
参数 -O :混淆所有函数/方法名、变量和类。默认是不要混淆。

我这里使用参数 -O 进行源码混淆。

如果运行时报错:UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0x80 in position 54: illegal multibyte sequence
Python 技术篇 - 修改 pyminifier 库源码解决编码不一致导致的报错问题

转换后生成新文件,minified 文件夹里也是转化后的内容,这个是默认生成的,通过参数 -d 可以进行指定。

当然默认会被编码为 gbk ,如需调整可以自行转化一下文件编码。

pyminifier 详细命令方法如下:

pyminifier -h
Usage: pyminifier [options] "<input file>"Options:--version             show program's version number and exit-h, --help            show this help message and exit-o <file path>, --outfile=<file path>Save output to the given file.-d <file path>, --destdir=<file path>Save output to the given directory. This option isrequired when handling multiple files. Defaults to'./minified' and will be created if not present.将输出保存到给定的目录。当处理多个文件时,此选项是必需的。默认为'./minified',如果不存在,将被创建。--nominify            Don't bother minifying (only used with --pyz).--use-tabs            Use tabs for indentation instead of spaces.使用制表符代替空格来缩进。--bzip2               bzip2-compress the result into a self-executing pythonscript.  Only works on stand-alone scripts withoutimplicit imports.以bzip2方式压缩将结果到一个自动执行的python脚本中。只能在独立脚本上工作,不需要隐式导入。--gzip                gzip-compress the result into a self-executing pythonscript.  Only works on stand-alone scripts withoutimplicit imports.以gzip方式压缩结果到一个自执行的python脚本中。只能在独立脚本上工作,不需要隐式导入。--lzma                lzma-compress the result into a self-executing pythonscript.  Only works on stand-alone scripts withoutimplicit imports.以lzma方式压缩将结果到一个自动执行的python脚本中。只能在独立脚本上工作,不需要隐式导入。--pyz=<name of archive>.pyzzip-compress the result into a self-executing pythonscript. This will create a new file that includes anynecessary implicit (local to the script) modules.Will include/process all files given as arguments topyminifier.py on the command line.-O, --obfuscate       Obfuscate all function/method names, variables, andclasses.  Default is to NOT obfuscate.--obfuscate-classes   Obfuscate class names.--obfuscate-functionsObfuscate function and method names.--obfuscate-variablesObfuscate variable names.--obfuscate-import-methodsObfuscate globally-imported mouled methods (e.g.'Ag=re.compile').--obfuscate-builtins  Obfuscate built-ins (i.e. True, False, object,Exception, etc).--replacement-length=1The length of the random names that will be used whenobfuscating identifiers.--nonlatin            Use non-latin (unicode) characters in obfuscation(Python 3 only).  WARNING: This results in someSERIOUSLY hard-to-read code.--prepend=<file path>Prepend the text in this file to the top of ouroutput.  e.g. A copyright notice.


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