
<?php namespace phpqrcode; /* * PHP QR Code encoder * * This file contains MERGED version of PHP QR Code library. * It was auto-generated from full version for your convenience. * * This merged version was configured to not requre any external files, * with disabled cache, error loging and weker but faster mask matching. * If you need tune it up please use non-merged version. * * For full version, documentation, examples of use please visit: * * http://phpqrcode.sourceforge.net/ * https://sourceforge.net/projects/phpqrcode/ * * PHP QR Code is distributed under LGPL 3 * Copyright (C) 2010 Dominik Dzienia * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * Version: 1.1.4 * Build: 2010100721 */ //---- qrconst.php ----------------------------- /* * PHP QR Code encoder * * Common constants * * Based on libqrencode C library distributed under LGPL 2.1 * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Kentaro Fukuchi

//---- qrimage.php -----------------------------


  • PHP QR Code encoder

  • Image output of code using GD2

  • PHP QR Code is distributed under LGPL 3

  • Copyright © 2010 Dominik Dzienia

  • This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

  • modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

  • version 3 of the License, or any later version.

  • This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

  • but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


  • Lesser General Public License for more details.

  • You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

  • Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

    define(‘QR_IMAGE’, true);

    class QRimage {

     //----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function png($frame, $filename = false, $pixelPerPoint = 4, $outerFrame = 4,$saveandprint=FALSE) {$image = self::image($frame, $pixelPerPoint, $outerFrame);if ($filename === false) {//Header("Content-type: image/png");ImagePng($image);} else {if($saveandprint===TRUE){ImagePng($image, $filename);header("Content-type: image/png");ImagePng($image);}else{ImagePng($image, $filename);}}ImageDestroy($image);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function jpg($frame, $filename = false, $pixelPerPoint = 8, $outerFrame = 4, $q = 85) {$image = self::image($frame, $pixelPerPoint, $outerFrame);if ($filename === false) {Header("Content-type: image/jpeg");ImageJpeg($image, null, $q);} else {ImageJpeg($image, $filename, $q);            }ImageDestroy($image);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------private static function image($frame, $pixelPerPoint = 4, $outerFrame = 4) {$h = count($frame);$w = strlen($frame[0]);$imgW = $w + 2*$outerFrame;$imgH = $h + 2*$outerFrame;$base_image =ImageCreate($imgW, $imgH);$col[0] = ImageColorAllocate($base_image,255,255,255);$col[1] = ImageColorAllocate($base_image,0,0,0);imagefill($base_image, 0, 0, $col[0]);for($y=0; $y<$h; $y++) {for($x=0; $x<$w; $x++) {if ($frame[$y][$x] == '1') {ImageSetPixel($base_image,$x+$outerFrame,$y+$outerFrame,$col[1]); }}}$target_image =ImageCreate($imgW * $pixelPerPoint, $imgH * $pixelPerPoint);ImageCopyResized($target_image, $base_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imgW * $pixelPerPoint, $imgH * $pixelPerPoint, $imgW, $imgH);ImageDestroy($base_image);return $target_image;}


//---- qrinput.php -----------------------------


  • PHP QR Code encoder

  • Input encoding class

  • Based on libqrencode C library distributed under LGPL 2.1

  • Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Kentaro Fukuchi fukuchi@megaui.net

  • PHP QR Code is distributed under LGPL 3

  • Copyright © 2010 Dominik Dzienia

  • This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

  • modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

  • version 3 of the License, or any later version.

  • This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

  • but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


  • Lesser General Public License for more details.

  • You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

  • Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

    define(‘STRUCTURE_HEADER_BITS’, 20);
    define(‘MAX_STRUCTURED_SYMBOLS’, 16);

