
  • 1 导入PowerDesigner的表展示
  • 2 PowerDesigner中表之间关系
  • 3 PowerDesigner中表关系间实线和虚线
  • 4 导入Sql脚本到PowerDesigner中


1 导入PowerDesigner的表展示




  1. 选择工具(Tools)下显示参数选择(Display Preference).
  2. 选择Table里面的Advanced按钮.
  3. 选择Columns里面的(2).
  4. 先勾选Code,点击Code行点击按钮3,将Code放到首行,等级OK按钮.
  5. 选择工具(Tools)下的Execute Commands中Edit/Run Script按钮.

Option   Explicit
ValidationMode   =   True
InteractiveMode   =   im_Batch    Dim   mdl   '   the   current   model    '   get   the   current   active   model
Set   mdl   =   ActiveModel
If   (mdl   Is   Nothing)   Then    MsgBox   "There   is   no   current   Model "
ElseIf   Not   mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model)   Then    MsgBox   "The   current   model   is   not   an   Physical   Data   model. "
Else    ProcessFolder   mdl
End   If    Private   sub   ProcessFolder(folder)
On Error Resume Next   Dim   Tab   'running     table    for   each   Tab   in   folder.tables    if   not   tab.isShortcut   then    tab.name   =   tab.comment   Dim   col   '   running   column    for   each   col   in   tab.columns    if col.comment="" then   else  col.name=   col.comment    end if  next    end   if    next    Dim   view   'running   view    for   each   view   in   folder.Views    if   not   view.isShortcut   then    view.name   =   view.comment    end   if    next    '   go   into   the   sub-packages    Dim   f   '   running   folder    For   Each   f   In   folder.Packages    if   not   f.IsShortcut   then    ProcessFolder   f    end   if    Next
end   sub

2 PowerDesigner中表之间关系



  1. 选择Link/Extended Dependency,将表二指向表一.

  2. 双击虚线或鼠标右键,进入属性设置,选择Extended Dependcies模块,在Stereotype中随便写入两表关系即可.

3 PowerDesigner中表关系间实线和虚线

虚线: 可追溯性连接,不建立实际的物理外键关系,只做一个说明,从视图上表示两个表的关系(逻辑外键).
实线: 建立实际的外键关系(物理外键).



4 导入Sql脚本到PowerDesigner中

问题: 导入Sql过程中, 可能存在报错,反馈字符集解析错误.
解决: 使用ANSI字符集, 新建一个脚本文件,设置字符集为ANSI,将原脚本内容复制,保存新脚本文件.



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