How to get appreciated by your boss?
Do your job, and do it well


It may seem obvious, but plenty of employees fail to accomplish the basic tasks that are required of them. If you make a diligent effort and do a good job, your boss will be impressed. “It all starts here,” Coleman says. “If you don’t do great work it’ll be difficult, if not impossible, to win over your boss, even if you follow all of the remaining suggestions well. Employees who do good work, consistently, efficiently, and professionally, are a joy to manage and ultimately allow their manager to focus on critical issues within the organization. The less your boss has to focus on your accomplishing your daily tasks, the more he or she can focus on accomplishing his or hers.”


Really get to know your boss


“When you first start working with your boss, you should sit down and have a conversation about how he or she likes to communicate,” Attridge says. Ask your boss if he or she likes to correspond by phone, e-mail or in person, find out how often he wants status updates from you, and figure out how much detail he wants in those updates. Great communication is vital for building a strong relationship with your boss.


Assist and support your boss's professional goals


A primary job of any employee is to make the boss’s life easier. And just like you, your boss has professional goals that he or she is trying to accomplish, Coleman says. “Find out what’s on your boss’s plate, and see how you can help to lighten the load.”


Be loyal to your boss


Always be a dedicated and honest employee. “Never talk about your boss to colleagues in the office, and never go around him or her when you have an issue,” Attridge says. “If there is an issue, sit down and talk to your boss. Be a respectful and loyal employee, and keep those conversations between the two of you.” A lack of trust can severely damage the relationship and your career.


Make your boss's priorities your priorities


“Your job is essentially all about meeting the boss’ priorities the way he or she wants them to be met,” Attridge says. “Remember that it’s a team effort, with your boss the lead person. If something isn’t at the top of your list but your boss expresses that it’s a priority – then it immediately becomes your priority, too.” Communicate with your boss regularly to make sure your goals and priorities are in sync.“


Take the initiative with projects and assignments


Volunteer to take on new projects—but don’t overload yourself. You want to have enough time and energy to do a great job on everything. One thing that will really impress your boss: “Try to think of valuable projects or assignments that you can start and complete without much supervision or guidance from your boss,” Coleman says.


Seek solutions to problems


Don’t rely on your boss to fix everything. “When a problem arises don’t just point it out. It’s likely obvious to everyone that something has gone wrong,” Coleman says. “Instead, offer suggestions And, if appropriate, roll up your sleeves and try to address the problem.” When a problem surfaces, never whine about it. “No one likes a negative person,” he adds. “That reduces morale and may impede productivity. When adversity comes, and it will, try to avoid complaining and instead seek ways to solve the problem.”


Show an interest in an activity your boss is passionate about


Don’t be afraid to tap into your boss’s personal life. “No one is all work and no play,” Coleman says. Find out what the boss likes to do outside of work and take an interest in the activity. “Consider reading the same book she's started and discuss key points or chapters with your boss, or join her in a round of golf if she loves the links. She’ll appreciate your efforts to share in something they find pleasurable, and you may get some invaluable one-on-one time to display your skills and competencies.


Demonstrate a long-term interest in your organization


“Although younger employees rarely remain with the same company for life, there’s nothing stopping you from thinking and acting in the long-term interest of the company,” Coleman says. “Learn about your key customers and products and figure out how you can support increased growth.” He also suggests asking questions to get a better idea of where the company is heading and to figure how you can align your career development and professional goals with the company’s goals. “Over time you’ll develop into a valued employee, and hopefully you’ll acknowledge your boss as a key supporter in your growth and development – which ultimately indicates to others in your organization that your boss is a great developer of talent.”




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