

签名文件 META-INF/*.SF:这是一个文本文件,包含原Jar包内的class文件和资源文件的Hash

签名block文件 META-INF/*.DSA:这是一个数据文件,包含签名者的 certificate 和数字签名。其中 certificate 包含了签名者的有关信息和 public key;数字签名是对 *.SF 文件内的 Hash 值使用 private key 加密得来使用 keytool 和 jarsigner 工具进行 Jar 包签名和验证

1、使用 keytool 和 jarsigner 工具进行 Jar 包签名和验证

JDK 提供了 keytool 和 jarsigner 两个工具用来进行 Jar 包签名和验证。

keytool 用来生成和管理 keystore。keystore 是一个数据文件,存储了 key pair 有关的2种数据:private key 和 certificate,而 certificate 包含了 public key。整个 keystore 用一个密码进行保护,keystore 里面的每一对 key pair 单独用一个密码进行保护。每对 key pair 用一个 alias 进行指定,alias 不区分大小写。

keytool 支持的算法是:

如果公钥算法为 DSA,则摘要算法使用 SHA-1。这是默认的

如果公钥算法为 RSA,则摘要算法采用 MD5

jarsigner 读取 keystore,为 Jar 包进行数字签名。jarsigner 也可以对签名的 Jar 包进行验证。

下面使用 keytool 和 jarsigner 对它进行签名和验证

第1步:用 keytool 生成 keystore

打开CMD窗口,键入如下命令生成keystore文件,其中jamesKeyStore 为公钥秘钥数据文件,james 是alias 的 key pair,keypass 的值123456是秘钥指令,storepass 的值123456是秘钥库指令

keytool -genkey -alias james -keypass 123456  -validity 3650 -keystore jamesKeyStore -storepass 123456


第2步:用 jarsigner 对 Jar 包进行签名


jarsigner -verify cd-vsb-protect-control-1.0-1.jar



JDK加载包文件提供了两个类JarFile和JarInputStream,两个类由如下构造方法,参数 boolean verify的作用是限制是否要生成JarVerifier对象,JarVerifier类的功能是提供验证JAR包签名的方法。

/*** Creates a new JarFile to read from the specified

* File object.

*@paramfile the jar file to be opened for reading

*@paramverify whether or not to verify the jar file if

* it is signed.

*@throwsIOException if an I/O error has occurred

*@throwsSecurityException if access to the file is denied

* by the SecurityManager.*/

public JarFile(File file, boolean verify) throwsIOException {this(file, verify, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);

}/*** Creates a new JarFile to read from the specified

* File object in the specified mode. The mode argument

* must be either OPEN_READ or OPEN_READ | OPEN_DELETE.


*@paramfile the jar file to be opened for reading

*@paramverify whether or not to verify the jar file if

* it is signed.

*@parammode the mode in which the file is to be opened

*@throwsIOException if an I/O error has occurred


* if the mode argument is invalid

*@throwsSecurityException if access to the file is denied

* by the SecurityManager


public JarFile(File file, boolean verify, int mode) throwsIOException {super(file, mode);this.verify =verify;


/*** Creates a new JarInputStream and reads the optional

* manifest. If a manifest is present and verify is true, also attempts

* to verify the signatures if the JarInputStream is signed.


*@paramin the actual input stream

*@paramverify whether or not to verify the JarInputStream if

* it is signed.

*@exceptionIOException if an I/O error has occurred*/

public JarInputStream(InputStream in, boolean verify) throwsIOException {super(in);this.doVerify =verify;//This implementation assumes the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entry//should be either the first or the second entry (when preceded//by the dir META-INF/). It skips the META-INF/ and then//"consumes" the MANIFEST.MF to initialize the Manifest object.

