



namespace boost {struct thread_unsafe_counter;struct thread_safe_counter;template<class DrivedT, class CounterPolicyT = thread_safe_counter>class intrusive_ref_counter{public:intrusive_ref_counter() = noexecpt;intrusive_ref_counter(intrusive_ref_counter *r) = noexcept;intrusive_ref_counter & operator=(intrusive_ref_counter const & r) noexcept;unsigned int use_count() const noexcept;protected:~intrusive_ref_counter() = default;};


The intrusive_ptr class template stores a pointer to an object with an embedded reference count. Every new intrusive_ptr instance increments the reference count by using an unqualified call to the function intrusive_ptr_add_ref, passing it the pointer as an argument. Similarly, when an intrusive_ptr is destroyed, it calls intrusive_ptr_release; this function is responsible for destroying the object when its reference count drops to zero. The user is expected to provide suitable definitions of these two functions.


  • intrusive_ptr本质上存储的是一个指向对象的指针,其中这个对象“内嵌“了计数器
  • 每当intrusive_ptr由对象A创建时,就将对象A的计数加一
  • 每当intrusive_ptr销毁时,其创建时对象的计数就减一,当计数减到0时,将该对象销毁
  • 其中计数加一和减一的函数,intrusive_ptr_add_ref()intrusive_ptr_release()的实现由用户提供


namespace boost {template<class T> element_type;intrusive_ptr(); // never throwsintrusive_ptr(T *p, bool add_ref = true);intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr const & r)ltemplate<class Y> intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr<T> const &r);~intrusive_ptr();T & operator*() const;T *operator->() const;T *get() const;T *detach();


intrusive_ptr(T * p, bool add_ref = true);
Effects: if (p != 0 && add_ref) intrusive_ptr_add_ref(p);
Postconditions: get() == p

intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr const & r);
template<class Y> intrusive_ptr(intrusive_ptr<Y> const & r);
Effects: if (r.get() != 0) intrusive_ptr_add_ref(r.get());
Postconditions: get() == r.get()

Effects: if(get() != 0) intrusive_ptr_release(get())

另外对于intrusive_ptr_add_ref()intrusive_ptr_release(),如果编译器支持ADL(Argument Dependent Lookup),就会在它们的参数所定义的namespace中查找二者的定义,否早它们必须定义在boost namespace中。

intrusive_ptr vs std::shared_ptr

在intrusive_ptr class template中有如下两段描述,第一段描述使用intrusive_ptr的主要原因,第二段说明在intrusive_ptrstd::shared_ptr相同的情况下,尽量使用std::shared_ptr

The main reasons to use intrusive_ptr are:

  • Some existing frameworks or Oses provide objects with embedded reference counts;
  • The memory footprint of intrusive_ptr is the same as the corresponding raw pointer;
  • intrusive_ptr<T> can be constructed from an arbitrary raw pointer of type T*.

As a general rule, if it isn’t obvious whether intrusive_ptr better fits your needs than shared_ptr, try a shared_ptr-based design first.

对于第一段中第二个原因需要说明一下,为什么intrusive_ptr占用的内存比shared_ptr少,原因在于std::shared_ptr理念上对象和计数的存放是分开的,所以大部分情况下每个std::shared_ptr有两个指针的内存开销,一个指针指向control block(存储引用计数等信息),一个指针指向对象。之所以说大部分情况,是因为std::make_shared<>会统一分配一整块内存存储计数和对象,此时就只需存储一个指针。

Memory footprint refers to the amount of main memory that a program uses or references while running. [Memory footprint]



std::shared_ptr<T>(new T(args…)) performs at least two allocations (one for the object T and one for the control block of the shared pointer), while std::make_shared<T> typically performs only one allocation (the standard recommends, but does not require this, all known implementations do this). [make_shared]

The storage is typically larger than sizeof(T) in order to use one allocation for both the control block of the shared pointer and the T object. The std::shared_ptr constructor called by this function enables shared_from_this with a pointer to the newly constructed object of type T. [make_shared]

std::make_shared所带来的好处和坏处都是由这一个特点引发的,通常意义上使用std::make_shared是好的,不仅包裹了内存的分配,不会将raw pointer暴露出来,避免了访问已释放内存的问题,同时也减少了内存的分配。stackoverflow上有一个相关的问题,见Difference in make_shared and normal shared_ptr in C++,比较详尽。

了解了std::make_shared的好处以后,intrusive_ptr的第三个优点也就显而易见了。使用一个raw pointer来构造std::shared_ptr通常不能保证是安全的,反而更容易出错,因为raw pointer有可能在其他地方被使用,而std::shared_ptr不能为这些使用增加计数或减少计数。而intrusive_ptr就不会存在这个问题,因为raw pointer本身就存储有计数信息。

知乎上有一个intrusive_ptr的问题,为什么 intrusive_ptr 没有进入标准库?,该问题下设提到了std::enable_shared_from_this,由于我在工作中没有遇到很多使用std::enable_shared_from_this的代码场景,理解不够深刻,所以先挖个坑。



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