安装之前 ( Before you Install )

You will need a PC running Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 or XP Service Pack 2. Windows Server 2003 may run it but it hasn't been tested.

您将需要一台运行Windows 2000 Service Pack 4或XP Service Pack 2的PC。WindowsServer 2003可以运行它,但是尚未经过测试。

下载链接 ( Download Link )

  • Download Borland C++ 5.5 from Embacardero

    从Embacardero下载Borland C ++ 5.5

You may also be required to register with Embarcadero to get a registration key. This is part of the download process. After registering, the key is emailed to you as a text file attachment. It has to be placed in C:\Documents and Settings\<username> where username is your login username. My login name is david so the path is C:\Documents and Settings\david.

您可能还需要向Embarcadero注册以获取注册密钥。 这是下载过程的一部分。 注册后,会将密钥作为文本文件附件通过电子邮件发送给您。 它必须放置在C:\ Documents and Settings \ <username>中 ,其中username是您的登录用户名。 我的登录名是david,所以路径是C:\ Documents and Settings \ david

The main download is 399 MB but you will probably need the prerequisites file prereqs.zip as well and that is 234 MB. It contains various system file installs which have to be run before the main install can take place. You can install individual items from the screen shown above instead of downloading prereqs.zip.

主要下载文件为399 MB,但您可能还需要先决条件文件prereqs.zip,即234 MB。 它包含各种系统文件安装,必须先运行这些文件,然后才能进行主安装。 您可以从上面显示的屏幕安装单个项目,而无需下载prereqs.zip。

开始安装 ( Begin Installing )

When you have installed the prerequisites, click the Install button to launch the Borland Menu application.

安装必备组件后,单击“ 安装”按钮以启动Borland Menu应用程序。

如何安装Borland C ++编译器5.5 ( How to Install Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 )

You should now see the Menu page shown. Click the first menu Install Borland Turbo C++. After the installation, you'll return to this screen and can install Borland's database Interbase 7.5 if you wish.

现在,您应该看到显示的菜单页面。 单击第一个菜单Install Borland Turbo C ++ 。 安装后,您将返回此屏幕,并且可以根据需要安装Borland的数据库 Interbase 7.5。

Note these instructions may differ somewhat now that Embarcadero bought Borland's developer tools.


运行Borland C ++编译器5.5安装向导 ( Running the Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 Install Wizard )

There are ten individual steps to this wizard but several of them like this first one are just informative. All have a Back button so if you make a wrong choice, just click it until you get back to the right page and change it.

此向导有十个单独的步骤,但是像第一个这样的步骤中的几个步骤只是提供信息。 所有人都有一个“ 后退”按钮,因此,如果您选择错误,只需单击它,直到返回到正确的页面并进行更改。

  1. Click the Next > button and you will see the License Agreement. Click the "I accept..." radio button and then the Next > button.

    单击下一步>按钮,您将看到许可协议。 单击“我接受...”单选按钮,然后单击“ 下一步>”按钮。

  2. On the next screen, the User Name should be populated. You don't need to enter a name for Organization but can do so if you want. Click the Next > button.

    在下一个屏幕上,应填写用户名 。 您无需输入组织名称,但可以根据需要输入名称。 单击下一步>按钮。

  3. On the Custom Setup form, I left everything to the default, which will require 790Mb of disk space. Click the Next > button.

    在“ 自定义安装”窗体上,我将所有设置都保留为默认值,这将需要790Mb的磁盘空间。 单击下一步>按钮。

选择目标文件夹 ( Choosing the Destination Folders )

目标文件夹 ( Destination Folder )

On this screen, you may have to take action. If you have any existing Borland products on your PC like Delphi then click the Change... button for Shared Files and modify the path slightly as I have done. I changed the last part of the path from Borland Shared to Borland Shared ​etc.

在此屏幕上,您可能必须采取措施。 如果您的PC上有Delphi等现有的Borland产品,则单击Shared FilesChange ...按钮,然后像我所做的那样稍微修改路径。 我更改了从Borland SharedBorland Shared等的路径的最后一部分。

Normally it's safe to share this folder between different versions but I'd stored extra icons in there and didn't want to risk the folder being overwritten. Click the Next > button.

通常,在不同版本之间共享该文件夹是安全的,但是我在其中存储了额外的图标,并且不想冒该文件夹被覆盖的风险。 单击下一步>按钮。

更改Microsoft Office控件并运行安装 ( Change Microsoft Office Controls and Run the Installation )

If you have Microsoft Office 2000 or Office XP, you can choose which set of controls you want according to the version. If you don't have either just ignore this. Click the Next > button.

如果您具有Microsoft Office 2000或Office XP,则可以根据版本选择所需的控件集。 如果您没有,请忽略此。 单击下一步>按钮。

On the Update File Associations screen, leave everything ticked unless you prefer another application, e.g. Visual C++ to retain the association. Associations are how Windows knows which application to use to open a particular file type when you open a file type from Windows Explorer. Click the Next > button.

