
What makes a good leader?

In my view, a good leader is supposed to have sharp insight(敏锐的洞察力), strategy of managing, good communication skill, right decision-making ability, a sense of responsibility for work, Good moral(道德) quality, strategic vision(战略眼光), broad mind(宽广的胸怀), etc.

Do you think woman is a good leader?

Yes. Compared with male managers, female managers have a natural affinity. In the management work, they pay more attention to the feelings of employees. Female managers have stronger communication skills. They can clearly express their wishes and work goals, and have good communication with subordinates.

Are you a good leader?

I don't know if I have leadership talent, but in most situations, it seems to evolve(逐渐形成) that I am the one who is looked to take charge(负责), and I felt comfortable in that role.

Do you know any great leaders?

Chairman Mao, a Political leader, He won the war and let the people get free. He made China more powerful. His thoughts influenced China and influenced the world. Through the war of anti-American aggression(侵略) and aid(援助)Korea and the explosion of the atomic bomb, he changed the world pattern completely.

2.Unemplayment & Job hunting

Do you think you are easy to find a job?

In my opinion, it is not difficult for me to find a job that can support my life, because I have mastered some professional skills when I graduated from college, but it is still a great challenge for me if I want to find a better job.

Where do you look for the job? on the Internet?

When you graduate, how do you find the job?

I usually look for jobs through some recruitment websites and campus job fairs(招聘会).

What job did you want to have as a child?

When I was young, I wanted to be the owner of a small shop, so that I could have a lot of snacks. But now I want to be a big data analysis engineer or data mining engineer after I graduate.

Nowadays, why do more people change their jobs frequently? Your suggestions?

The job hopping(跳槽) frenzy(跳槽热) can be attributed mainly to the remarkable social changes taking place nowadays. Neither employers nor employees directly link long service to loyalty now. It should be noticed that sometimes employees choose to leave because they find that the job or the workplaces are far from what they have expected. The working hours are not as promised, training or promotions(升职) don’t come through.

Unemplayment Why?

First, the supply of labor exceeds the demand.

Second, many unemployed people have only a single skill. When job demands change, they don't know how to respond.

Third, the social security system is imperfect.


Unemplayment How to deduce?

Provide more employment opportunities and increase employment rate.

Improve the quality of workers and strengthen employment training.



3.Plagiarism(剽窃) [ˈpleɪdʒərɪzəm] copy or cheat in the exam

Generally speaking, plagiarism is that you used other person’s specific ideas or expressions in your article but did not show your reader their sources.

What are the ways of plagiarism?

Cheat or copy others in an exam.

Academic plagiarism.

1.just copying

Copying from the published works of writers or the essays of other students without any acknowledgement.

2.being similar

Changing a few words or the sentence structure while maintaining the original words.

3.forging(打造) a new article

Cutting and pasting to create a paper from several sources.

Buying a paper from a commercial paper mill.

What is the harm of plagiarism?

In the first place, the rights of the original copyright holders are cruelly violated(侵犯).

In the second place, people will lose the impulse to create if there is plagiarism here and there.

Last but not least, plagiarism will lead to the degradation of the whole academic circle, which includes not only the publications, but also people’s minds.




How to reduce/ prevent plagiarism?

On the one hand, the government should punish the plagiarizers severely lest they harm the authors again.

On the other hand, common citizens should report such harmful phenomena as soon as possible.



Why students plagiarise?

1.not being aware of it

Many students only know what plagiarism is, but don’t consider it wrong.


There is enough information for us to plagiarize. And plagiarism save time and energy.

3.fear of a bad grade

Fear of a bad grade and inability to perform cause some students to plagiarism.

4.lack of new idea

Have you cheat before?

Never. I think it is a dishonest and immoral behavior, so I won't do it.

What punishment? / sanction(制裁,处罚) to plagiarism

If you are caught cheating in the exam by the teacher, the exam paper will be given a zero score. If you cheat or plagiarize in academic paper, you will be regarded as academic misconduct and will not get a diploma or degree.

the students who are used to plagiarism will end up hurting themselves. If the students’ such behavior is found by others, they will get bad record in their files, which means they will have problem on trust issues, it is hard for them to find a job.


Is it a common way to cheat?

No. I think plagiarism is a shameful behavior in the eyes of most people. Plagiarism is not common.

The ways of avoiding plagiarism

Firstly, we need to know what is credit.

Secondly, you should be strict with yourself.

Thirdly, you can do some certain practices that can help you to avoid plagiarism.

4.Roles of men and women

Do you think that women work hard as men?

Yes. Although the status of women is much higher than before, there are still many inequalities in society. If a woman wants to reach the same position as a man, she has to work harder than that man.

Have the women changed the role in China?

Yes. Today the role of women in China has changed a lot. In ancient China, women were considered inferior to men and polygamy existed. But nowadays, there’s one saying that the women are the half of the sky. That is mean that, they’re as equally as important as men. Since more women began to work, thousands of them have achieve great achievement as farmers, workers, scientists and leaders. Therefore, their social position has greatly improved. Women have become more equal to men. Besides the same opportunity of appointment, for example, they also have the rights to vote and the right to get equal pay for equal work. Nowadays, not only the position has been improved, but also, the lives of them have been improved so much as well. They are allowed to receive high education as they desire.

Are attitudes towards gender differences changing in today’s society?