    class QRinputItem {

     public $mode;public $size;public $data;public $bstream;public function __construct($mode, $size, $data, $bstream = null) {$setData = array_slice($data, 0, $size);if (count($setData) < $size) {$setData = array_merge($setData, array_fill(0,$size-count($setData),0));}if(!QRinput::check($mode, $size, $setData)) {throw new Exception('Error m:'.$mode.',s:'.$size.',d:'.join(',',$setData));return null;}$this->mode = $mode;$this->size = $size;$this->data = $setData;$this->bstream = $bstream;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeModeNum($version){try {$words = (int)($this->size / 3);$bs = new QRbitstream();$val = 0x1;$bs->appendNum(4, $val);$bs->appendNum(QRspec::lengthIndicator(QR_MODE_NUM, $version), $this->size);for($i=0; $i<$words; $i++) {$val  = (ord($this->data[$i*3  ]) - ord('0')) * 100;$val += (ord($this->data[$i*3+1]) - ord('0')) * 10;$val += (ord($this->data[$i*3+2]) - ord('0'));$bs->appendNum(10, $val);}if($this->size - $words * 3 == 1) {$val = ord($this->data[$words*3]) - ord('0');$bs->appendNum(4, $val);} else if($this->size - $words * 3 == 2) {$val  = (ord($this->data[$words*3  ]) - ord('0')) * 10;$val += (ord($this->data[$words*3+1]) - ord('0'));$bs->appendNum(7, $val);}$this->bstream = $bs;return 0;} catch (Exception $e) {return -1;}}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeModeAn($version){try {$words = (int)($this->size / 2);$bs = new QRbitstream();$bs->appendNum(4, 0x02);$bs->appendNum(QRspec::lengthIndicator(QR_MODE_AN, $version), $this->size);for($i=0; $i<$words; $i++) {$val  = (int)QRinput::lookAnTable(ord($this->data[$i*2  ])) * 45;$val += (int)QRinput::lookAnTable(ord($this->data[$i*2+1]));$bs->appendNum(11, $val);}if($this->size & 1) {$val = QRinput::lookAnTable(ord($this->data[$words * 2]));$bs->appendNum(6, $val);}$this->bstream = $bs;return 0;} catch (Exception $e) {return -1;}}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeMode8($version){try {$bs = new QRbitstream();$bs->appendNum(4, 0x4);$bs->appendNum(QRspec::lengthIndicator(QR_MODE_8, $version), $this->size);for($i=0; $i<$this->size; $i++) {$bs->appendNum(8, ord($this->data[$i]));}$this->bstream = $bs;return 0;} catch (Exception $e) {return -1;}}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeModeKanji($version){try {$bs = new QRbitrtream();$bs->appendNum(4, 0x8);$bs->appendNum(QRspec::lengthIndicator(QR_MODE_KANJI, $version), (int)($this->size / 2));for($i=0; $i<$this->size; $i+=2) {$val = (ord($this->data[$i]) << 8) | ord($this->data[$i+1]);if($val <= 0x9ffc) {$val -= 0x8140;} else {$val -= 0xc140;}$h = ($val >> 8) * 0xc0;$val = ($val & 0xff) + $h;$bs->appendNum(13, $val);}$this->bstream = $bs;return 0;} catch (Exception $e) {return -1;}}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeModeStructure(){try {$bs =  new QRbitstream();$bs->appendNum(4, 0x03);$bs->appendNum(4, ord($this->data[1]) - 1);$bs->appendNum(4, ord($this->data[0]) - 1);$bs->appendNum(8, ord($this->data[2]));$this->bstream = $bs;return 0;} catch (Exception $e) {return -1;}}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function estimateBitStreamSizeOfEntry($version){$bits = 0;if($version == 0) $version = 1;switch($this->mode) {case QR_MODE_NUM:        $bits = QRinput::estimateBitsModeNum($this->size);    break;case QR_MODE_AN:        $bits = QRinput::estimateBitsModeAn($this->size);    break;case QR_MODE_8:            $bits = QRinput::estimateBitsMode8($this->size);    break;case QR_MODE_KANJI:        $bits = QRinput::estimateBitsModeKanji($this->size);break;case QR_MODE_STRUCTURE:    return STRUCTURE_HEADER_BITS;            default:return 0;}$l = QRspec::lengthIndicator($this->mode, $version);$m = 1 << $l;$num = (int)(($this->size + $m - 1) / $m);$bits += $num * (4 + $l);return $bits;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeBitStream($version){try {unset($this->bstream);$words = QRspec::maximumWords($this->mode, $version);if($this->size > $words) {$st1 = new QRinputItem($this->mode, $words, $this->data);$st2 = new QRinputItem($this->mode, $this->size - $words, array_slice($this->data, $words));$st1->encodeBitStream($version);$st2->encodeBitStream($version);$this->bstream = new QRbitstream();$this->bstream->append($st1->bstream);$this->bstream->append($st2->bstream);unset($st1);unset($st2);} else {$ret = 0;switch($this->mode) {case QR_MODE_NUM:        $ret = $this->encodeModeNum($version);    break;case QR_MODE_AN:        $ret = $this->encodeModeAn($version);    break;case QR_MODE_8:            $ret = $this->encodeMode8($version);    break;case QR_MODE_KANJI:        $ret = $this->encodeModeKanji($version);break;case QR_MODE_STRUCTURE:    $ret = $this->encodeModeStructure();    break;default:break;}if($ret < 0)return -1;}return $this->bstream->size();} catch (Exception $e) {return -1;}}



