
According to retail analyst, GlobalData, over 50% of UK consumers now shop online, with spending predicted to grow 30% by 2024. Indeed, by 2021, Statista forecasts 93% of internet users in the UK will be shopping online. While this is fantastic news for online businesses, it comes hand in hand with a growth in competition as more companies launch websites: 84% had them in 2018 compared to 70% in 2007. To be successful in such a competitive marketplace, companies will need to find ways of increasing website traffic and in this post, we’ll explain some of the main ways to achieve this.

根据零售分析师GlobalData的数据,英国目前有超过50%的消费者在网上购物,到2024年,消费预计将增长30%。事实上,Statista预测,到2021年,英国93%的互联网用户将在网上购物。 尽管对于在线企业而言这是个好消息,但随着越来越多的公司推出网站,竞争也随之加剧:与2007年的70%相比,2018年有84%的网站拥有网站。要在如此竞争激烈的市场中取得成功,公司需要为了找到增加网站流量的方法,在这篇文章中,我们将解释实现这一目标的一些主要方法。

1. 在线广告 (1. Online advertising)

For companies with new websites or those which struggle to get listed in search engine results, online advertising is often the chief method of attracting customers to your website. The main way to advertise is with Google and Bing, using paid search ads that appear in search results or display ads that appear on other websites. Alternatively, you can also advertise on social media sites. All of these options allow you to target specific audiences and track the progress of your campaign, helping to ensure your advertising budget is spent effectively. It can, however, be an expensive strategy.

对于拥有新网站的公司或那些难以在搜索引擎结果中列出的公司而言,在线广告通常是吸引客户访问您网站的主要方法。 广告的主要方式是使用Google和Bing,使用出现在搜索结果中的付费搜索广告或显示在其他网站上的展示广告。 或者,您也可以在社交媒体网站上做广告。 所有这些选项使您能够定位特定的受众并跟踪广告系列的进度,从而有助于确保有效地利用广告预算。 但是,这可能是一个昂贵的策略。

2. 内容营销 (2. Content marketing)

Internet users aren’t always looking for products or services; quite often what they are seeking is information or ideas to help them solve problems. Providing content on your website which solves those problems can massively boost the number of people who visit as it can be found in search results and shared on social media. If that content subtly mentions and links to a product or service that you supply, it increases the chances of a sale. Take, for example, someone with a small garden looking for ideas to spruce it up. They find a blog article from a garden centre called ’10 ideas for revamping a small garden’ in which they find a picture of a table and chair set they like, together with a link to the product page. From this article, the visitor solves their problem and the garden centre makes a sale. This technique is widely used by businesses in all sectors.

互联网用户并不总是在寻找产品或服务; 他们寻求的往往是帮助他们解决问题的信息或想法。 在您的网站上提供解决这些问题的内容可以极大地增加访问量,因为可以在搜索结果中找到并在社交媒体上共享。 如果该内容含蓄地提及并链接到您提供的产品或服务,则会增加销售机会。 例如,某人在一个带小花园的地方,寻找一些创意来装饰它。 他们在花园中心找到了一篇博客文章,题为“改造小花园的10个想法”,在其中找到了自己喜欢的桌子和椅子的图片,以及指向产品页面的链接。 从这篇文章中,访客解决了他们的问题,花园中心进行了销售。 该技术已被各行各业的企业广泛使用。

3. 社交媒体营销 (3. Social media marketing)

If businesses don’t want to pay for advertising on social media, they can always use these sites to promote their brand, their web content and their products or services. Social media is great for posting links to your website and with the ability to use eye-catching images and video, it can be a highly effective way to increase traffic, especially as other users can spread the word by liking and sharing your posts.

如果企业不想为社交媒体上的广告付费,则可以随时使用这些网站来推广其品牌,其网络内容以及其产品或服务。 社交媒体非常适合发布指向您网站的链接,并且具有使用醒目的图像和视频的能力,它是增加流量的一种非常有效的方法,尤其是当其他用户可以通过喜欢和分享您的帖子来传播信息时。

4. 改善SEO (4. Improve SEO)

Search engines are the main way consumers find the things they are looking for online, so optimising your website for them is vital if you want to improve the chances of your web pages ranking well in search results.


While the crucial factor in SEO is providing high-quality, fresh and relevant content on your pages, you must not overlook all the other key ingredients. These include having a well-structured, easily navigable website and placing relevant keywords in the titles, subheadings, meta descriptions and content.