In the new historical period, the social status and role of women have been greatly improved. Women have made great contributions in all fields, such as politics, economy, culture and science and technology. Because of the influence of traditional ideas, it is still not easy for women to get recognized status.

Is gender discrimination (qi shi) a problem nowadays?

Are men or women treated equally in society?

Gender discrimination is a common problem in today's society. In the countryside, people think that only boys can carry on the family line, girls are going to lose a lot of money. In cities, gender discrimination is not so serious, and people have higher cultural qualities. But in terms of employment, gender discrimination is still very serious.

Who do you think has the easier life? men or women?

Men. Because if a woman wants to survive in this competitive society, she must work several times harder than a man and bear the pressure from the family society. A woman struggles at work every day just like a man, but when she gets home, she has to do more housework than men. So I think man has the easier life.

What professions are more popular with men/women?

Women tend to dominate in the employment-services sector, which includes staffing services and recruitment positions as well as human-resources professionals. Generally speaking, women are better at listening to and empathizing with others, both skills are a huge part of this industry. 女性往往在就业服务部门占主导地位,这包括人力资源服务和招聘职位以及内部人力资源专业人士

Men tend to be doctors, police officers, lawyers, engineers, programmers, etc..

5.Social pressure(your friends/family/society pressure)

What’s social pressure?

Social pressure includes changes in personal life and important events in social life. Important events in social life include disasters, environmental pollution, political unrest, economic recession, overcrowding, war trauma, and so on.

What caused social pressure? Boss, family, friends give your pressure

Employment pressure. School pressure. Working pressure. Life stress. Psychosocial stress.

The first one causing pressure is the peer pressure, which may from our studies, our work, our emotion world and so on. All of all, these things can make us become aware of the difference between ourselves and others.

Secondly, parental pressure is also an important element. Parents usually have a high expectation to their children, but the young people cannot live up to their expectation easily.

Finally, it’s social pressure. Society is a complex world, which includes a lot of pressure, such as the housing pressure, social pressure, competitive pressure, etc.

Social pressure is good or bad?

Moderate pressure can help improve working efficiency. Too much pressure will affect health, bring great negative effects to society, even induce mental illness. People need proper adjustment, and reasonable decompression and release. Exercise is a good way.

6.Knowledge VS experience. Which is better for a student to have upon


I think knowledge learning is more important. Knowledge is the carrier of experience.

I think that professional knowledge can help us to familiarise ourselves with the work process to accumulate experience, and experience can help us to make better use of professional knowledge.

Many people lose their job because of their low education. So I think the chief consideration is education.

For our college students, it is more important to accumulate knowledge. First, students' bounden duty is to learn knowledge and accumulate knowledge, including the accumulation of all kinds of abilities. We should use knowledge to create the cornerstone for ourselves to move towards the society. Use it to hold up a world that belongs to us.


Which Mother’s Day invention do you think useful/dangerous?

Card. Lily. carnations康乃馨

What is the greatest invention?

Cars and planes. Because of the cars and planes, we can go many places where we want to go. 

Phone and computer. In the past, we got in touch with others by writing letters. Nowadays we can use mobile phone or computer sending E-mail and online QQ to keep in touch with people all over the word.

Mobile communication system 2G-3G-4G-5G. The speed of Internet access is getting faster and faster. The Internet makes our life more convenient. At home, we can know what's happening in the world. We can go shopping at home. We have adapted to the fast pace of life. Don't limit our imagination, everything will be done. Anything is possible.

Controversial inventions (有争议的发明)

The cloning technology. With the birth of Dolly, the controversy over cloning has never stopped. On the one hand, if we can use cloning technology to produce human organs, which can replace our damaged organs, our doctors would save more patients. But on the other hand, the ethical problems caused by individual cloning are a shock to the current civilization.

8.College life

What do you want to do in the rest of college life?

I want to do well in academic research, publish a small paper and complete my dissertation in the following postgraduate study life. Then, I want to find an internship in an enterprise to improve my practical skills and accumulate work experience. ( 积累工作经验)

What’s the difference of college life comparing with western students?

Chinese students are too busy, they always seem to be either in class, studying or participating in extracurricular activities(课外活动) and have little time to do other things. Instead of bars and fraternities(联谊会), clubs, student organizations and national competitions are popular with students. (western: Make friends widely)

In China, students often have to consider the happiness of their families, while in America, students can usually focus on themselves.


Do you think city is better than countryside? why?

Yes. Cities will have more job opportunities, which is better for personal development. Besides, the infrastructure of the city is relatively perfect. In the city, education, medical treatment and traffic are much better than those in the countryside.

Why move to city?

Many people want to move from the country to the city because they think life in the city is more exciting and better than that in rural (农村的) areas, especially young people who like new and modern things.

They think that there are many opportunities for employment, and there are many opportunities for development (including internal and external), and the social security system is relatively sound(社会保障体系健全) in city.

How to encourage people to move from city to countryside?

It can be called upon by the government to encourage people to develop in the countryside. The state can greatly increase the income of rural residents, establish perfect rural traffic facilities and increase policy and economic support. For example, the state can give financial aid to those who go to rural areas to start businesses.

10.Uses for the internet in academia

How do you use internet? How do you use internet to study?

I usually use the Internet to consult literature, collect information and take online courses. Through the Internet, I can learn much knowledge on different subjects, and get information as soon as possible.

What websites do you usually visit?

I usually search research paper or thesis from: CNKI(China National Knowledge Infrastructure),Wan fang data, Google scholar.


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