4390: [Usaco2015 dec]Max Flow

Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB
Submit: 156  Solved: 100


Farmer John has installed a new system of N−1 pipes to transport milk between the N stalls in his barn (2≤N≤50,000), conveniently numbered 1…N. Each pipe connects a pair of stalls, and all stalls are connected to each-other via paths of pipes.

FJ is pumping milk between KK pairs of stalls (1≤K≤100,000). For the iith such pair, you are told two stalls sisi and titi, endpoints of a path along which milk is being pumped at a unit rate. FJ is concerned that some stalls might end up overwhelmed with all the milk being pumped through them, since a stall can serve as a waypoint along many of the KK paths along which milk is being pumped. Please help him determine the maximum amount of milk being pumped through any stall. If milk is being pumped along a path from sisi to titi, then it counts as being pumped through the endpoint stalls sisi and titi, as well as through every stall along the path between them.





The first line of the input contains NN and KK.

The next N−1 lines each contain two integers x and y (x≠y,x≠y) describing a pipe between stalls x and y.

The next K lines each contain two integers ss and t describing the endpoint stalls of a path through which milk is being pumped.


An integer specifying the maximum amount of milk pumped through any stall in the barn.

Sample Input

5 10
3 4
1 5
4 2
5 4
5 4
5 4
3 5
4 3
4 3
1 3
3 5
5 4
1 5
3 4

Sample Output









using namespace std;
int a[100010],nxt[100010],p[50010],tot;
int f[50010][20],father[50010],dep[50010],size[50010],sum[50010];
int mi[20],n,k,ans;
inline void add(int x,int y)
{tot++; a[tot]=y; nxt[tot]=p[x]; p[x]=tot;tot++; a[tot]=x; nxt[tot]=p[y]; p[y]=tot;
void dfs(int x,int fa,int h)
{dep[x]=h;  father[x]=fa;for(int i=1;i<16;++i) f[x][i]=f[f[x][i-1]][i-1];for(int i=p[x];i!=-1;i=nxt[i])if(a[i]!=fa){f[a[i]][0]=x;dfs(a[i],x,h+1);}
inline int lca(int x,int y)
{if(dep[x]<dep[y]) swap(x,y);for(int i=15;i>=0;--i)while(dep[f[x][i]]>=dep[y]) x=f[x][i];if(x==y) return x;for(int i=15;i>=0;--i)if(f[x][i]!=f[y][i]) x=f[x][i],y=f[y][i];return f[x][0];
inline void solve(int x,int fa)
{size[x]=sum[x];for(int i=p[x];i!=-1;i=nxt[i])if(a[i]!=fa){solve(a[i],x);size[x]+=size[a[i]];}ans=max(ans,size[x]);
int main()
{//freopen("int.txt","r",stdin);//freopen("my.txt","w",stdout); int i,j; memset(p,-1,sizeof(p));memset(nxt,-1,sizeof(nxt));scanf("%d%d",&n,&k);for(i=1;i<n;++i) {int x,y;scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);add(x,y);}dfs(1,0,1);for(i=1;i<=k;++i){int x,y;scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);int l=lca(x,y);sum[x]++; sum[y]++; sum[l]--; if(l!=1) sum[father[l]]--;}solve(1,0);printf("%d",ans);return 0;


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