

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;public class Kata
{public static int? FoldTo(double distance){double thickness = 0.0001;if (distance < 0 )return null;if (distance >= 0 &amp;&amp; distance <= thickness)return 0;return (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log((distance / thickness), 2));}


public class Kata
{public static int? FoldTo(double distance){if (distance < 0)return null;var foldthickness = 0.0001;var amountOfFolds = 0;while (foldthickness < distance){foldthickness *= 2;amountOfFolds++;}return amountOfFolds;}


public class Kata
{public static int? FoldTo(double d){if (d < 0) return null;int r = 0;for (double a=0.0001;a<d;a*=2,r++);return r;}


public class Kata
{public static int? FoldTo(double distance){if (distance < 0)return null; double cur = 0.0001;var i = 0;while (cur < distance){cur *= 2;i++;}return i;}


public class Kata
{public static int? FoldTo(double distance){int count=0;double i=0.0001;while (i<distance){i=i*2;count+=1;}if (distance<0){return null;}return count;}


using System;
public class Kata
{public static int? FoldTo(double distance){if (distance < 0)return null;int folds = 0;while (distance > 0.0001){distance /= 2;folds++;}return folds;}


public class Kata
{public static int? FoldTo(double distance){double result = 0.0001;int? n = 0;if (distance >= 0){while(result<=distance){n++;result*=2 ;  }}else{n = null;}return n;}


public class Kata
{public static int? FoldTo(double distance){int? count;double t;if (distance < 0)return (null);t = 0.0001;for (count = 0; t < distance; count++)t *= 2;return (count);}


public class Kata
{public static int? FoldTo(double distance){if (distance < 0){return null;};int result = 0;double thickness = 0.0001;while (thickness < distance){thickness *= 2;result++;};return result;}


using System;
public class Kata
{public static int? FoldTo(double distance){if (distance<0) return null;int k = 0;while (distance>0.00001){if (distance <= 0.0001)return k;distance = distance / 2;k++;}           return k;}

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