
第一次是因为同一个账号的项目改变商业模式 下架啦项目但是仍然被苹果4.3打回(机器审核),在申诉后明确说明同账号下的APP 已经下架.并提供商业变更行为说明.一个星期后经过来回的邮件回复过审啦.态度一定要强硬.(当然我比较怂只是有点点强硬)

第二次也就是最近被 审核 团队 4.3(人工审核,附带截图-基本我是靠着有没有人工截图判断的),在明确说明啦首页 和某些APP 功能重合 UI重合,并明确说明要延期审核我的APP在这个工程没有解决完成之前,再次提交将会被延期审核.(我一直在这个地方有歧义我期初认为必须通过回复解决,其实不删除工程,不要新建工程提交APP不会被延期.好好听话改审核团队说的内容-_-)!

Guideline 4.3 - DesignThis app duplicates the content and functionality of
other apps submitted
by you or another developer to the App Store,
which is considered a form of spam.Specifically, this app appears to be available
in the same territories as another identical
app submitted to the App Store. It would beappropriate to restrict the available
territories for individual apps to those
areas in which you intend to market and sell
it and ensure none of the selected territories overlap.Apps that simply duplicate content or
functionality create clutter, diminish
the overall experience for the end user,
and reduce the ability of developers to
market their apps.The next submission of this app may require
a longer review time, and this app will not
be eligible for an expedited review until
this issue is resolved.Next Steps- Review the Design section of the App StoreReview Guidelines.- Ensure your app is compliant with all sectionsof the App Store Review Guidelines and the
Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program.- Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit
your app for review.Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm
customers or evade the review process may
result in the termination of your Apple
Developer Program account. Review the Terms
& Conditions of the Apple Developer Program
to learn more about our policies regarding termination.

由于此次提交新的账号但是老的公司 邓白氏都没重新申请.账号就下来啦,并没有考虑到 老公司是否有信用评审的问题(一个大疏忽,应该事先调查清楚为什么老公司不使用之前的账号)

加上代码是公司从外包手里接回来的我感觉被复制很多份,所以加啦一些无用的代码和页面进去导入啦一些图片.提交期初有很多问题经过邮件回复和更改其他信息.但是仍然留下4.3.而且每封邮件都解释4.3 但是审核团队都避而不提.只说按照之前的4.3说明进行更改.


改版包括预览图,首页所有模块,把部分模块直接展示到 一级页面以提现APP 的独特性(经过几次的对比发现尽可能的在首页展示你的主要功能点,展示独特性可以是设计上的丰富一些,不要使用大白块.)其中包括banner 和功能模块的展现情况,多找一些同类型的APP 做参考 和他们的设计差异化.

断断续续回复邮件 又搞啦3天终于过审啦.


Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

We have started our review, but we need additional information to continue. Specifically, it appears your app may access or include paid digital content or services, and we want to understand your business model before completing our review.

Next Steps

Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information about your business model as you can.

-Does your app access paid content, subscriptions, features, and services?

1. Who are the users that will use the paid content, subscriptions, features, and services in the app?

2. Where can users purchase the content, subscriptions, features, and services that can be accessed in the app?

3. What specific types of previously purchased content, subscriptions, features, and services can a user access in the app?

4. What paid content, subscriptions, or features are unlocked within your app that do not use in-app purchase?

5. How do users obtain an account? Do users have to pay a fee to create an account?


Guideline 2.3.7 - Performance - Accurate Metadata

Your app screenshots to be displayed on the App Store include references to the price of your app or the service it provides, which is not considered a part of these metadata items.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please remove any references to pricing from your app’s screenshots, including any references to your app or service being free or discounted. If you would like to advertise changes to your app’s price, consider including this information in the app description. Changes to your app’s price can be made in the Pricing and Availability section of App Store Connect.


For information on how to revise your app name, please review Renaming a Project or App.

For resources on metadata best practices, you may want to review the App Store Product Page information available on the Apple Developer website.

For information on scheduling price tier changes, please review the Schedule price changes section of App Store Connect Developer Help.

这个问题给设计说不要在 APP展示图上放入 "免费"  "促销"  "大减价" 等等这样营销的词语,会被误解.

Guideline 5.1.1(v) - Data Collection and Storage

We noticed that your app supports account creation but does not appear to include an option to initiate account deletion.

Apps that support account creation must also offer account deletion to give App Store users more control of the data they've shared while using your app.

Next Steps

If your app already supports account deletion, reply to this message and let us know how to locate this feature. If your app does not support account deletion, revise your app to include an option to initiate account deletion.

If you are unable to offer account deletion or need to provide additional customer service flows to facilitate and confirm account deletion, either because your app operates in a highly-regulated industry or for some other reason, reply to this message in App Store Connect and provide additional information or documentation. If you have questions regarding your legal obligations, check with your legal counsel.

Keep these requirements in mind when updating your app to support account deletion:

- Only offering to temporarily deactivate or disable an account is insufficient.

- If users need to visit a website to finish deleting their account, include a link directly to the page on your website where they can complete the process.

- You may include confirmation steps to prevent users from accidentally deleting their account. However, only apps in highly-regulated industries may require users to use customer service resources, such as making a phone call or sending an email, to complete account deletion.


- Review frequently asked questions and learn more about the account deletion requirements.

Please see attached screenshots for details.

这个问题你怼不过审核团队的 (胳膊拧不过大腿) 新增个功能 注销账号或者更改的APP 可以在非登录情况下预览部分功能 .又或者你必须登录才可以那你要告诉审核团队为什么.他们会评估你是否需要登录....这个你要决定不了


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