一,介绍ansible galaxy

Ansible Galaxy [https://galaxy.ansible.com]是一个Ansible内容公共资源库,这些内容由许许多多Ansible管理员和用户编写。它包含数千个Ansible角色,具有可搜索的数据库,可帮助Ansible用户确定或许有助于他们完成管理任务的角色。Ansible Galaxy含有面向新的Ansible用户和角色开发人员的文档和视频链接。
此外,用于从Ansible Galaxy获取和管理角色的ansible-galaxy命令也可用于为您的项目获取和管理自有的git存储库中的角色。

1.1,获取Ansible Galaxy帮助

通过Ansible Galaxy网站主页上的Documenttaion标签,可以进入描述如何使用Ansible Galaxy的页面。其中包含了介绍如何从Ansible Galaxy下载和使用角色的内容。该页面也提供关于如何开发角色并上传到Ansible Galaxy的说明。

1.2,浏览Ansible Galaxy中的角色

通过Ansible Galaxy网站主页上左侧的Search标签,用户可以访问关于Ansible Galaxy上发布的角色的信息。用户可以使用标记通过角色的名称或通过其他角色属性来搜索Ansible角色。结果按照Best Match分数降序排列,此分数依据角色质量、角色受欢迎程度和搜索条件计算而得。

二,Ansible Galaxy命令行工具


[root@ansible ansible]# ansible-galaxy  --help
usage: ansible-galaxy [-h] [--version] [-v] TYPE ...Perform various Role and Collection related operations.positional arguments:TYPEcollection   Manage an Ansible Galaxy collection.     //管理ansible galaxy的collectionrole         Manage an Ansible Galaxy role.     //管理ansible galaxy的角色optional arguments:--version      show program's version number, config file location,configured module search path, module location, executablelocation and exit-h, --help     show this help message and exit-v, --verbose  verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connectiondebugging)[root@ansible ansible]# ansible-galaxy role --help
usage: ansible-galaxy role [-h] ROLE_ACTION ...positional arguments:ROLE_ACTIONinit       Initialize new role with the base structure of a role.remove     Delete roles from roles_path.      //从角色目录删除角色,但这个角色目录必须是安装的角色,才能去删除delete     Removes the role from Galaxy. It does not remove or alter theactual GitHub repository.list       Show the name and version of each role installed in the     //在角色目录里面查看名字和版本对于每个角色已经安装的角色roles_path.search     Search the Galaxy database by tags, platforms, author andmultiple keywords.      //从galaxy数据库去查找角色,用它的版本,平台,作者,关键字去搜索import     Import a role     //导入角色setup      Manage the integration between Galaxy and the given source.    //管理集成,在galaxy和指定的源之间去管理集成info       View more details about a specific role.    //看详细信息install    Install role(s) from file(s), URL(s) or Ansible Galaxy    //安装角色从文件,URL(网上的某一个链接文件去装)或者ansible的galaxyoptional arguments:-h, --help   show this help message and exit[root@ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy role init nginx    //创建角色并初始化,role是面向对象的
- Role nginx was created successfully
[root@ansible roles]# tree nginx/
├── defaults
│   └── main.yml
├── files
├── handlers
│   └── main.yml
├── meta
│   └── main.yml
├── README.md
├── tasks
│   └── main.yml
├── templates
├── tests
│   ├── inventory
│   └── test.yml
└── vars└── main.yml8 directories, 8 files[root@ansible ~]# ansible-galaxy role search httpd    //查找角色Found 329 roles matching your search:Name                                                          Description----                                                          -----------2kloc.trellis-monit                                           Install and configure Monit service in Trellis.aarunmichael.base_httpd                                       your role descriptiona_arvind_k.base_httpd                                         your role descriptionabdelmouhssine.hardening_cis_apache_http_server_2_4_benchmark CLOUD APPLICATION AND SECURITY ENGINEERabdusamy.web_server_role                                      Deploy http virtual hosts using customized configurationacandid.httpd                                                 Install httpd and ssl.acropia.httpd                                                 IT Professionaladellam.389ds_server                                          Installs 389DS LDAP server. Also configures TLS, logging, c>ahuffman.patching                                             An Ansible Role to perform automated patching of systems.ahuffman.sat6_create_hosts                                    An Ansible role to create new virtual and bare-metal hosts >aishee.ansible_redhat_centos_7                                Apply RHEL 7 CIS BaselineAlbanAndrieu.ansible-workstation                              A role for installing workstationalikins.certbot                                               Installs and configures Certbot (for Let's Encrypt).alikins.php                                                   PHP for RedHat/CentOS/Fedora/Debian/Ubuntu.alvistack.httpd                                               Ansible Role for Apache HTTP Server Installationamanbolat.ansible_role_certbot                                Installs and configures Certbot (for Let's Encrypt).aminvakil.httpd_initial                                       Installs and Configures Apache HTTPD on Debian Buster

2.2,从Ansible Galaxy安装角色

ansible-galaxy install子命令从Ansible Galaxy下载角色,并将它安装到控制节点本地。


用户可以通过使用-p DIRECTORY选项,指定具体的目录来安装角色。

[root@ansible playbook]# cd roles/
[root@ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy role install robertdebock.httpd -p .   //把角色安装到当前位置
- downloading role 'httpd', owned by robertdebock
- downloading role from https://github.com/robertdebock/ansible-role-httpd/archive/7.0.0.tar.gz
- extracting robertdebock.httpd to /etc/ansible/playbook/roles/robertdebock.httpd
- robertdebock.httpd (7.0.0) was installed successfully
[root@ansible roles]# ls
robertdebock.httpd [root@ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy role install robertdebock.httpd -p ./httpd
- downloading role 'httpd', owned by robertdebock
- downloading role from https://github.com/robertdebock/ansible-role-httpd/archive/7.0.0.tar.gz
- extracting robertdebock.httpd to /etc/ansible/playbook/roles/httpd/robertdebock.httpd
- robertdebock.httpd (7.0.0) was installed successfully
[root@ansible roles]# lshttpd robertdebock.httpd [root@ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy  list -p .    //在当前位置查找角色,如果当前位置是不在它的路径下面的,就可以指定位置,如果当前位置没有的话就会去找其他地方,当前位置有的话,其他地方也去找
# /etc/ansible/playbook/roles
- timesync, (unknown version)
- selinux, (unknown version)
- httpd, (unknown version)
- apache, (unknown version)
- nginx, (unknown version)
- robertdebock.httpd, 7.0.0
# /usr/share/ansible/roles
- linux-system-roles.kdump, (unknown version)
- linux-system-roles.network, (unknown version)
- linux-system-roles.postfix, (unknown version)
- linux-system-roles.selinux, (unknown version)
- linux-system-roles.storage, (unknown version)
- linux-system-roles.timesync, (unknown version)
- rhel-system-roles.kdump, (unknown version)
- rhel-system-roles.network, (unknown version)
- rhel-system-roles.postfix, (unknown version)
- rhel-system-roles.selinux, (unknown version)
- rhel-system-roles.storage, (unknown version)
- rhel-system-roles.timesync, (unknown version)
# /etc/ansible/roles
[WARNING]: - the configured path /root/.ansible/roles does not exist.[root@ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy  role remove robertdebock.httpd -p .   //移除,自己创建的也可以移除
- successfully removed robertdebock.httpd


ansible-galaxy命令也可管理本地的角色,如位于playbook项目的roles目录中的角色。ansible-galaxy list子命令列出本地找到的角色。

ansible-galaxy list

使用ansible-galaxy remove子命令本地删除角色。

ansible-galaxy  role remove robertdebock.httpd

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