cpu软改vista 驱动

Windows has an option that lets you start an application and set the CPU affinity, which assigns the application to run on a specific CPU in a dual-core system.


To start an application you have to pass the affinity flag to the start utility in the command prompt. For instance, if you wanted to start notepad assigned to CPU, you could use the following command:

要启动应用程序,您必须在命令提示符下将相似性标志传递给start实用程序。 例如,如果要启动分配给CPU的记事本,则可以使用以下命令:

c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C start /affinity 1 notepad.exe

c:\ windows \ system32 \ cmd.exe / C开始/ affinity 1 notepad.exe

You can see in task manager that the process is only assigned to CPU 0

您可以在任务管理器中看到该进程仅分配给CPU 0

To start a process on CPU 0, use the following command switch:

要在CPU 0上启动进程,请使用以下命令开关:

/affinity 1


For CPU 1, use this switch:

对于CPU 1,请使用以下开关:

/affinity 2


You can use a number up to the number of CPU cores or CPUs in your system. The affinity is essentially CPU core # + 1, so /affinity 5 would use CPU 4.

您可以使用最多系统中CPU核心或CPU数量的数字。 亲和力本质上是CPU内核#+ 1,因此/ affinity 5将使用CPU 4。

You can almost modify the shortcut for an item to make it run on the specific CPU, by just prepending the full “c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C start /affinity 1 ” onto the shortcut target. The only drawback to this approach is that the command prompt window will briefly flash on the screen.

您只需将完整的“ c:\ windows \ system32 \ cmd.exe / C start / affinity 1”添加到快捷方式目标上,即可几乎修改该项目的快捷方式以使其在特定的CPU上运行。 这种方法的唯一缺点是命令提示符窗口将在屏幕上短暂闪烁。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/start-an-application-assigned-to-a-specific-cpu-in-windows-vista/

cpu软改vista 驱动

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