

% cd WebRoot/testdrive
% protected/yiic shellYii Interactive Tool v1.1
Please type 'help' for help. Type 'exit' to quit.
>> model User tbl_usergenerate models/User.phpgenerate fixtures/tbl_user.phpgenerate unit/UserTest.phpThe following model classes are successfully generated:UserIf you have a 'db' database connection, you can test these models now with:$model=User::model()->find();print_r($model);>> crud Usergenerate UserController.phpgenerate UserTest.phpmkdir D:/testdrive/protected/views/usergenerate create.phpgenerate update.phpgenerate index.phpgenerate view.phpgenerate admin.phpgenerate _form.phpgenerate _view.phpCrud 'user' has been successfully created. You may access it via:http://hostname/path/to/index.php?r=user

如上所示,我们使用yiic shell命令和应用框架交互. 在提示中,我们执行两个子命令: model User tbl_user 和crud User.前者生成基于tbl_user表的模型类User, 后者分析User模型并且生成相应的CRUD操作代码.

Note: You may encounter errors like "...could not find driver", even though the requirement checker shows you have already enabled PDO and the corresponding PDO driver. If this happens, you may try to run the yiic tool as follows,

% php -c path/to/php.ini protected/yiic.php shell

where path/to/php.ini represents the correct PHP ini file.

Let's enjoy our work by browsing the following URL:


This will display a list of user entries in the tbl_user table.

Click the Create User button on the page. We will be brought to the login page if we have not logged in before. After logged in, we see an input form that allows us to add a new user entry. Complete the form and click on the Create button. If there is any input error, a nice error prompt will show up which prevents us from saving the input. Back to the user list page, we should see the newly added user appearing in the list.

Repeat the above steps to add more users. Notice that user list page will automatically paginate the user entries if there are too many to be displayed in one page.

If we login as an administrator using admin/admin, we can view the user admin page with the following URL:


This will show us the user entries in a nice tabular format. We can click on the table header cells to sort the corresponding columns. We can click on the buttons on each row of data to view, update or delete the corresponding row of data. We can browse different pages. We can also filter and search to look for the data we are interested in.

All these nice features come without requiring us to write a single line of code!




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