JarEntry e = (JarEntry)super.getNextEntry();if (e != null && e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("META-INF/"))

e= (JarEntry)super.getNextEntry();


}privateJarEntry checkManifest(JarEntry e)throwsIOException

{if (e != null &&JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getName())) {

man= newManifest();byte bytes[] = getBytes(new BufferedInputStream(this));


closeEntry();if(doVerify) {

jv= newJarVerifier(bytes);

mev= newManifestEntryVerifier(man);

}return (JarEntry)super.getNextEntry();



如下代码所示在JarInputStream类对象调用getNextEntry方法获取JarEntry对象时,如果jv对象不为空时,要调用JarVerifier类的beginEntry方法,而此方法最总调用了ManifestEntryVerifier类的mev.setEntry(null, je)方法,


public ZipEntry getNextEntry() throwsIOException {

JarEntry e;if (first == null) {

e= (JarEntry)super.getNextEntry();if(tryManifest) {


tryManifest= false;




tryManifest= true;

first= null;

}if (jv != null && e != null) {//At this point, we might have parsed all the meta-inf//entries and have nothing to verify. If we have//nothing to verify, get rid of the JarVerifier object.

if (jv.nothingToVerify() == true) {

jv= null;

mev= null;


jv.beginEntry(e, mev);




/*** This method scans to see which entry we're parsing and

* keeps various state information depending on what type of

* file is being parsed.*/

public voidbeginEntry(JarEntry je, ManifestEntryVerifier mev)throwsIOException

{if (je == null)return;if (debug != null) {

debug.println("beginEntry "+je.getName());


String name=je.getName();/** Assumptions:

* 1. The manifest should be the first entry in the META-INF directory.

* 2. The .SF/.DSA/.EC files follow the manifest, before any normal entries

* 3. Any of the following will throw a SecurityException:

* a. digest mismatch between a manifest section and

* the SF section.

* b. digest mismatch between the actual jar entry and the manifest*/

if(parsingMeta) {

String uname=name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);if ((uname.startsWith("META-INF/") ||uname.startsWith("/META-INF/"))) {if(je.isDirectory()) {

mev.setEntry(null, je);return;

}if (uname.equals(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME) ||uname.equals(JarIndex.INDEX_NAME)) {return;

}if(SignatureFileVerifier.isBlockOrSF(uname)) {/*We parse only DSA, RSA or EC PKCS7 blocks.*/parsingBlockOrSF= true;


mev.setEntry(null, je);return;

}//If a META-INF entry is not MF or block or SF, they should//be normal entries. According to 2 above, no more block or//SF will appear. Let's doneWithMeta.


}if(parsingMeta) {


}if(je.isDirectory()) {

mev.setEntry(null, je);return;

}//be liberal in what you accept. If the name starts with ./, remove//it as we internally canonicalize it with out the ./.

if (name.startsWith("./"))

name= name.substring(2);//be liberal in what you accept. If the name starts with /, remove//it as we internally canonicalize it with out the /.

if (name.startsWith("/"))

name= name.substring(1);//only set the jev object for entries that have a signature//(either verified or not)

if (!name.equals(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME)) {if (sigFileSigners.get(name) != null ||verifiedSigners.get(name)!= null) {

mev.setEntry(name, je);return;


}//don't compute the digest for this entry

mev.setEntry(null, je);return;



看了上面JDK提供的JAR相关的工具类,我们可以使用JarInputStream类的逻辑来验证,思想是通过空读取JarEntry对象验证包文件中的每个文件数字签名是否被篡改,在获取JarInputStream类对象时设置verify参数值为true,当声明需要做签名验证时在使用jarIn.getNextJarEntry()获取JarEntry对象如果文件被篡改会跑出异常java.lang.SecurityException: SHA-256 digest error for 文件名,这个时候表明JAR签名验证不通过。


public static void verify(String path) throwsIOException{

File file= newFile(path);

InputStream in= newFileInputStream(file);

JarInputStream jarIn= new JarInputStream(in,true);while(jarIn.getNextJarEntry() != null){continue;



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