尽管SEO的关键因素是在页面上提供高质量,新鲜且相关的内容,但您一定不能忽略所有其他关键要素。 其中包括拥有结构合理,易于浏览的网站,并将相关关键字放在标题,副标题,元描述和内容中。

5. 移动友好的网站 (5. A mobile-friendly website)

A mobile-friendly or responsive website is a necessity in today’s online market. The main reason for this is the fact that users spend more time online on their phones than they do on laptops or other devices. Increasingly, users are also shopping more on mobiles too. According to Statista, at the end of 2018, smartphones generated the largest share of online retail revenue in the UK with many sources predicting the amount spent using mobile devices would double over the next few years to around £40 billion.

在当今的在线市场中,对移动设备友好或响应Swift的网站是必不可少的。 造成这种情况的主要原因是,用户在手机上花费的在线时间比在笔记本电脑或其他设备上花费的时间更长。 用户也越来越多地在手机上购物。 根据Statista的数据,截至2018年底,智能手机在英国的在线零售收入中所占份额最大,许多消息来源预测,在未来几年中,使用移动设备花费的金额将翻一番,达到约400亿英镑。

There are many reasons for this growth: there are more phone users, there is better internet access away from home, there are easier ways for people to pay using their phones and, importantly, more companies are providing mobile-friendly websites. For businesses, the last point is crucial, as without a mobile-friendly site, the growing market of smartphone shoppers won’t be able to fully access your store. That’s an issue which also makes search engines downrank sites which aren’t mobile-friendly.

造成这种增长的原因有很多:电话用户增多,出门在外的互联网访问变得更好,人们使用电话付款的方式更简单,而且重要的是,越来越多的公司正在提供适合移动设备使用的网站。 对于企业而言,最后一点至关重要,因为如果没有适合移动设备的网站,不断增长的智能手机购物者市场将无法完全访问您的商店。 这个问题也使搜索引擎降低了不适合移动设备访问的网站的排名。

6. 利用电子邮件营销 (6. Make use of email marketing)

Email marketing has the highest ROI of any marketing technique and is very inexpensive to implement. There are various ways to grow an email list, such as using a pop-up that offers an incentive to sign up (e.g. 10% off your first order) or asking customers to sign up during the checkout process (e.g. ‘Get updates of our new products and latest offers’).

电子邮件营销具有所有营销技术中最高的ROI,并且实施起来非常便宜。 可以通过多种方式来增加电子邮件列表,例如使用弹出式窗口来鼓励用户进行注册(例如,首次订购可享受10%的折扣),或要求客户在结帐过程中进行注册(例如,“获取我们的更新”新产品和最新优惠”)。

Once visitors have signed up, you can send marketing emails to them for free with links to your website included. Today, many companies combine email marketing with the use of personalised product recommendation software which tracks what a visitor has been looking at on the website and sends out emails with links to relevant products. This personalised form of email marketing can significantly increase traffic to your site.

访问者注册后,您可以免费向他们发送营销电子邮件,其中包含指向您网站的链接。 如今,许多公司将电子邮件营销与个性化产品推荐软件结合使用,该软件可以跟踪访问者在网站上正在浏览的内容,并发送包含相关产品链接的电子邮件。 这种个性化的电子邮件营销形式可以显着增加网站访问量。

7. 安全性和速度 (7. Security and speed)

Two other factors which can affect traffic numbers are security and speed. If your website is marked as ‘not secure’ on browsers, many users will not visit even if it appears in search results. Additionally, according to Google, 53% of visitors will abandon the site if it takes over three seconds to load on their devices. Solving these problems requires the installation of an SSL certificate on your website to make it secure and ensuring that the site is optimised to make it faster. Speed can also be increased by ensuring that your site is hosted on high-performance servers and that your hosting package provides all the resources to cater for the traffic your site needs.

影响流量的其他两个因素是安全性和速度。 如果您的网站在浏览器上被标记为“不安全”,即使它出现在搜索结果中,许多用户也不会访问。 此外,根据Google的说法,如果在设备上加载时间超过三秒钟,将会有53%的访问者放弃该网站。 要解决这些问题,需要在您的网站上安装SSL证书以确保其安全性,并确保对该网站进行优化以使其更快。 确保您的站点托管在高性能服务器上,并且托管包提供所有资源来满足站点所需的流量,也可以提高速度。

结论 (Conclusion)

The first step to increasing online sales is getting more people to visit your website. This has become increasingly difficult to achieve as growing numbers of businesses go online and compete for customers. That said, the internet market continues to grow, with more people spending more money online. Hopefully, the ideas presented here will help your business generate more online traffic.

增加在线销售的第一步是吸引更多的人访问您的网站。 随着越来越多的企业上网并争夺客户,这变得越来越难以实现。 也就是说,互联网市场持续增长,越来越多的人在网上花更多的钱。 希望这里提出的想法将帮助您的企业产生更多的在线流量。

For information about our secure, high-performance hosting packages, visit eukhost.com.

有关我们的安全,高性能托管软件包的信息,请访问eukhost.com 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/7-proven-ways-to-boost-website-traffic/



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