The Galaxy S8 is Samsung’s newest flagship phone, a triumphant return to the spotlight after the disastrous Note 7. There’s a lot to love about the latest from Android’s largest manufacturer, but there’s also a lot to dislike. Let’s talk about it.

Galaxy S8是三星最新的旗舰手机,在灾难性的Note 7之后,凯旋而归。这是Android最大制造商的最新产品,有很多值得人们喜欢的地方,但也有很多不喜欢的地方。 让我们来谈谈它。

关于Galaxy S8的最好的事情 (The Best Things About the Galaxy S8)

I like to start with the good news then work my way back around the bad stuff, so let’s start on the shiny side of the coin: love or hate Samsung, the S8 has a lot of things going for it. The design is beautiful, it’s crazy-fast, and it’s packed full of awesome technology.

我喜欢先从好消息开始,然后再回过头来处理坏问题,所以让我们从硬币的光亮面开始:爱与恨三星,S8有很多用途。 设计很漂亮,速度非常快,并且充满了很棒的技术。

防水真的很方便 (Waterproofing Is Really Handy to Have)

This list comes in no particular order, but having a waterproof phone is undoubtedly excellent. The S8 follows in its predecessor’s footsteps with the waterproofing tech—It’s IP68 dust- and water-resistant, so it can be completely submerged in 1.5 meters of “fresh” water for up to 30 minutes. And it does it all without adding any extra bulk or gaudy port covers.

这个列表没有特别的顺序,但是拥有防水手机无疑是非常好的。 S8遵循其前辈的足迹,采用了防水技术-IP68防尘防水,因此可以将其完全浸入1.5米的“新鲜”水中长达30分钟。 无需添加任何额外的笨重或华丽的端口盖即可完成所有操作。

So go ahead and take your phone to the pool or lake. Splash away—you’re covered.

因此,继续将手机带到游泳池或湖泊中。 闪开—被遮住。

无线,快速充电 (Wireless, Fast Charging Rocks)

Wireless charging is a bit polarizing—users either love it or find it completely pointless. I’m convinced that the latter group of people have never actually used the feature, because it’s actually pretty incredible. Honestly, I wish every modern smartphone had it, but it seems like Samsung is the only one who still thinks there’s a future here.

无线充电有点两极分化-用户要么喜欢它,要么发现它完全没有意义。 我坚信后一组人从未真正使用过该功能,因为它确实令人难以置信。 老实说,我希望一款现代智能手机都拥有它,但似乎三星是唯一仍然认为这里有未来的智能手机。

On top of the convenience of wireless charging, the S8 also feature fast charging for both wired and wireless methods. That’s another must-have in my book, but fortunately every manufacturer includes some form of fast wired charging at this point.

除了无线充电的便利性之外,S8还具有针对有线和无线方法的快速充电功能。 这是我书中的另一个必须要做的事,但是幸运的是,每个制造商在这一点上都包括某种形式的快速有线充电。

虹膜扫描超快速便捷 (Iris Scanning Is Super Fast and Convenient)

I’m not going to lie about this one: I thought it was more of a novelty till I actually tried it (kind of like those silly anti-wireless charging folks we just talked about). But man, once you give it a go, it’s an insane way to unlock your phone.

我不会对此撒谎:在我实际尝试之前,我认为它更像是一种新颖(就像我们刚才谈到的那些愚蠢的反无线充电专家一样)。 但是,伙计,一旦您放手,这是一种解锁手机的疯狂方法。

What’s most surprising to me is how fast it is. Oftentimes, the iris scanner will have my phone unlocked before the preview image even shows up—it’s kind of surreal. It really makes up for the awkward positioning of the fingerprint reader on the back of the phone, which is my preferred unlocking method on pretty much all other phones.

我最惊讶的是它有多快。 通常,虹膜扫描仪会在预览图像显示之前就将我的手机解锁-这是一种超现实的感觉。 它确实弥补了指纹读取器在手机背面的笨拙定位,这是我在所有其他手机上首选的解锁方法。

相机很棒 (The Camera Is Fantastic)

I’m doing my best not to be generic with this list—I don’t want to go with the normal “display, battery life, etc.” list when it comes to best features, but you absolutely cannot ignore this phone’s camera. It’s amazing.

我正在竭尽所能不要对此列表一概而论-我不想使用通常的“显示,电池寿命等”。 列出最佳功能,但您绝对不能忽略此手机的摄像头。 太奇妙了。

And to really unleash the power of the camera, Samsung has done an excellent job with the camera app—it’s full-featured and very powerful, all without feeling sluggish and bogged down.


蓝牙5.0是一大进步 (Bluetooth 5.0 Is a Big Step Up)

If I had to pick a favorite pair of features on the S8, this might be it. I’ll be straight up with you guys here: Bluetooth 5.0 is awesome. I think we can all agree that Bluetooth in itself is a janky technology, but so far Bluetooth 5.0 is the best iteration of this oft-hated connection method. It allows for things that we used to only hope for, like connecting one phone to multiple Bluetooth audio devices at once, or even playing audio from a specific app on a speaker while keeping all other media on the phone itself. It’s brilliant.

如果我必须在S8上选择最喜欢的一对功能,就可能是这样。 我会在这里与你们直接联系:蓝牙5.0很棒。 我想我们都可以同意蓝牙本身就是一种过时的技术,但是到目前为止,蓝牙5.0是这种经常被讨厌的连接方法的最佳迭代。 它允许我们以前希望的事情,例如一次将一部手机连接到多个Bluetooth音频设备,甚至播放扬声器上特定应用程序的音频,而将所有其他媒体保留在手机本身上。 这个棒极了。

And for everything not wireless, the S8 has UBS-C, which is just as awesome. This is more of a given than it is a feature that sets the S8 apart from the pack—if you’re releasing an Android phone in 2017, it better have USB-C. Still, much like Bluetooth 5.0, it’s the best version of USB to date, so I think it’s worth giving a nod to.

