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The Only Official Guide to the #1 Personal Finance Software

Now you can manage your finances and assets with ease! Quicken 2009: The Official Guide is filled with insider tips and expert techniques for tracking your income, expenses, savings, transactions, investments, and much more.

Fully endorsed by Intuit, makers of Quicken, this official guide helps you save time and money by showing you how to maximize all of the software's powerful capabilities-including new features and little-known tools. You'll also get valuable guidance along with information about online resources to assist you in making smart financial decisions and planning for a secure future.

*Customize Quicken for your preferences
*Track your cash flow
*Set up Online Account Services
*Automate transactions and tasks
*Reconcile checking, savings, and credit card accounts
*Track investments and optimize your portfolio
*Monitor assets and loans
*Manage household records
*Reduce debt, save money, and plan for retirement
*Simplify tax preparation and maximize deductions
*Get help and guidance from the new Sidebar feature


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