在“ 更新文件关联”屏幕上,除非您希望使用其他应用程序(例如Visual C ++)保留关联,否则请勾选所有复选框。 从Windows资源管理器中打开文件类型时,关联就是Windows知道Windows知道使用哪个应用程序打开特定文件类型的方式。 单击下一步>按钮。

The last step is informational and should be like the picture above. If you wish, you can review your choices by pressing < Back a few times, change any decisions you've made then click Next > to return to this page. Click the Install button to begin installing. It will take 3 to 5 minutes depending on your PC's speed.

最后一步是参考性的,应该与上图类似。 如果需要,可以按<返回几次,更改所做的任何决定,然后单击下一步>以返回此页面,以查看选择。 单击安装按钮开始安装。 这将需要3至5分钟,具体取决于您计算机的速度。

完成安装 ( Finishing the Installation )

After the installation has completed, you should see this screen. Click the Finish button and return to the Borland Menu.

安装完成后,您应该会看到此屏幕。 单击完成按钮,然后返回到Borland菜单。

Exit the Borland Menu screen and close the prerequisites page. You are now ready to start Turbo C++. But first, you may need to check your License if you've ever had any Borland development Studio product (Delphi, Turbo C# etc) on your PC. If not you can skip the next page and jump directly to Running Turbo C++ for the first time.

退出Borland菜单屏幕,然后关闭前提条件页面。 现在您可以启动Turbo C ++。 但是首先,如果您的PC上有任何Borland development Studio产品(Delphi,Turbo C#等),则可能需要检查许可证。 如果没有,您可以跳过下一页,并直接直接跳至Running Turbo C ++。

了解有关管理Borland Developer Studio的许可证的信息 ( Learn About Managing Licences for Borland Developer Studio )

I'd had a version of Borland Developer Studio on my pc before and had forgotten to remove the license and install the new one. D'oh. That's why I got "You are not licensed to run" type messages.

我以前在PC上安装过Borland Developer Studio版本,却忘记了删除许可证并安装新的许可证。 天啊 这就是为什么我收到“您无权运行”类型的消息的原因。

Worse though was the fact that I could open Borland C++, but loading projects gave an Access Violation Error. If you get this then you need to run the License Manager and import your new license. Run the License Manager from the Borland Developer Studio/Tools/license Manager menu. Click License then import and browse to where the License Text file was saved out.

更糟糕的是,我可以打开Borland C ++,但是加载项目时出现Access Violation Error 。 如果您得到此许可证,则需要运行许可证管理器并导入新许可证。 从Borland Developer Studio /工具/许可证管理器菜单运行许可证管理 。 单击许可证,然后导入并浏览到保存许可证文本文件的位置。

If you still get problems, disable all licenses (you can re-enable them later) and re-import your emailed license.


You should then see your license and be able to run Turbo C++.

然后,您应该查看许可证并能够运行Turbo C ++。

了解如何运行Borland C ++ Compiler 5.5和编译示例应用程序 ( Learn How to Run Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 and Compile a Sample Application )

Now run Borland C++ from the Windows Menu. You'll find it under Borland Developer Studio 2006/Turbo C++.

现在,从Windows菜单运行Borland C ++。 您可以在Borland Developer Studio 2006 / Turbo C ++下找到它。

If you get a message saying You are not licensed to use Borland C#Builder click ok, close Turbo C++ and learn about licenses.

如果收到消息说您无权使用Borland C#Builder,请单击“确定”,关闭Turbo C ++并了解许可证。

更改布局 ( Change the Layout )

By default, all panels are fixed in the desktop. If you prefer a more traditional layout where the panels are all undocked and free-floating, click the View/Desktops/Classic Undocked menu. You can position the undocked panels to your liking then click the menu options View/Desktops/Save Desktop to save this desktop.

默认情况下,所有面板都固定在桌面中。 如果您更喜欢传统的布局,其中所有面板均未固定并自由浮动,请单击“ 查看/桌面/经典的未停靠”菜单。 您可以根据自己的喜好放置未固定的面板,然后单击菜单选项“ 查看/桌面/保存桌面”以保存该桌面。

编译演示应用程序 ( Compile The Demo Application )

From the File/Open Project Menu browse to C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\Demos\CPP\Apps\Canvas and select canvas.bdsproj.

文件/打开项目菜单浏览到C:\ Program Files \ Borland \ BDS \ 4.0 \ Demos \ CPP \ Apps \ Canvas并选择canvas.bdsproj

Click the Green arrow (just below Component on the menu and it will compile, link, and run. You should see the image above slowly animating.

单击绿色箭头(位于菜单上Component的下面,它将进行编译 , 链接和运行。您应该看到上面的图像正在缓慢地进行动画处理。

This completes this tutorial.


翻译自: https://www.thoughtco.com/downloading-installing-borland-candand-compiler-958384

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