我已成功编译/运行其他程序但是当我尝试编译/运行下面的代码时,它告诉我:“这个项目尚未构建,你想现在构建它吗?” .

当我从函数getWinnings()中取出int时,它将编译/运行,但是如果我添加更多参数,那么代码:: blocks会给我上面的消息 . 是什么造成的?





int gameCoins;

using namespace std;

void instructions();

void playSlots();

void spin();

int main()






void instructions()


cout << "\t\t" << "VIRTUAL SLOT MACHINE" << "\n\n";

cout << "INSTRUCTIONS: " << endl << "You start with 500 coins. The game is over either when you run out of coins or you quit the game." << "\n";

cout << "It will cost you 25 coins per spin. Good luck!" << "\n\n" ;


void playSlots()


string user_input;

string replay_or_quit;

while (replay_or_quit != "n" && replay_or_quit != "no")


gameCoins = 500;

cout << "Coins: " << gameCoins << "\n";

while (user_input != "spin" && user_input != "Spin")


cout << "Spin the wheels to start playing. Type 'spin' to begin" << "\n";

cin >> user_input; cout << "\n\n";



while (gameCoins > 0 && user_input != "no" && user_input != "n")


cout << "Spin again?" << "\n" << "Decision: ";

cin >> user_input;

if (user_input == "y" || user_input == "yes")



if (gameCoins == 0)


cout << "You went broke. Play again?" << "\n" << "Decision: ";

cin >> replay_or_quit;




cout << "Congratulations, you won " << gameCoins << " coins. Play again?" << "\n" << "Decision: ";

cin >> replay_or_quit;




int getWinnings(int a, int b)


return (a+b);


void spin()


int wheelOne_Top, wheelOne_Mid, wheelOne_Bot;

int wheelTwo_Top, wheelTwo_Mid, wheelTwo_Bot;

int wheelThree_Top, wheelThree_Mid, wheelThree_Bot;

int coinsWon;

gameCoins = gameCoins-25;

wheelOne_Top = (rand() % 3) + 1, wheelTwo_Top = (rand() % 3) + 1, wheelThree_Top = (rand() % 3) + 1;

wheelOne_Mid = (rand() % 3) + 1, wheelTwo_Mid = (rand() % 3) + 1, wheelThree_Mid = (rand() % 3) + 1;

wheelOne_Bot = (rand() % 3) + 1, wheelTwo_Bot = (rand() % 3) + 1, wheelThree_Bot = (rand() % 3) + 1;

while (wheelOne_Top == wheelOne_Mid || wheelOne_Top == wheelOne_Bot || wheelOne_Bot == wheelOne_Mid)


wheelOne_Mid = (rand() % 3) + 1;

wheelOne_Bot = (rand() % 3) + 1;


while (wheelTwo_Top == wheelTwo_Mid || wheelTwo_Top == wheelTwo_Bot || wheelTwo_Bot == wheelTwo_Mid)


wheelTwo_Mid = (rand() % 3) + 1;

wheelTwo_Bot = (rand() % 3) + 1;


while (wheelThree_Top == wheelThree_Mid || wheelThree_Top == wheelThree_Bot || wheelThree_Bot == wheelThree_Mid)


wheelThree_Mid = (rand() % 3) + 1;

wheelThree_Bot = (rand() % 3) + 1;


cout << "Coins: " << gameCoins << endl << endl;

cout << "\t\t\t" << wheelOne_Top << " " << wheelTwo_Top << " " << wheelThree_Top << "\n";

cout << "\t\t\t" << wheelOne_Mid << " " << wheelTwo_Mid << " " << wheelThree_Mid << "\n";

cout << "\t\t\t" << wheelOne_Bot << " " << wheelTwo_Bot << " " << wheelThree_Bot << "\n\n";

coinsWon = getWinnings(wheelOne_Top, wheelOne_Mid);

gameCoins = coinsWon + gameCoins;

if (gameCoins > 0)

cout << "You won " << gameCoins << " coins!" << "\n" << "Total Coins: " << gameCoins << "\n\n";


cout << "You lost 25 coins!" << "\n" << "Total coins: " << gameCoins << "\n\n";


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