


var utils = {}
utils.humanFileSize = function(bytes, isDecimal) {isDecimal = (typeof isDecimal !== 'undefined') ? isDecimal : false;if (bytes == 0) {return "0.00 B";}var base = isDecimal ? 1000 : 1024;var e = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(base));return (bytes / Math.pow(base, e)).toFixed(2) + ' ' + ' KMGTP'.charAt(e) + (isDecimal || e == 0 ? '' : 'i') + 'B';
}utils.colors = ['magenta', 'cyan', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green', 'red'];module.exports = utils;


/*** author :钱波* 抓取所有进程* */var si = require('systeminformation'),utils = require('./utils');
var hashmap = require('hashmap')
//var colors = utils.colors;class proc_class {//var hashmapsay(callback) {si.processes().then(data => {//var pu = [];this.hashmap_pid = new hashmap();this.array = [];var data1 = data.list.map(p => {var value = {pid: p.pid,cmd: p.name, //.slice(0,10),cpuuse: p.pcpu.toFixed(1),memuse: p.pmem.toFixed(1)}this.hashmap_pid.set('"'+p.pid+'"', value)this.array.push(value);//pu.push()})if (callback != null) {// console.log("...start to print...",this.hashmap_pid);callback(this.array);}}).catch(error => console.error(error));}getpidname(id) {//console.log("hashmap", this.hashmap_pid);//console.log("want to find", id);let test = this.hashmap_pid.get(id);//console.log("test is ", test);if (test != null) {return test.cmd;//console.log("find it",test);}return null;     //return this.hashmap_pid;}}## 网络
module.exports = new proc_class();
/** unit test
//function call(data) {
//    console.log(data);
//var proc = new proc_class();
var si = require('systeminformation'),utils = require('./utils');
class net_class {updateData(data,callback) {//console.log(data);var rx_sec = Math.max(0, data['rx_sec']);var tx_sec = Math.max(0, data['tx_sec']);//this.netData[0].shift();//this.netData[0].push(rx_sec);//this.netData[1].shift();//this.netData[1].push(tx_sec);//rx_label = 'Receiving:      ' +//    utils.humanFileSize(rx_sec) +//    '/s \nTotal received: ' +//    utils.humanFileSize(data['rx_bytes']);//tx_label = 'Transferring:      ' +//    utils.humanFileSize(tx_sec) +//    '/s \nTotal transferred: ' +//    utils.humanFileSize(data['tx_bytes']);if (callback != null) {callback({rxsec: utils.humanFileSize(rx_sec),txsec: utils.humanFileSize(tx_sec),total_r: utils.humanFileSize(data['rx_bytes']),total_s: utils.humanFileSize(data['tx_bytes'])})}};say(callback) {si.networkInterfaceDefault(iface => {var that = this;var updater = function () {si.networkStats(iface, data => {that.updateData(data[0],callback);});}updater();})}
module.exports = new net_class();


/*** author :钱波* 抓取所有磁盘,注意不适合windows* */var si = require('systeminformation'),utils = require('./utils');//var colors = utils.colors;
class disk_class {say(callback) {si.fsSize().then(data => {var disk = data[0];//console.log(disk)data = [{use: utils.humanFileSize(disk.used, true),size: utils.humanFileSize(disk.size, true),percent: disk.use / 100}];if (callback != null)callback(data);}).catch(error => console.error(error))}}module.exports = new disk_class();
//unit test
//function call(data) {//    console.log(data);
//var disk = new disk_class();
//disk.say(call);//module.exports = Disk;


var si = require('systeminformation');var hashmap = require('hashmap')
class cpu_class{constructor() {this.cpumap = new hashmap();si.currentLoad().then(data => {data.cpus.map((cpu, i) => {var x = Array(61).fill(0);this.cpumap.set("CPU" + i+1, x);//console.log(cpu.load);})}).catch(error => console.error(error))}say(callback) {si.currentLoad().then(data => {if (callback != null)callback(data.currentload);//console.log(data.currentload);//console.log(data.avgload, data.currentload_system);data.cpus.map((cpu, i) => {let name = "CPU" + i + 1;let objArray = this.cpumap.get(name);objArray.shift();objArray.push(cpu.load);//if(i == 0)//    console.log(objArray);})}).catch(error => console.error(error))}
}module.exports = new cpu_class();//钱波 unit test
//var cpu = new cpu_class();
//setInterval(() => {//    cpu.say();
//}, 1000);//si.cpu()
//    .then(data => {//        console.log('CPU Information:');
//        console.log('- manufucturer: ' + data.manufacturer);
//        console.log('- brand: ' + data.brand);
//        console.log('- speed: ' + data.speed);
//        console.log('- cores: ' + data.cores);
//        console.log('- physical cores: ' + data.physicalCores);
//        console.log('...');
//    })
//    .catch(error => console.error(error));


var si = require('systeminformation'),utils = require('./utils');var mem_Count;
var mem_Swap;class mem_class {say(callback) {si.mem().then(data => {var memPer = (100 * (1 - data.available / data.total)).toFixed();var swapPer = (100 * (1 - data.swapfree / data.swaptotal)).toFixed();swapPer = isNaN(swapPer) ? 0 : swapPer;var memTitle =utils.humanFileSize(data.total - data.available) +' of ' +utils.humanFileSize(data.total);var swapTitle =utils.humanFileSize(data.swaptotal - data.swapfree) +' of ' +utils.humanFileSize(data.swaptotal);mem_Count = {percent: memPer / 100,label: memTitle,};mem_Swap = {percent: swapPer / 100,label: swapTitle}console.log(mem_Count, mem_Swap);}).catch(error => console.error(error))}
module.exports = new mem_class();/*** 单元测试* @param {any} data*/
//function call(data) {//    console.log(data);
//    //console.log("test");
//}//var mem = new mem_class();
//mem.say(call);//module.exports = Mem;


// JavaScript source code
var si = require('systeminformation');
const proc = require('./proc_0');class connection {//procdata 进程信息say(callback) {//this.callback = callback;proc.say(function (procdata) {si.networkConnections().then(data => {var pu = [];data.map((net, i) => {if (net.state == 'LISTEN') {// console.log(net);//console.log("net pid", net.pid);//console.log("get pid name",proc.getpidname('"'+net.pid+'"'));let name = proc.getpidname('"' + net.pid + '"');//console.log(name);if (name != null) {net.procname = name;}pu.push(net);//console.log(net);}});if (callback != null) {callback(pu);//console.log("pu", pu);}}).catch(error => console.error(error));});}
}module.exports = new connection();/** unit test
function callback(data) {console.log(data);
}var x = new connection();

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