
  • 前言
  • ⛳️ 1.环境准备
  • ⛳️ 2.实训真题
    • 2.1 select基本用法
    • 2.2 聚合函数查询
    • 2.3 分组聚合查询
    • 2.4 多表连接查询
    • 2.5 子查询
    • 2.6 联合查询
  • 总结




⛳️ 1.环境准备

CREATE TABLE `tb_class` (`classNo` char(6) NOT NULL,`className` varchar(20) NOT NULL,`department` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,`grade` enum('1','2','3','4') DEFAULT NULL,`classNum` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`classNo`),UNIQUE KEY `uq_class` (`className`)
)INSERT INTO `tb_class`
VALUES ('AC1301','会计13-1班','会计学院','1',35),
CREATE TABLE `tb_course` (`courseNo` char(6) NOT NULL,`courseName` varchar(20) NOT NULL,`credit` decimal(3,1) NOT NULL,`courseHour` tinyint(2) NOT NULL,`term` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,`priorCourse` char(6) DEFAULT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`courseNo`),UNIQUE KEY `courseName` (`courseName`),UNIQUE KEY `uqidx_courseName` (`courseName`(3)),KEY `fk_course` (`priorCourse`),CONSTRAINT `fk_course` FOREIGN KEY (`priorCourse`) REFERENCES `tb_course` (`courseNo`)
)INSERT INTO `tb_course`
VALUES ('11003','管理学',2.0,32,2,NULL),
CREATE TABLE `tb_score` (`studentNo` char(10) NOT NULL,`courseNo` char(6) NOT NULL,`score` decimal(4,1) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`studentNo`,`courseNo`),KEY `idx_stuNo_courNo` (`courseNo`,`studentNo`),KEY `idx_courseNo` (`courseNo`),CONSTRAINT `fk_score_courNo` FOREIGN KEY (`courseNo`) REFERENCES `tb_course` (`courseNo`),CONSTRAINT `fk_score_stuNo` FOREIGN KEY (`studentNo`) REFERENCES `tb_student` (`studentNo`)
)INSERT INTO `tb_score` VALUES ('2013110101','11003',90.0),('2013110101','21001',86.0),
CREATE TABLE `tb_student` (`studentNo` char(10) NOT NULL,`studentName` varchar(10) NOT NULL,`sex` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,`birthday` date DEFAULT NULL,`native` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,`nation` varchar(20) DEFAULT '汉',`classNo` char(6) DEFAULT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`studentNo`),KEY `fk_student` (`classNo`),CONSTRAINT `fk_student` FOREIGN KEY (`classNo`) REFERENCES `tb_class` (`classNo`)
)INSERT INTO `tb_student`
VALUES ('2013110101','张晓勇','男','1997-12-11','山西','汉','AC1301'),

