
A couple of weeks ago, several of us from the Unity Copenhagen office took part in the Nordic Game Jam . With around 730 participants, it’s probably the largest game jam in Europe. I’d been told in the past that I absolutely had to try this, but all the other game jams I’ve been to before were much smaller, so I didn’t know what to expect. Here’s what went down!

几周前,来自Unity哥本哈根办事处的我们中的一些人参加了北欧游戏果酱 。 大约有730名参与者,这可能是欧洲最大的游戏大赛。 过去曾告诉我,我绝对必须尝试一下,但是我以前去过的所有其他游戏卡塞都小得多,所以我不知道会发生什么。 这就是发生的事情!

People from different countries flew in to Copenhagen for the two day jam that took place at Aalborg University, which consists of these two enormous buildings by the water connected by a bridge. The view from the bridge was beautiful and great to catch the sunrise from on a clear day!

来自不同国家的人们飞抵哥本哈根,参加了奥尔堡大学为期两天的果酱活动,该大学由两座巨大的建筑物组成,两座巨大的建筑物由一座桥相连。 桥上的景色很美,很高兴在晴朗的日子捕捉日出!

While the actual jam kicked off on a Friday, we started getting into Nordic Game Jam mode the day before. A large group of game devs from Poland came to visit us at the Unity Copenhagen office, what later became known as the Polish Invasion. After a day of hanging out, we gathered the troop and went to the NGJ pre-party in Christiania where lots of dancing, playing indie games like Progress and catching up with friends took place. There were a couple of game journalists accompanying the game devs and they wrote a nice piece about their visit to our office.

当实际的卡纸在周五开始时,我们在前一天开始进入北欧游戏卡纸模式。 来自波兰的一大批游戏开发人员来到Unity哥本哈根办公室拜访了我们,该办公室后来被称为波兰入侵。 经过一天的闲逛,我们聚集了一支队伍,去了克里斯蒂安尼亚举行的NGJ派对,在那里跳舞很多,玩了诸如Progress的独立游戏,还和朋友们见了面。 有几位游戏开发人员陪同游戏记者,他们写了一篇关于访问我们办公室的不错的文章 。

Once in place at Aalborg University for NGJ, we set up a booth where participants could stop by and chat with our HR manager Anders about landing a job at Unity and get temporary Unity tattoos! NGJ interviewed Anders about working at Unity.

一旦在NGJ奥尔堡大学就位,我们就设立了一个摊位,参与者可以在这里停下来并与我们的人事经理安德斯聊天,谈论在Unity工作并获得临时的Unity纹身! NGJ 采访了有关在Unity工作的Anders。

While part of the audience may have been a bit tired after the pre-party, you could sense the atmosphere of excitement the next day. I gathered a group of friends from Sweden, Poland and Germany, which turned out to be a really cool team.

参加完晚会后,部分听众可能会有些疲倦,但第二天您会感觉到兴奋的气氛。 我聚集了来自瑞典,波兰和德国的一群朋友,事实证明这是一个非常酷的团队。

The theme of the game jam, “OBVIOUS”,  was revealed after a day filled with talks, including one from James Portnow of Extra Credits and a keynote from Steve Swink. What’s pretty cool about game jams in general is that anyone can participate, whether you have created several games or are completely new to game development. Extra Credits recently worked with us on a series of videos about getting started with game development and I believe game jams to some degree fill the same purpose.

经过一天的热烈讨论,游戏果酱的主题为“显而易见”,其中包括来自Extra Credits的James Portnow的演讲和来自Steve Swink的主题演讲。 总的来说,游戏卡纸最酷的一点是,无论您创建了几款游戏还是游戏开发的新手,任何人都可以参加。 Extra Credits最近与我们合作制作了一系列有关游戏开发入门的视频 ,我相信游戏拥塞在某种程度上可以达到相同的目的。

Everyone split up into their groups, moved into rooms or spaces for dev:ing, started brainstorming game ideas and seeing what skills everyone had that could be put to use. You could hear lively discussions going on and feel the atmosphere of creative minds interchanging genius thoughts. Different groups had different methods of getting their thought processes going, pinning googly eyes on pineapples and spontaneous dancing took place.

