
I usually steer away from controversy on this blog.  I said nothing during "Rory-Gate" that Ted and Roy started even though I had an opinion.  Now, to be clear, Roy and I are blog-friends, we've chatted, emailed, we are cordial.  Regulator kicks the llama's ass - Roy's a fine fellow.

我通常会避免在此博客上引起争议。 尽管我有意见,但在“ Rory-Gate ”期间,Ted和Roy都没有发表任何讲话。 现在,要明确地说,罗伊和我是博客朋友,我们聊天,通过电子邮件发送邮件,我们很亲切。 监管者踢骆驼的屁股-罗伊是个好人。

That said, Roy, are you trying to be a commentator, or are you just trying to stir crap up?  Seriously, relax.

就是说,罗伊(Roy),您是要成为评论员,还是只是在胡闹? 认真放松

Roy commented on my Apprentice.NET post and thought that winning the tickets to the Influencer's Dinner was cheesy and represented some kind of larger disintegration of the social fabric of the blogosphere, or possible space-time.  Note, the emphasis is mine.

罗伊(Roy)在我的Apprentice.NET帖子上发表评论,并认为赢得有影响力者晚宴的门票很俗气,代表着博客圈社交结构或可能的时空的某种更大的瓦解。 注意,重点是我的。

Sure, I know some of this is tongue in cheek sorta thing, but still. When did Bloggers become rock stars to win dinners with? ".Net Influencers"? hmm... I know these are all great people but C'mon! just wear the "I'm a Legend, worship me." T-shirt and be done with it already.

当然,我知道其中有些是在脸颊上说些舌头,但还是。 Blogger何时成为与之共进晚餐的摇滚明星? “ .Net影响者”? 嗯...我知道这些都是很棒的人,但是来吧! 只需佩戴“我是传奇,敬拜我”即可。 T恤并已完成。

Do we really want to cultivate the cult of the worshiping masses? In the last year I've seen Bloggers become celebrities, celebrities become legends, and I've seen legends become myths. We need to remember (and especially those who are at the helm) who we are and what we are here to do. We should not get all full of ourselves creating contests for people to meet us. We should just meet them. We should not be handing out autographs, but software, tips, tricks and code. Oh and gadgets. I have to say that yes, I'd love to meet with each and every one of the “cool bunch” but I would feel really awkward trying to win their grace through a contest. What's next? A Don Box coffee mug? wasn't the “software legends” thing enough? Isn't this all getting a little out of proportion? [RoyO]

我们真的要培养崇拜群众的邪教吗? 在过去的一年中,我看到Blogger成为名人,名人成为传奇,而且我看到传奇成为神话。 我们需要记住(尤其是掌舵的人)我们的身份以及我们在这里要做的事情。 我们不应该全力以赴为人们举办比赛来与我们见面。 我们应该见他们。 我们不应该分发签名,而是软件,技巧,窍门和代码。 哦,小工具。 我不得不说是的,我很乐意与每一位“酷派”见面,但是我想通过比赛赢得他们的恩典真的很尴尬。 下一步是什么? Don Box咖啡杯吗? “软件传奇”还不够吗? 这难道不是有点不合时宜吗? [ RoyO ]

A Don Box coffee mug?  Hell, I've got his rookie card!  (By the way, buy a ComputerZen.com coffee mug!)

Don Box咖啡杯吗? 地狱,我有他的菜鸟卡! (顺便说一句,购买ComputerZen.com咖啡杯!)

This isn't a bloggers dinner.  There'll be Program Managers there, people who write specs, people in charge of .NET namespaces, people who influence the direction of the .NET Framework.  YES there will be some MVPs there, and YES there will be some RDs there.  Microsoft decides who is an influencer.

这不是博客晚餐。 那里将有程序管理器,编写规范的人员,负责.NET名称空间的人员,影响.NET Framework方向的人员。 是的,那里会有一些MVP,是的,那里会有一些RD。 Microsoft决定谁是有影响力的人。

Dude, I was very happy to meet Don Box, and I'd be even happier to meet Tim Berners-Lee.  However, I didn't say myth, legend, king or queen, celebrity or worship me.  I specifically said "Illuminati" with the definition being "#5: " with the operative word here being profess.

杜德(Dude),我很高兴认识唐·唐(Don Box),甚至更高兴见到蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)。 但是,我没有说神话,传说,国王或王后,名人或崇拜我。 我专门说了“光明会”,其定义为“ #5: ”,此处的可操作词是自称

It's just a velvet rope, and if you don't want to party in the champagne room, don't go to the club.  The dinner existed (I didn't invent the dinner) before my little promotion and dinners like it will exist after. This is all in fun, there's no intentional elitism.

这只是一条天鹅绒的绳子,如果您不想在香槟室聚会,就不要去俱乐部。 晚餐在我的小小的促销之前就已经存在(我没有发明晚餐),晚饭之后便像这样。 这很有趣,没有故意的精英主义。

If you don't want to meet Donald Trump, then don't try out for the Apprentice.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/looking-for-things-to-complain-about



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