

ACPI(advanced configuration and power interface)规范定义了标准的工业接口,使OS直接主导主板设备的配置和主板设备及整个系统的电源管理;原Advanced Power Management模型(APM)将电源管理几乎完全分配给BIOS控制,限制了操作系统在控制电能消耗方面的功能。

The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) specification was  developed to establish industry common interfaces enabling robust operating system (OS)-directed motherboard device configuration and power management of both devices and entire systems. ACPI is the key element in Operating System-directed configuration and Power Management (OSPM).



This specification defines ACPI hardware interfaces, ACPI software interfaces and ACPI data structures. This specification also defines the semantics of these interfaces.ACPI is not a software specification; it is not a hardware specification, although it addresses bothsoftware and hardware and how they must behave. ACPI is, instead, an interface specificationcomprised of both software  and hardware elements.


Figure   1-1 lays out the software and hardware components relevant to OSPM/ACPI and how they relate to each other(ACPI系统的软硬件组件及他们间的关系). This  specification describes the interfaces betweencomponents, the contents of the ACPI System Description Tables, and the related semantics of the other ACPI components. Notice that the ACPI System Description Tables,  which describe a particular platform’s hardware, are at heart of the ACPI implementation(ACPI应用的核心是ACPI系统描述表) and the role of the ACPI System Firmware is primarily to supply the ACPI Tables (rather  than a native instruction API).


The functional areas covered by the ACPI specification are:

系统电源管理(System power management)
设备电源管理(Device power management)
处理器电源管理(Processor power management)
设备和处理器性能管理(Device and processor performance management)
配置/即插即用(Configuration/Plug and Play)
系统事件(System Event)
电池管理(Battery management)
温度管理(Thermal management)
嵌入式控制器(Embedded Controller)
SMBus控制器(SMBus Controller)

既然上面提到“ACPI System Description Tables,  which describe a particular platform’s hardware,are at heart of the ACPI implementation”系统描述表是ACPI规范应用的核心,那下一章将重点介绍系统描述表的概念。


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  2. ACPI Specification 第三章 ACPI概念

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  3. ACPI的介绍和概念

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  4. ACPI知识学习笔记

    ACPI table之FACP(Fixed ACPI Description Table). 在代码里面:Resources\AcpiTables\Fadt\Fadt3.0.act 定义了EFI_AC ...

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  7. linux 禁用cpu的acpi,Linux中的ACPI和APIC

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