每个人都分成小组,进入开发的房间或空间,开始集思广益游戏想法,并查看每个人可以使用哪些技能。 您可以听到正在进行的热烈讨论,并感受到富有创意的思维交流天才思想的氛围。 不同的群体有不同的思维方式,将目光投向菠萝,并自发跳舞。

The NGJ organisers made sure any type of game could be created during the jam. There was equipment for creating arcade games, material for board games, 3D printers, Oculus DK2’s, joysticks, and so on. The best part was being able to use the sound lab, which looked insane when I walked in the first time, a dark room covered in enormous spikes pointing directly at you, so quiet I could hear my own thoughts. I could use this room when performing the voice acting for the role of a pregnant woman in our game, which was a pretty interesting experience as well. Getting to scream as loud as I could in a room all by myself is not an everyday activity. My voice did however take quite a beating and I was still recovering the week after from a sore throat. Totally worth it.

NGJ组织者确保在卡纸期间可以创建任何类型的游戏。 有用于创建街机游戏的设备,用于棋盘游戏的材料,3D打印机,Oculus DK2的游戏杆,操纵杆等。 最好的部分是可以使用声音实验室,当我第一次走路时,它看起来很疯狂,一个黑暗的房间里覆盖着巨大的尖峰,直指着你,如此安静,我可以听到自己的想法。 在游戏中扮演孕妇角色的声音表演时,我可以使用这个房间,这也是一个非常有趣的体验。 独自一人在房间里尽可能地大声尖叫并不是每天的活动。 但是我的声音确实跳动了很多,下周我仍从喉咙痛中恢复过来。 完全值得的。

Though there were teams that got started on their games on Friday night, my team first decided on a specific game idea during our Saturday morning meeting. It really was a matter of “our deadline to decide on something is before lunchtime and after that we work work work.” And so we did. Feeling confident, we all popped back up into the space we’d taken over the night before and started producing. We split the areas up well having quite a large group, so each person was able to dedicate their time to art, code, design and audio. The group sizes at NGJ varied from 2 person teams to 6 persons. A few lovely souls also jumped between teams to help out in any area they could, which was super awesome.

尽管有些团队在周五晚上开始比赛,但我们的团队在周六上午的会议上首先决定了一个特定的比赛想法。 实际上,这是“我们在午餐时间之前决定事情的截止日期,然后我们开始工作。” 因此,我们做到了。 充满信心的我们都跳回到了前一天晚上开始制作的空间。 我们将区域划分为一大群,因此每个人都可以将自己的时间投入到艺术,代码,设计和音频上。 NGJ的小组人数从2人团队到6人不等。 一些可爱的灵魂也跳入了团队之间,以在任何可能的地方提供帮助,这真是太棒了。

Several groups stayed up late or pulled all-nighters to finish up their games for Sunday’s submission deadline. I believe around 140 games were submitted, so presentations took place in separate rooms where participants were able to vote for their favourite. Several of the games were made using Unity and you can play many of them on NGJ15’s itch.io site. One of the best things about game jams is that you never know the outcome of what people are working on, the projects typically start out pretty comprehensible, but can quickly turn ridiculous, which makes them that much more memorable.

几个小组熬夜或拉通宵通宵,以完成他们的比赛,直到周日的提交截止日期。 我相信大约提交了140场比赛,因此在单独的房间中进行了演示 ,参与者可以投票赞成他们的最爱。 其中一些游戏是使用Unity制作的,您可以在NGJ15的itch.io网站上玩很多游戏。 关于游戏阻塞的最好的事情之一是,您永远不知道人们在做什么,这些项目通常一开始就很容易理解,但是很快就会变得荒谬,这使它们更加令人难忘。

A ceremony was held after the absolute final voting had taken place and the jury had made their decisions on which games were the best in each category. Awards were handed out, speeches were given, songs were sung and everyone was happy with the results. A great game jam, making new friends and just having a swell time is the summary of the weekend.

在绝对投票结束后举行了典礼,陪审团决定了每个类别中最好的比赛 。 颁奖,发表演讲,演唱歌曲,每个人都对结果感到满意。 周末的总结是一场精彩的比赛,结交新朋友,度过一段美好的时光。

But before you stop reading, check out a couple of my favourite submissions:


Look at my drawing


Press F to Win


Hest til fest


Double Trouble


There were many more good games, you can find a complete list and play some on NGJ15’s itch.io site.


Here are a couple of games made by the teams that included some Unity folks:




Express Delivery


Black Hole Battle: not #madewithunity, but a board game instead!


Once again, a big thank you to the organisers for creating such a fun and memorable event, we look forward to participating next year which also happens to be NGJ’s 10 year anniversary!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/02/20/nordic-game-jam-2015/



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