
We rented King Kong today, the 2005 version. I'm sitting here watching this and I just had to pause and take a moment to blog.

我们今天租了2005版的《金刚》。 我坐在这里看着这个,我不得不停下来花点时间写博客。

Folks have been saying that the dinosaur chase scene is amazing. Here's one:

人们一直在说恐龙追逐的场面太神奇了。 这是一个:

The dinosaur chase scenes put Jurassic Park to shame. Halfway through the movie I commented to my friends that I thought this movie was redefining movies altogether.

恐龙的追逐场面使侏罗纪公园感到羞耻。 电影中途我向朋友们评论说,我认为这部电影完全重新定义了电影。

I'll just say this one gets 5 stars and I'll definitely get the extended edition of this just so I can watch the dinosaur chase scene again and again.


Maybe I'm jaded, or have a sharp eye from working with graphics, but I'm been VERY disappointed with the lack of attention to detail in movie special effects over the last 4 or 5 years, while critics and the media heap on praise. What am I missing?

也许我很疲倦,或者对图形处理敏锐的眼光,但是在过去的4到5年里,我对电影特效缺乏对细节的关注感到非常失望,而评论家和媒体对此赞不绝口。 我想念什么?

This chase scene looked like the actors were running on a treadmill and later pasted on the screen like paper dolls. It's clear an attempt was made to reconcile shadows and light sources, but several times shadows hit one character on entirely differnet sides than another. In one segment Jack Black slides down the side of a Brontosaur and hardly looks to be making contact. The little stow away runs along the edge of the cliff leaping over rocks that should be in his same position on the z-axis but are in totally different focus making the whole depth of field feel strange.

这个追逐场景看起来像是演员在跑步机上跑步,然后像纸娃娃一样粘贴在屏幕上。 很明显,有人试图调和阴影和光源,但是有好几次阴影在完全不同的另一侧击中一个角色。 在一个片段中,杰克·布莱克(Jack Black)滑下了雷龙的侧面,看上去几乎没有接触。 一点点的堆积物沿着悬崖的边缘奔跑,越过应该在z轴上相同位置但焦点完全不同的岩石,使整个景深感到奇怪。

(In all the new Star Wars movies, tell me there were moments when it was clear the actors feet were never touching the computized ground. You think they'd at least let them leave footprints or something on Tatooine.)


End of rant. I guess it's just me and this is my secret shame.

结束语。 我想这只是我,这是我的秘密耻辱。

I am wrong to thing that special effects are getting a little lazy? It's been 10 years since Jurassic Park and other than some fur effects (yawn) I'm not seeing what bars have been raised in the last decade (other than ticket prices).

我对特殊效果变得有些懒惰感到不对吗? 距侏罗纪公园(Jurassic Park)至今已有10年了,除了一些毛皮效果(打哈欠)外,我看不到过去十年间提高了哪些标准(门票价格除外)。

Did you see King Kong? What did you think?

你看到金刚了吗? 你觉得呢?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/king-kong-dinosaur-chase-scene



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