vessel 器皿,脉管
conceivably 可想像的,可信的
precious 珍奇的,宝贵的
measurable 可测量的,显著的
internal 内脏,本质,内部的
precede 在什么之前,优先于
fetch 拿来,范围
require 依靠,需求
conversely 相反地
instead of straining muscles to build them. 而不是用拉紧肌肉来构建
contracted in a frown. 承包进了眉头里(皱眉)

Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed laughter as “a bodily exercise precious to health.” But 1 some claims to the contrary, laughing probably has little influence on physical fitness. Laughter does 2 short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels, 3 heart rate and oxygen consumption. But because hard laughter is difficult to 4 , a good laugh is unlikely to have 5 benefits the way, say, walking or jogging does.


6 instead of straining muscles to build them, as exercise does, laughter apparently accomplishes the_7_ . Studies dating back to the 1930s indicate that laughter 8 muscles, decreasing muscle tone for up to 45 minutes after the laugh dies down.


Such bodily reaction might conceivably help 9 the effects of psychological stress. Anyway, the act of laughing probably does produce other types of 10 feedback that improve an individual’s emotional state. 11 one classical theory of emotion, our feelings are partially rooted 12 physical reactions. It was argued at the end of the 19th century that humans do not cry 13 they are sad but they become sad when the tears begin to flow.


Although sadness also 14 tears, evidence suggests that emotions can flow 15 muscular responses. In an experiment published m 1988, social psychologist Fritz Strack of the University of Wilrzburg in Germany asked volunteers to __16 a pen either with their teeth - thereby creating an artificial smile - or with their lips, which would produce a(n) 17 expression. Those forced to exercise their smiling muscles 18 more enthusiastically to funny cartoons than did those whose mouths were contracted in a frown, 19 that expressions may influence emotions rather than just the other way around. 20 , the physical act of laughter could improve mood.


  1. [A] among \quad [B] except \quad [C] despite \quad [D] like
  2. [A] reflect \quad [B] demand \quad [C] indicate \quad [D] produce
  3. [A] stabilizing \quad [B] boosting \quad [ C] impairing \quad [D] determining
  4. [A] transmit \quad [B] sustain \quad [C] evaluate \quad [D] observe
  5. [A] measurable \quad [B] manageable \quad [C] affordable \quad D] renewable
  6. [A] In turn \quad [B] In fact \quad [C] In addition \quad [D] In brief
  7. [A] opposite \quad [B] impossible \quad [C] average \quad [D] expected
  8. [A] hardens \quad [B] weakens \quad [C] tightens \quad [D] relaxes
  9. [A] aggravate \quad [B] generate \quad [ C] moderate \quad [D] enhance
  10. [A] physical \quad [B] mental \quad [C] subconscious \quad [D] internal
  11. [A] Except for \quad [B] According to \quad [C] Due to \quad [D] As for
  12. [A] with \quad [B] on \quad [C] in \quad [D] at
  13. [A] unless \quad [B] until \quad [C] if \quad [D] because
  14. [A] exhausts \quad [B] follows \quad [ C] precedes \quad [D] suppresses
  15. [A] into \quad [B] from \quad [C] towards \quad [D] beyond
  16. [A] fetch \quad [B] bite \quad [C] pick \quad [D] hold
  17. [A] disappointed \quad [B] excited \quad [C] joyful \quad [D] indifferent
  18. [A] adapted \quad [B] catered \quad [C] turned \quad [D] reacted
  19. [A] suggesting \quad [B] requiring \quad [C] mentioning \quad [D] supposing
  20. [A] Eventually \quad [B] Consequently \quad [C] Similarly \quad [D] Conversely

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