
Scala中的数组 (Array in Scala)

In Scala, Array is a data structure that is a collection of elements of same data type.


Creating an array:


The Array keyword is used to create an array in Scala. There are multiple syntaxes to create an array. They are,

Array关键字用于在Scala中创建数组。 创建数组有多种语法。 他们是,

    var array_name : Array[data_type] = new Array[data_type(size)
var array_name: Array[data_tpye] = new Array(size)
var array_name = new Array[data_type](size)
var array_name = Array(element1, elmenet2, element3, ...)

All the four declarations are valid but the last two are commonly used.


Accessing an element from the array:


To access the element of the array, its index is used.





打印阵列 (Print Array)

There are two methods to print all the elements of the array (print array):


  1. Using iteration


  2. Using string conversion


1)使用迭代打印数组元素 (1) Printing elements of array using iteration)

We can print the elements of the array by integrating over all the elements of the array and then printing each element using their index.




Program to print array using iteration


Elements of Array are :
97 90 89 75 45 78 99
In the above code, we have created an array of integer values and then use the for loop to iterate over the elements of the array using the print statement.

2) Printing elements of the array using string conversion method

We can print array using the string conversion method, i.e. converting the array to a string using mkString() method.
Program to print array using string conversion method
object MyClass {def main(args: Array[String]) {var score = Array("C", "C++", "Java", "Python", "Scala")
var string = score.mkString(" , ")
println("Elements of Array are :\n" + string)
In the above code, we have declared an array of strings. We have used the mkString() method to convert the array of string to string and then print it using the print statement.

TOP Interview Coding Problems/Challenges

  • Run-length encoding (find/print frequency of letters in a string)

  • Sort an array of 0's, 1's and 2's in linear time complexity

  • Checking Anagrams (check whether two string is anagrams or not)

  • Relative sorting algorithm

  • Finding subarray with given sum

  • Find the level in a binary tree with given sum K

  • Check whether a Binary Tree is BST (Binary Search Tree) or not

  • 1[0]1 Pattern Count

  • Capitalize first and last letter of each word in a line

  • Print vertical sum of a binary tree

  • Print Boundary Sum of a Binary Tree

  • Reverse a single linked list

  • Greedy Strategy to solve major algorithm problems

  • Job sequencing problem

  • Root to leaf Path Sum

  • Exit Point in a Matrix

  • Find length of loop in a linked list

  • Toppers of Class

  • Print All Nodes that don't have Sibling

  • Transform to Sum Tree

  • Shortest Source to Destination Path

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 Program to print array using iteration 


Elements of Array are :
97 90 89 75 45 78 99
In the above code, we have created an array of integer values and then use the for loop to iterate over the elements of the array using the print statement.

2) Printing elements of the array using string conversion method

We can print array using the string conversion method, i.e. converting the array to a string using mkString() method .
 Program to print array using string conversion method
 object MyClass {
def main ( args : Array [ String ]) {
var score = Array ( "C" , "C++" , "Java" , "Python" , "Scala" )
var string = score . mkString ( " , " )
println ( "Elements of Array are :\n" + string )
In the above code, we have declared an array of strings. We have used the mkString() method to convert the array of string to string and then print it using the print statement.

TOP Interview Coding Problems/Challenges

  • Run-length encoding (find/print frequency of letters in a string)

  • Sort an array of 0's, 1's and 2's in linear time complexity

  • Checking Anagrams (check whether two string is anagrams or not)

  • Relative sorting algorithm

  • Finding subarray with given sum

  • Find the level in a binary tree with given sum K

  • Check whether a Binary Tree is BST (Binary Search Tree) or not

  • 1[0]1 Pattern Count

  • Capitalize first and last letter of each word in a line

  • Print vertical sum of a binary tree

  • Print Boundary Sum of a Binary Tree

  • Reverse a single linked list

  • Greedy Strategy to solve major algorithm problems

  • Job sequencing problem

  • Root to leaf Path Sum

  • Exit Point in a Matrix

  • Find length of loop in a linked list

  • Toppers of Class

  • Print All Nodes that don't have Sibling

  • Transform to Sum Tree

  • Shortest Source to Destination Path


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