








// 摘要://     Get an array of heightmap samples.//// 参数://   xBase://     First x index of heightmap samples to retrieve.////   yBase://     First y index of heightmap samples to retrieve.////   width://     Number of samples to retrieve along the heightmap's x axis.////   height://     Number of samples to retrieve along the heightmap's y axis.public float[,] GetHeights(int xBase, int yBase, int width, int height);



Vector3 LeftBottomPosition = centerPosition - new Vector3(radius,0, radius);


//起点相对地形坐标位置Vector3 tLocalPos = LeftBottomPosition - item.transform.position;


TerrainData td = item.terrainData;Vector2 dPos = new Vector2(tLocalPos.x/td.size.x*td.heightmapResolution,tLocalPos.z/td.size.z*td.heightmapResolution);













注意:         1.在修改地形的一瞬间帧率会大幅下降,所以避免高频率操作。

2.如果在修改高度的同时修改地面贴图,比如焦土, 可使得弹坑更加真实


using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;public class TCrasher : MonoBehaviour
{/// <summary>/// 单位高度/// </summary>static float deltaHeight = 0;private static Dictionary<string, float[,]> brushDic = new Dictionary<string, float[,]>();void Awake(){InitBrushs();}/// <summary>/// 读取图片α通道值,透明度越高,α越接近0,地形变化越大/// </summary>private static void InitBrushs(){Texture2D[] textures = Resources.LoadAll<Texture2D>("Textures/Brushs");for (int i = 0, length = textures.Length; i < length; i++){Debug.Log(textures[i].name);string[] args = textures[i].name.Split('_');//图片命名为1_0.8,拆分得到0.8(根据图片不同自行调整)float tempHeight = 1;if(args.Length > 1){float.TryParse(args[1],out tempHeight);//取得0.8f作为地平线高度}Color[] colors = textures[i].GetPixels();float[,] alphas = new float[textures[i].height, textures[i].width];for (int j = 0, length0 = textures[i].height, index = 0; j < length0; j++){for (int k = 0, length1 = textures[i].width; k < length1; k++){alphas[j, k] = tempHeight - colors[index].a;//重新定义水平高度0.8,便于一次性实现地形的凸起和凹陷index++;}}brushDic[args[0]] =alphas;}}/// <summary>/// 取得地形t的高度单位/// </summary>/// <param name="t"></param>static void SetDelteH(Terrain t){deltaHeight = 1 / Terrain.activeTerrain.terrainData.size.y;}void Update(){if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.A)){//for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){TCrash(transform.position, 5,-2f);}}}/// <summary>/// 爆炸生成弹坑/// </summary>/// <param name="centerPosition">爆炸中心点</param>/// <param name="radius">杀伤半径</param>/// <param name="depth">深度系数</param>static void TCrash(Vector3 centerPosition,float radius = 1f,float depth = -1f){Vector3 LeftBottomPosition = centerPosition - new Vector3(radius,0, radius);float range = radius *2+0.5f;//因高度图的分辨率不同,增加0.5f调整弹坑大小int rangex, rangez;Ray ray= new  Ray(LeftBottomPosition, Vector3.down);RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, 100);List<Terrain> ts = new List<Terrain>();if (hits.Length > 0){foreach (var item in hits){Terrain temp = item.transform.GetComponent<Terrain>();if (temp != null){ts.Add(temp);}}}foreach (var item in ts){TerrainData td = item.terrainData;//起点地形坐标位置Vector3 tLocalPos = LeftBottomPosition - item.transform.position;//高度图坐标系位置Vector2 dPos = new Vector2(tLocalPos.x/td.size.x*td.heightmapResolution,tLocalPos.z/td.size.z*td.heightmapResolution);SetDelteH(item);rangex = (int)(range * td.heightmapResolution/ td.size.x);rangez = (int)(range * td.heightmapResolution / td.size.z);float addHeight = depth * deltaHeight;float[,] oldData = GetHeightMap(item,(int)dPos.x, (int)dPos.y, rangex, rangez);//await Task.Run(async () =>{float[,] deltaMap = BilinearInterp(brushDic["1"], rangex, rangez);//float[,] deltaMap = await Utility.ZoomBilinearInterpAsync(brushDic[brushIndex], 2 * mapRadius, 2 * mapRadius);for (int i = 0; i < rangex; i++){for (int j = 0; j < rangez; j++){oldData[i, j] += deltaMap[i, j] * addHeight * 1f;}}}//);SetHeightMap(item, (int)dPos.x, (int)dPos.y, oldData);}}/// <summary>/// 获取涉及地形的高度图数据/// </summary>/// <param name="terrain"></param>/// <param name="xBase"></param>/// <param name="yBase"></param>/// <param name="width"></param>/// <param name="height"></param>/// <returns></returns>public static float[,] GetHeightMap(Terrain terrain, int xBase = 0, int yBase = 0, int width = 0, int height = 0){TerrainData terrainData = terrain.terrainData;int differX = xBase + width - (terrainData.heightmapResolution - 1);   // 右溢出int differY = yBase + height - (terrainData.heightmapResolution - 1);  // 上溢出float[,] ret;if (differX <= 0 && differY <= 0)  // 无溢出{ret = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights(xBase, yBase, width, height);}else if (differX > 0 && differY <= 0) // 右边溢出{ret = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights(xBase, yBase, width - differX, height);float[,] right = terrain.rightNeighbor?.terrainData.GetHeights(0, yBase, differX, height);if (right != null)ret = ret.ConcatRight(right);}else if (differX <= 0 && differY > 0)  // 上边溢出{ret = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights(xBase, yBase, width, height - differY);float[,] up = terrain.topNeighbor?.terrainData.GetHeights(xBase, 0, width, differY);if (up != null)ret = ret.ConcatUp(up);}else // 上右均溢出{ret = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights(xBase, yBase, width - differX, height - differY);float[,] right = terrain.rightNeighbor?.terrainData.GetHeights(0, yBase, differX, height - differY);float[,] up = terrain.topNeighbor?.terrainData.GetHeights(xBase, 0, width - differX, differY);float[,] upRight = terrain.rightNeighbor?.topNeighbor?.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, differX, differY);if (right != null)ret = ret.ConcatRight(right);if (upRight != null)ret =ret.ConcatUp(up.ConcatRight(upRight));}return ret;}/// <summary>/// 重新设置高度图/// </summary>/// <param name="terrain"></param>/// <param name="xBase"></param>/// <param name="yBase"></param>/// <param name="heights"></param>public static void SetHeightMap(Terrain terrain, int xBase, int yBase, float[,] heights){TerrainData terrainData = terrain.terrainData;int length_1 = heights.GetLength(1);int length_0 = heights.GetLength(0);int differX = xBase + length_1 - (terrainData.heightmapResolution - 1);int differY = yBase + length_0 - (terrainData.heightmapResolution - 1);if (differX <= 0 && differY <= 0) // 无溢出{//ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((a) => { terrainData.SetHeights(xBase, yBase, heights); }//);}else if (differX > 0 && differY <= 0) // 右溢出{terrainData.SetHeights(xBase, yBase, heights.GetPart(0, 0, length_0, length_1 - differX + 1));  // 最后的 +1是为了和右边的地图拼接terrain.rightNeighbor?.terrainData.SetHeights(0, yBase, heights.GetPart(0, length_1 - differX, length_0, differX));}else if (differX <= 0 && differY > 0) // 上溢出{terrainData.SetHeights(xBase, yBase, heights.GetPart(0, 0, length_0 - differY + 1, length_1));  // 最后的 +1是为了和上边的地图拼接terrain.topNeighbor?.terrainData.SetHeights(xBase, 