⛳️ 2.实训真题

2.1 select基本用法

select classNo,department,className from tb_class;2.从tb_class表中查询所有的学院名称。
select distinct department from tb_class;3.查询全体学生的详细信息
select * from tb_student;4.查询全体学生的姓名、性别和年龄
select studentName,sex,year(now())-year(birthday) age
from  tb_student;5.查询全体学生的姓名、性别和年龄,要求用汉语显示目标列表的名称。
select studentName as '姓名',
sex as '性别',
year(now())-year(birthday) as '年龄'
from  tb_student;6.查询课时大于等于48学时的课程名称和学分
select courseName,credit from tb_course
where courseHour >= 48;7.查询少数民族学生的姓名、性别、籍贯和民族
select studentName,sex,nation, native
from tb_student where  nation <> '汉';8.查询1997年出生的学生姓名、性别和具体日期。
select studentName,sex,birthday
from tb_student
where year(birthday)=1997;9.查询不是1997年出生的学生姓名、性别和具体日期。
select studentName,sex,birthday
from tb_student where year(birthday)!=1997;10.查询籍贯是北京、天津和上海的学生信息。
select * from tb_student
where native in ('北京','天津','上海');11.查询籍贯不是北京、天津和上海的学生信息。
select * from tb_student
where native not in ('北京','天津','上海');12.查询2013年入学的学生全部信息。
select * from tb_student
where left(studentNo,4)='2013';13.查询所有姓王的学生的学号、姓名和班级编号。
select studentNo,studentName,classNo
from tb_student where studentName like '王%';14.查询所有不姓王的学生的学号、姓名和班级编号。
select studentNo,studentName,classNo from tb_student
where studentName not like '王%';15.   查询姓名中包含‘林’字的学生的学号、姓名和班级编号。
select studentNo,studentName,classNo
from tb_student where studentName like '%林%';16.查询姓王的且姓名为三个字的学生的学号、姓名和班级编号。
select studentNo,studentName,classNo from tb_student
where studentName like '王%' and CHAR_LENGTH(studentName)=3;17.查询课程名称中包含’-‘符号的课程信息;
select * from tb_course where courseName like '%-%';18.查询课程名称中带有中文‘系统’的课程信息。
select * from tb_course where courseName like '%系统%';19.查询课程名称中含有‘管理’、‘信息’或者‘系统’的课程信息。
select * from tb_course
where courseName like '%管理%' or courseName like '%信息%' or courseName like '%系统%';20.查询缺少先修课的课程信息。
select * from tb_course where priorCourse is null;21.查询所有有先修课的课程信息
select * from tb_course where priorCourse is not null;22.查询学分大于等于3且学时数大于32的的课程名称、学分和学时数。
select courseName,credit,courseHour
from tb_course
where credit=3 and courseHour>32;23.查询籍贯是北京或者上海的学生的姓名、籍贯和民族。
select  studentName,native, nation
from tb_student
where native in ('北京','上海');24.查询籍贯是北京或湖南的少数民族男生的姓名、籍贯和民族。
select  studentName,native, nation
from tb_student where native in ('北京','湖南')
and nation<>'汉';25.查询学生的姓名、籍贯和民族,并将查询结果按姓名升序排序。
select * from tb_student order by studentName;26.查询学生选课成绩大于85分的学号、课程号和成绩信息,并将查询结果先按学号升序排列,再按成绩降序排列。
select * from tb_score
where  score>85
order by studentNo,score desc;27.查询成绩排名第3至第5的学生学号、课程号和成绩
select * from tb_score
order by score desc limit 2,3;

2.2 聚合函数查询

select count(*) from tb_student;29.查询选修了课程的学生总人数。
select sum(classNum) from tb_class;30.计算选修课程编号为‘21001’的学生平均成绩。
select avg(score) from tb_score where courseNo='21001';31.计算选修课程编号为‘21001’的学生最高分。
select max(score) from tb_score where courseNo='21001';

2.3 分组聚合查询

select courseNo,count(*) from tb_score group by courseNo;33.查询每个学生的选课门数、平均分和最高分
select studentNo,count(courseNo),avg(score),max(score)
from tb_score group by studentNo;34.查询平均分在80分以上的每个同学的选课门数、平均分和最高分。
select studentNo,count(courseNo),avg(score),max(score)
from tb_score group by studentNo having avg(score)>80;35.查询有2门以上(含2门)课程的成绩大于88分的学生学号及(88分以上的)课程数。
select studentNo,count(courseNo)
from tb_score where score> 88 group by studentNo
having count(courseNo)>=2;36.查询所有学生选课的平均成绩,但只有当平均成绩大于80的情况下才输出。
select studentNo,avg(score)
from tb_score group by studentNo having avg(score)>80;

