing, and what much of the competition will continue to do. It also will put you ahead of the pack with respect to finding new clients.

这是您已经停止做的事情,并且大部分竞争将继续进行。 在寻找新客户方面,它还将使您脱颖而出。

You don’t ever want to make a client wait. When you do, the message you’re sending is that your client isn’t that important. He/she thinks that they are relatively low on your list of priorities.

您永远都不想让客户等待。 当您这样做时,您要发送的消息是您的客户不是那么重要。 他/她认为它们在您的优先级列表中相对较低。

You want to strive to send exactly the opposite message. One that says you care about your client enough to make him or her your #1 priority. With some assistance from Be Theme, you’ll have no problem reducing the hours of search time to a few minutes. You will be able to amaze your clients with same-day turnaround!

您想努力发送完全相反的消息。 有人说您很在意您的客户,使他或她成为您的第一要务。 在Be Theme的帮助下,您可以毫无疑问地将搜索时间减少到几分钟。 您将能够通过当天的周转使客户惊叹!

结论 (Conclusion)

Moving ahead of the competition is a three-step process. The order isn’t critical, so long as you start today, and complete each step as quickly as possible.

领先于竞争对手是一个分为三个步骤的过程。 顺序并不重要,只要您从今天开始,并尽快完成每个步骤即可。

Build your own creative website to showcase your skills, and continue to improve on it!


Add each successful job to your portfolio. In time, you’ll see an uptick in the number of clients seeking your services. Some of your best customers are repeat customers and referred customers.

将每个成功的工作添加到您的投资组合中。 随着时间的流逝,您会发现寻求服务的客户数量呈上升趋势。 您最好的一些客户是回头客和推荐客户。

Never let a client wait! You can rely on Be Theme’s 280+ themes to help you deliver high-quality products in record time.

永远不要让客户等待! 您可以依靠Be Theme的280多个主题来帮助您在创纪录的时间内交付高质量的产品。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/leave-your-competitors-in-the-dust-with-280-pre-built-websites/



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