What’s React-Router

React Router 是一个基于 React 之上的强大路由库,它可以让你向应用中快速地添加视图和数据流,同时保持页面与 URL 间的同步。





npm install


npm install --save react-route react-router-dom


  "dependencies": {"react": "^16.8.6","react-dom": "^16.8.6","react-route": "^1.0.3","react-router-dom": "^5.0.1","react-scripts": "3.0.1"},


基本核心代码都放在src下的components目录,首页index.html无需改变,保证有个rootdiv即可,再index.js中通过ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));来进行渲染


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './components/App';ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));


这里引发了一个HashRouter vs BrowserRouter 的问题,请见文分解

import React from 'react';
import { HashRouter as Router,Route} from 'react-router-dom';
//import { BrowserRouter as Router,Route} from 'react-router-dom';
import Home from './home';
import Page1 from './page1';
import Page2 from './page2';
import Page3 from './page3';class App extends React.Component {render(){return(<Router ><div><Route exact path="/" component={Home} /><Route path="/Page1/:name" component={Page1} />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   <Route path="/Page2" component={Page2} />  <Route path="/Page3" component={Page3} />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          </div></Router>)}}
export default App;


import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Router, Route, Switch } from "react-router";class Home extends React.Component{render(){return(<div><p>This is Home!</p><Link to="/Page1/Moshow" style={{color:'black'}}><div>点击跳转到Page1</div></Link><Link to="/Page2/" style={{color:'black'}}><div>点击跳转到Page2</div></Link><Link to="/Page3/" style={{color:'black'}}><div>点击跳转到Page3</div></Link></div>);}
}export default Home;


import React from 'react';
import App from './App';class Page1 extends React.Component {render() {let mystyle = {width: '100%',height: '80px',backgroundColor: 'pink',fontSize: '24px',textAlign: 'center',//垂直居中lineHeight: '80px'//水平居中};console.log(this, this.props);return (<div><h1 style={mystyle}>This is Page 111111! your staff-id :{this.props.match.params.name}</h1></div>); }
}export default Page1;


import React from 'react';class Page2 extends React.Component{render(){let mystyle={width: '100%',height:'80px',backgroundColor:'greenyellow',fontSize:'24px',textAlign: 'center',//垂直居中lineHeight: '80px'//水平居中};return(<div><h1 style={mystyle}>This is Page 222222!</h1></div>);}
}export default Page2;


import React from 'react';const Page3 = ({match}) => {let mystyle={width: '100%',height:'80px',backgroundColor:'burlywood',fontSize:'34px',textAlign: 'center',//垂直居中lineHeight: '80px'//水平居中};return(<div><h1 style={mystyle}>hello {match.params.id} This is Page 333333!</h1></div>);
}export default Page3;

npm start


npm start





以下内容为补充部分 : BrowserRouter vs HashRouter


It uses history API, i.e. it’s unavailable for legacy browsers (IE 9 and lower and contemporaries). Client-side React application is able to maintain clean routes like example.com/react/route but needs to be backed by web server. Usually this means that web server should be configured for single-page application, i.e. same index.html is served for /react/route path or any other route on server side. On client side, window.location.pathname is parsed by React router. React router renders a component that it was configured to render for /react/route.

它使用浏览历史history API,所以他不适用于传统浏览器(IE 9及更低版本)。 客户端的React应用程序应该能够维护像example.com/react/route这样的干净路由,但需要由Web服务器支持。 通常这意味着Web服务器应该配置为单页面应用程序,即为/ react / route路径或服务器端的任何其他路由提供相同的index.html。 在客户端,window.location.pathname由React路由器解析。 React路由器呈现一个组件,它被配置为为/ react / route呈现。


It uses URL hash, it puts no limitations on supported browsers or web server. Server-side routing is independent from client-side routing.

Backward-compatible single-page application can use it as example.com/#/react/route. The setup cannot be backed up by server-side rendering because it’s / path that is served on server side, #/react/route URL hash cannot be read from server side. On client side, window.location.hash is parsed by React router. React router renders a component that it was configured to render for /react/route, similarly to BrowserRouter.

Most importantly, HashRouter use cases aren’t limited to SPA. A website may have legacy or search engine-friendly server-side routing, while React application may be a widget that maintains its state in URL like example.com/server/side/route#/react/route. Some page that contains React application is served on server side for /server/side/route, then on client side React router renders a component that it was configured to render for /react/route, similarly to previous scenario.

它使用URL Hash哈希,它对受支持的浏览器或Web服务器没有限制。服务器端路由独立于客户端路由。

向后兼容的单页面应用程序可以将其用作example.com/#/react/route。服务器端渲染无法备份设置,因为它是服务器端提供的/path,#/react /route URL hash无法从服务器端读取。在客户端,window.location.hash由React路由器解析。 React路由器呈现一个组件,它被配置为为/ react / route呈现,类似于BrowserRouter。

最重要的是,HashRouter用例不仅限于SPA。一个网站可能具有遗留或搜索引擎友好的服务器端路由,而React应用程序可能是一个小部件,它在URL中保持其状态,如example.com/server/side/route#/react/route。一些包含React应用程序的页面在服务器端为/ server / side / route提供,然后在客户端React路由器呈现一个组件,它被配置为为/ react / route呈现,与之前的方案类似。(简单的讲,就是可以使用http://localhost:8080/#/Page1/Moshow这种方式来访问URL,无刷新页面,切换视图,用hash 实现路由切换,本身附带history记录,简单舒服。)


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