2.4 多表连接查询

select b.studentNo,b.studentName,c.*
from tb_score a,tb_student b,tb_course c
where a.studentNo = b.studentNo
and a.courseNo = c.courseNo;38.查询会计学院全体同学的学号、姓名、籍贯、班级编号和所在班级名称。
select a.studentNo,a.studentName,a.native,a.classNo,b.className
from tb_student a,tb_class b
where a.classNo = b.classNo
and b.department ='会计学院';39. 查询选修了课程名称为‘程序设计’的学生学号、姓名和成绩。
select b.studentNo,b.studentName,a.score
from tb_score a,tb_student b,tb_course c
where a.studentNo = b.studentNo
and a.courseNo = c.courseNo
and c.courseName='程序设计';40.查询与数据库这门课学分相同的课程信息。
select * from tb_course a where a.credit in
(select credit from tb_course b
where a.credit=b.credit and b.courseName = '数据库')
and a.courseName <> '数据库';41.使用左连接查询所有学生及其选修课程的情况,
包括没有选修课程的学生,要求显示学号、姓名、性别、班号、选修的课程号和成绩。select a.studentNo,a.studentName,a.sex,a.classNo,c.courseName,b.score
from tb_student a left join tb_score b on a.studentNo = b.studentNo
join tb_course c on b.courseNo=c.courseNo;42.使用右连接查询所有学生及其选修课程的情况,
包括没有选修课程的学生,要求显示学号、姓名、性别、班号、选修的课程号和成绩。select a.studentNo,a.studentName,a.sex,a.classNo,c.courseName,b.score
from tb_student a right join tb_score b on a.studentNo = b.studentNo
join tb_course c on b.courseNo=c.courseNo;

2.5 子查询

select a.studentName from tb_student a where a.studentNo in
(select b.studentNo from tb_score b);44.    查询没有选修过课程的学生姓名。
select a.studentName from tb_student a where a.studentNo not in
(select b.studentNo from tb_score b);45.查询班级‘计算机14-1班’所有学生的学号和姓名。
select a.studentNo,a.studentName from tb_student a where a.classNo in
(select b.classNo from tb_class b where b.className ='计算机14-1班');46.查询与‘李明’同班的学生学号、姓名和班级编号。
select * from tb_student a
where a.classNo in
(select b.classNo from tb_student b where b.studentName='李明')
and a.studentName != '李明';47.查询男生中比任意一个女生出生年份都晚的学生姓名和出生年份。
select * from tb_student a where a.birthday > any
(select birthday from tb_student b where b.sex ='女')
and a.sex ='男';48.查询选修了课程号为‘31002’的学生姓名。
select a.studentName from tb_student a
where a.studentNo in
(select b.studentNo from tb_score b where b.courseNo='31002');49.查询没有选修课程号为‘31002’的学生姓名。
select a.studentName from tb_student a
where a.studentNo not in
(select b.studentNo from tb_score b where b.courseNo='31002');50.查询选修了全部课程的学生姓名
select a.studentName from tb_student a
where a.studentNo in (
select studentNo from tb_score group by studentNo
having count(*) = (select count(*) from tb_course)

2.6 联合查询

select b.studentNo
from tb_score a,tb_student b,tb_course c
where a.studentNo = b.studentNo
and a.courseNo = c.courseNo
and c.courseName='管理学'
select b.studentNo
from tb_score a,tb_student b,tb_course c
where a.studentNo = b.studentNo
and a.courseNo = c.courseNo
and c.courseName='计算机基础';52.使用UNION ALL查询选修了‘管理学’或者‘计算机基础’的学生学号。
select b.studentNo
from tb_score a,tb_student b,tb_course c
where a.studentNo = b.studentNo
and a.courseNo = c.courseNo
and c.courseName='管理学'
union all
select b.studentNo
from tb_score a,tb_student b,tb_course c
where a.studentNo = b.studentNo
and a.courseNo = c.courseNo
and c.courseName='计算机基础';53.查询选修了‘计算机基础’,但没有选修‘管理学’的学生学号。
select b.studentNo
from tb_score a,tb_student b,tb_course c
where a.studentNo = b.studentNo
and a.courseNo = c.courseNo
and c.courseName='计算机基础'
select b.studentNo
from tb_score a,tb_student b,tb_course c
where a.studentNo = b.studentNo
and a.courseNo = c.courseNo
and c.courseName<>'管理学';






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