对于所有无线设备,S8都具有UBS-C,这也很棒。 这是给定的功能,而不是使S8与众不同的功能-如果您要在2017年发布Android手机,最好使用USB-C。 仍然像蓝牙5.0一样,它是迄今为止最好的USB版本,所以我认为值得一提。

关于Galaxy S8最糟糕的事情 (The Worst Things About the Galaxy S8)

Unfortunately, there’s always a dark side to the story. Not everything is rainbows and butterflies, and that couldn’t be more true than with the Galaxy S8. As much as there are things to love about this phone, there are also things that can potentially make you want to throw it into a wall, which I honestly wouldn’t recommend.

不幸的是,故事总是有阴暗面。 并不是所有的东西都是彩虹和蝴蝶,这比Galaxy S8更为真实。 关于这款手机,除了有很多值得一去的东西,还有一些可能使您想要将其扔到墙上的东西,老实说,我不建议这样做。

S8很脆弱 (The S8 Is Fragile)

If I could only pick one bad thing to say about the S8—one that I feel is even reason enough to not buy this phone—it’s how fragile it is. I can’t remember the last time I broke a phone (despite many, many drops), but my S8’s display was cracked within two weeks of having it. I dropped it about 18 inches or so onto a tile floor, and boom—the display was cracked at the bottom. And, yes, it even had a case on it. It made me sick.

如果我只能说一件关于S8的坏话-我觉得甚至有理由买这部手机-这就是它的脆弱性。 我不记得上次摔坏手机了(尽管掉了很多滴),但是S8的显示屏在装了两个星期后就破裂了。 我放弃了它大约18英寸左右到瓷砖地板和繁荣 -the显示在底部裂开。 而且,是的,它甚至还有一个案例。 这让我恶心。

And I’m not the only one. Basically every day I see someone posting pictures of their broken S8. I realize that people break phones every day, but I’m absolutely convinced that the S8’s display, and by extension the back, are more fragile than other phones.

我不是唯一的一个。 基本上每天我都会看到有人张贴他们破碎的S8的图片。 我意识到人们每天都在打手机,但是我绝对相信S8的显示屏以及后面的显示屏比其他手机更脆弱。

To make matters worse, these things are ridiculously expensive to fix right now, thanks to that curved display. Ugh.

更糟糕的是,由于弯曲的显示屏,这些东西现在修复起来非常昂贵。 啊。

TouchWiz仍然存在 (TouchWiz Still Exists)

You know what? Samsung’s software layer isn’t nearly as bad as it used to be. In fact, it’s kind of okay now. But it’s still a software layer, and it’s still loaded with superfluous “features.” It’s still bloated. And Samsung is somehow taking a step backwards and making it worse. I kind of hate it.

你知道吗? 三星的软件层不像以前那样糟糕。 实际上,现在还可以。 但是它仍然是软件层,并且仍然充满了多余的“功能”。 它仍然肿。 三星正在以某种方式向后退一步 ,并使情况变得更糟。 我有点讨厌

外形和显示尴尬 (The Form Factor and Display Are Awkward)

Yeah, I’m saying it: the 18.5:9 display ratio makes for a weird experience sometimes. It’s a tall, long display, and while it looks great, it’s not without its on share of quirks.

是的,我是说:18.5:9的显示比例有时会带来奇怪的体验。 它是一个高大而长的显示器,虽然看起来很棒,但并非没有怪癖。

For example, some apps show black bars at the top and bottom, because they’re not optimized for this aspect ratio. You can force the apps to use the full screen, so at least there’s that.

例如,某些应用在顶部和底部显示黑条,因为它们并未针对此宽高比进行优化。 您可以 强制应用程序使用全屏模式 ,因此至少可以做到这一点。

Because of how narrow it is, though, I also find it really awkward to type on—and I have tiny hands! I honestly can’t imagine how anyone with big hands can mange to type anything out on this phone.

但是,由于它的狭窄程度,我也很难打字,而且我的手很小! 老实说,我无法想象有谁能大手大意地在手机上打字。

And all that goes without mentioning the rounded corners of the display, which I just can’t seem to get used to. It looks very unnatural to me, and to be honest, just slightly tacky. Plus, to avoid pushing a notification into the bend, there’s always a gap before the first notification. It just feels unrefined.

而且,所有这些都没有提及显示屏的圆角,我似乎还不太习惯。 对我来说,这看起来非常不自然,老实说,只是有些俗气。 另外,为避免将通知推送到转弯处,在第一个通知之前总会有一个间隙。 只是感觉不精。

As good as the S8 could have been, I honestly think it’s a step backwards from the S7. As someone who hated Samsung and was won over by the S7, I’ve been left very unsatisfied with the S8—the fragile build quality and awkwardness of the display ratio, paired with the weird rounded corners on the display have made this phone harder for me to like than I expected. And while i know it will likely be the best selling Android phone of this season, I’ve had a hard time recommending it to friends and colleagues who are looking to pick up a new Android phone.

与S8一样好,老实说,我认为它比S7落后了一步。 作为讨厌三星并被S7击败的人,我对S8感到非常不满意-脆弱的制造质量和显示比例的尴尬,再加上显示屏上怪异的圆角,使这款手机更难我比我预期的要喜欢。 虽然我知道它可能是本季最畅销的Android手机,但我很难将它推荐给希望购买新Android手机的朋友和同事。


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