
  • Word Preparation
    • business trip: 公务旅行,出差
    • client: 客户
    • loudmouth: (贬) 喋喋不休的人;大嗓门儿
    • red-faced: 面红耳赤的
    • formal event: 正式活动
    • end up: 结束,完事
  • Grammar
    • except for

Word Preparation

business trip: 公务旅行,出差

a journey taken for business purposes

My dad is always leaving the country to go on business trips.

Our next business trip will be in London.

client: 客户

a customer or someone who receives services

Terry is busy with a client right now.

We usually have more clients in the morning than in the afternoon.

loudmouth: (贬) 喋喋不休的人;大嗓门儿

a person who talks too loudly or too much, especially in an offensive or stupid way

Sarah is not the best person to talk to since she is a loudmouth.

If you talk like that, people will think you are a loudmouth.

red-faced: 面红耳赤的

having a red face because of embarrassment

Tim was a little red-faced after he fell in front of everybody.

I was very red-faced after I dropped all the food on the floor.

formal event: 正式活动

a social activity in which people are required to behave in a serious manner

Richard hates going to formal events because he has to dress nicely.
Richard 不喜欢参加正式活动,因为他不得不穿的很正式。

There will be important people at this formal event, so act your best.

end up: 结束,完事

to turn out as or become something

We were supposed to go to the beach, but we end up staying home and watching TV.

How did we end up at the shopping mall and not the library?


except for

except for,意思是 “除 … 之外”,用在 “要排除的人物” 之前,有时(不是所有时候)隐含有 “美中不足” 之意。 例如,
I had everything on except for my socks.

近似意义的表达是 apart from …。例如,
Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.
这句话并不蕴含 “美中不足” 之意。

  • I think this novel is really something except for the sad ending.
  • Except for a few words, I do not any French at all.
    • My teacher said my paper was well written except for one spelling mistake.
  • He had not traveled recently except for a trip to Ireland.

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