0, heights.GetPart(length_0 - differY, 0, differY, length_1));}else  // 右上均溢出{terrainData.SetHeights(xBase, yBase, heights.GetPart(0, 0, length_0 - differY + 1, length_1 - differX + 1));  // 最后的 +1是为了和上边及右边的地图拼接terrain.rightNeighbor?.terrainData.SetHeights(0, yBase, heights.GetPart(0, length_1 - differX, length_0 - differY + 1, differX));terrain.topNeighbor?.terrainData.SetHeights(xBase, 0, heights.GetPart(length_0 - differY, 0, differY, length_1 - differX + 1));terrain.topNeighbor?.rightNeighbor?.terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heights.GetPart(length_0 - differY, length_1 - differX, differY, differX));}}public static float[,] BilinearInterp(float[,] array, int length_0, int length_1){float[,] _out = new float[length_0, length_1];int original_0 = array.GetLength(0);int original_1 = array.GetLength(1);float ReScale_0 = original_0 / ((float)length_0);  // 倍数的倒数float ReScale_1 = original_1 / ((float)length_1);float index_0;float index_1;int inde_0;int inde_1;float s_leftUp;float s_rightUp;float s_rightDown;float s_leftDown;//await Task.Run(async () =>{for (int i = 0; i < length_0; i++){//await Task.Run(() =>{for (int j = 0; j < length_1; j++){index_0 = i * ReScale_0;index_1 = j * ReScale_1;inde_0 = Mathf.FloorToInt(index_0);inde_1 = Mathf.FloorToInt(index_1);s_leftUp = (index_0 - inde_0) * (index_1 - inde_1);s_rightUp = (inde_0 + 1 - index_0) * (index_1 - inde_1);s_rightDown = (inde_0 + 1 - index_0) * (inde_1 + 1 - index_1);s_leftDown = (index_0 - inde_0) * (inde_1 + 1 - index_1);_out[i, j] = array[inde_0, inde_1] * s_rightDown +array[inde_0 + 1, inde_1] * s_leftDown +array[inde_0 + 1, inde_1 + 1] * s_leftUp + array[inde_0, inde_1 + 1] * s_rightUp;}}//);}}//);return _out;}}public static class TerrainExtend
{public static T[,] ConcatRight<T>(this T[,] array_0, T[,] array_1){if (array_0.GetLength(0) != array_1.GetLength(0)){Debug.LogError("两个数组第一维不一致");return null;}T[,] ret = new T[array_0.GetLength(0), array_0.GetLength(1) + array_1.GetLength(1)];for (int i = 0; i < array_0.GetLength(0); i++){for (int j = 0; j < array_0.GetLength(1); j++){ret[i, j] = array_0[i, j];}}for (int i = 0; i < array_1.GetLength(0); i++){for (int j = 0; j < array_1.GetLength(1); j++){ret[i, j + array_0.GetLength(1)] = array_1[i, j];}}return ret;}public static T[,] ConcatUp<T>(this T[,] array_0, T[,] array_1){if (array_0.GetLength(1) != array_1.GetLength(1)){Debug.LogError("两个数组第二维不一致");return null;}T[,] ret = new T[array_0.GetLength(0) + array_1.GetLength(0), array_0.GetLength(1)];for (int i = 0; i < array_0.GetLength(0); i++){for (int j = 0; j < array_0.GetLength(1); j++){ret[i, j] = array_0[i, j];}}for (int i = 0; i < array_1.GetLength(0); i++){for (int j = 0; j < array_1.GetLength(1); j++){ret[i + array_0.GetLength(0), j] = array_1[i, j];}}return ret;}public static T[,] GetPart<T>(this T[,] array, int base_0, int base_1, int length_0, int length_1){if (base_0 + length_0 > array.GetLength(0) || base_1 + length_1 > array.GetLength(1)){Debug.Log(base_0 + length_0 + ":" + array.GetLength(0));Debug.Log(base_1 + length_1 + ":" + array.GetLength(1));Debug.LogError("索引超出范围");return null;}T[,] ret = new T[length_0, length_1];for (int i = 0; i < length_0; i++){for (int j = 0; j < length_1; j++){ret[i, j] = array[i + base_0, j + base_1];}}return ret;}

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