最近工作中经常遇见get_user_pages和get_user_pages_fast,虽然知道他们都是用来pin住一个页的,但是依然没搞明白后者是如何实现fast的,两者的区别具体在哪。刚好利用周末时间研究一下。本文的分析基于linux 4.19.195.

/*** get_user_pages_fast() - pin user pages in memory* @start:  starting user address* @nr_pages:  number of pages from start to pin* @write: whether pages will be written to* @pages:  array that receives pointers to the pages pinned.*      Should be at least nr_pages long.** Attempt to pin user pages in memory without taking mm->mmap_sem.   尝试不获取锁就pin memory* If not successful, it will fall back to taking the lock and* calling get_user_pages().** Returns number of pages pinned. This may be fewer than the number* requested. If nr_pages is 0 or negative, returns 0. If no pages* were pinned, returns -errno.*/
int get_user_pages_fast(unsigned long start, int nr_pages, int write,struct page **pages)


/** This is the same as get_user_pages_remote(), just with a* less-flexible calling convention where we assume that the task* and mm being operated on are the current task's and don't allow* passing of a locked parameter.  We also obviously don't pass* FOLL_REMOTE in here.*/
long get_user_pages(unsigned long start, unsigned long nr_pages,unsigned int gup_flags, struct page **pages,struct vm_area_struct **vmas)
{return __get_user_pages_locked(current, current->mm, start, nr_pages,pages, vmas, NULL,gup_flags | FOLL_TOUCH);
EXPORT_SYMBOL(get_user_pages);static __always_inline long __get_user_pages_locked(struct task_struct *tsk,struct mm_struct *mm,unsigned long start,unsigned long nr_pages,struct page **pages,struct vm_area_struct **vmas,int *locked,unsigned int flags)


int get_user_pages_fast(unsigned long start, int nr_pages, int write,struct page **pages)
{***/** The FAST_GUP case requires FOLL_WRITE even for pure reads,* because get_user_pages() may need to cause an early COW in* order to avoid confusing the normal COW routines. So only* targets that are already writable are safe to do by just* looking at the page tables.*/if (gup_fast_permitted(start, nr_pages, write)) {local_irq_disable();gup_pgd_range(addr, end, 1, pages, &nr);local_irq_enable();ret = nr;}if (nr < nr_pages) { //如果gup_pgd_rang没有获取到足够多的page数量,重来;原因可关注gup_pte_range函数,里面有对pte_value的并发判断/* Try to get the remaining pages with get_user_pages */start += nr << PAGE_SHIFT;pages += nr;ret = get_user_pages_unlocked(start, nr_pages - nr, pages,write ? FOLL_WRITE : 0); //最终调用__get_user_pages_locked完成/* Have to be a bit careful with return values */if (nr > 0) {if (ret < 0)ret = nr;elseret += nr;}}return ret;

总结一下,大体上,get_user_pages和get_user_pages_fast,都是通过查询页表实现pin page的效果;两者的区别是,get_user_pages_fast只能pin住页表和物理页都建立好的page,而get_user_pages在相关页表或物理页尚未建立的情况下,能够主动的去创建,然后再执行pin的动作。


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