
How hot was it in your neighbourhood last week? It was so hot, here in Mississauga, that I stayed inside, most of the week. On the bright side, I got lots of work done, but I’d rather have cooler temperatures, than hot, muggy days.

上周你家附近热吗? 天气非常热,在密西沙加(Mississauga),这一周的大部分时间我都呆在里面。 从好的方面来说,我完成了许多工作,但是我宁愿温度较低,而不是闷热闷热的日子。

With Excel, I can decide when it’s better to stay inside. When I think of hot temperatures, red comes to mind, and blue is what I think of for cold days. So, to show the daily temperature by colour, I created a worksheet with a conditional formatting color scale.

使用Excel,我可以决定什么时候呆在里面更好。 当我想到高温时,会想到红色,而对于寒冷的天气,我想到蓝色。 因此,为了按颜色显示每日温度,我创建了一个带有条件格式色标的工作表。

This feature is available in Excel 2007 and later versions, and I’ve used Excel 2013 in this example. You can see the steps in the video at the end of this post, and written instructions are below.

此功能在Excel 2007和更高版本中可用,在此示例中,我已使用Excel 2013。 您可以在这篇文章结尾的视频中看到这些步骤,下面是书面说明。

按颜色显示温度 (Show the Temperature by Colour)

Here is how I set up a worksheet where I enter the current temperature, with a colour code to highlight hot and cold days.


  1. Enter the temperature in cell B3在单元格B3中输入温度
  2. In cells F6:F25, enter the numbers 140 to -50, as shown below在单元格F6:F25中,输入数字140至-50,如下所示
  3. In cell G6, enter a formula that will show an empty string if the current temperature is equal to the temperature in that row, or between that temperature, and the one above:=IF($B$3=F6,"",IF(AND($B$3>F6,$B$3<F5),"",F6))

    在单元格G6中,输入一个公式,如果当前温度等于该行中的温度,或者介于该温度与上述温度之间,则该字符串将显示一个空字符串: = IF($ B $ 3 = F6,“”,IF( AND($ B $ 3> F6,$ B $ 3 <F5),“”,F6))

  4. Copy the formula down to row 25将公式复制到第25行
  5. Select cell B3, then press the Ctrl key and select cells G6:G25 (the cells with the formulas)选择单元格B3,然后按Ctrl键并选择单元格G6:G25(具有公式的单元格)
  6. On the Ribbon's Home tab, click Conditional Formatting在功能区的“主页”选项卡上,单击“条件格式”
  7. Click Color Scales, then click on the Red - White - Blue scale单击色阶,然后单击红色-白色-蓝色刻度
  8. Change the temperature in cell B3, and the cell color will change, based on the color scale.更改单元格B3中的温度,并且单元格颜色将根据色标进行更改。
  9. (optional) Hide columns F:G, so the color scale is not visible.(可选)隐藏F:G列,因此色阶不可见。

下载样本文件 (Download the Sample File)

For more information on conditional formatting, and to download the sample file, visit my Contextures website: Conditional Formatting Examples Page.

有关条件格式的更多信息,以及要下载示例文件,请访问我的Contextures网站: 条件格式示例页面 。

视频:以色标显示温度 (Video: Show Temperature in a Color Scale)

To see the steps for showing the temperature with a color scale, watch this short video.



翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2013/07/23/show-temperature-in-excel-color-scale/




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