All of a sudden, I find that I was so indulge in net that I have wasted so much time.
  So all of a sudden, I wanna quit net.
  But all of a sudden, I think net has let me know more, so I go on line again.
  What a contradiction!
  All of a sudden, an idea occurred to me, ”oh , my goodness, I shall have a change. I shall have my long hair cut. I have been bored with it!”
  All of a sudden, I have another idea,” no I am not willing to do that.”
  I looked into the mirror, my mind going blank.
  All of a sudden, I wanna jog in such a heavy rain. No matter it rains cats and dogs, I wanna.
  So I rushed into the rain. The naughty drop of rain kissed my hair, my face, my arm…..
  It touched my skin and then it turned into a glistening pearl. Wow , how nice it was!
  But all of a sudden , I felt that I was poured all over. Oh , no, it was too cold. So I give up.
  I was a coward!
  All of a sudden, I turned on my stereo, picked up the micro, singing songs. I felt that I was just like a famous singer standing on my stage in front of my audience. Wow, what a magic feeling!
  All of a sudden, I found that I was alone. So tedious! So I stopped to look out of the window.
  It was dark outside. And the sky was still crying. What made her so sad? I went into deep thought.
  Suddenly, I heard a voice, “ nice girl, don’t worry! I am just giving the earth a bath! Just take a deep breath? Don’t you think it smells better?” I nodded just like an innocent girl.
  All of a sudden, I hold my bear tightly. Why? Actually for nothing. I just wanna give him a hug.
  All of a sudden, I patted on my singing duck. “London bridge is falling down , falling down, falling down…” Wow, what a nice song! What a nice voice! I smiled!
  All of a sudden, I picked up the phone, dialed the number, “I just call to say I miss you!” I thought to myself.
  But all of a sudden, I put back the receiver very quickly.
  All of a sudden I will do a lot of silly but interesting and memorable things.
  I like “ all of a sudden”!



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