    class QRinput {

     public $items;private $version;private $level;//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function __construct($version = 0, $level = QR_ECLEVEL_L){if ($version < 0 || $version > QRSPEC_VERSION_MAX || $level > QR_ECLEVEL_H) {throw new Exception('Invalid version no');return NULL;}$this->version = $version;$this->level = $level;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function getVersion(){return $this->version;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function setVersion($version){if($version < 0 || $version > QRSPEC_VERSION_MAX) {throw new Exception('Invalid version no');return -1;}$this->version = $version;return 0;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function getErrorCorrectionLevel(){return $this->level;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function setErrorCorrectionLevel($level){if($level > QR_ECLEVEL_H) {throw new Exception('Invalid ECLEVEL');return -1;}$this->level = $level;return 0;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function appendEntry(QRinputItem $entry){$this->items[] = $entry;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function append($mode, $size, $data){try {$entry = new QRinputItem($mode, $size, $data);$this->items[] = $entry;return 0;} catch (Exception $e) {return -1;}}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function insertStructuredAppendHeader($size, $index, $parity){if( $size > MAX_STRUCTURED_SYMBOLS ) {throw new Exception('insertStructuredAppendHeader wrong size');}if( $index <= 0 || $index > MAX_STRUCTURED_SYMBOLS ) {throw new Exception('insertStructuredAppendHeader wrong index');}$buf = array($size, $index, $parity);try {$entry = new QRinputItem(QR_MODE_STRUCTURE, 3, buf);array_unshift($this->items, $entry);return 0;} catch (Exception $e) {return -1;}}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function calcParity(){$parity = 0;foreach($this->items as $item) {if($item->mode != QR_MODE_STRUCTURE) {for($i=$item->size-1; $i>=0; $i--) {$parity ^= $item->data[$i];}}}return $parity;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function checkModeNum($size, $data){for($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {if((ord($data[$i]) < ord('0')) || (ord($data[$i]) > ord('9'))){return false;}}return true;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function estimateBitsModeNum($size){$w = (int)$size / 3;$bits = $w * 10;switch($size - $w * 3) {case 1:$bits += 4;break;case 2:$bits += 7;break;default:break;}return $bits;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static $anTable = array(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,36, -1, -1, -1, 37, 38, -1, -1, -1, -1, 39, 40, -1, 41, 42, 43,0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function lookAnTable($c){return (($c > 127)?-1:self::$anTable[$c]);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function checkModeAn($size, $data){for($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {if (self::lookAnTable(ord($data[$i])) == -1) {return false;}}return true;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function estimateBitsModeAn($size){$w = (int)($size / 2);$bits = $w * 11;if($size & 1) {$bits += 6;}return $bits;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function estimateBitsMode8($size){return $size * 8;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function estimateBitsModeKanji($size){return (int)(($size / 2) * 13);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function checkModeKanji($size, $data){if($size & 1)return false;for($i=0; $i<$size; $i+=2) {$val = (ord($data[$i]) << 8) | ord($data[$i+1]);if( $val < 0x8140 || ($val > 0x9ffc && $val < 0xe040) || $val > 0xebbf) {return false;}}return true;}/************************************************************************ Validation**********************************************************************/public static function check($mode, $size, $data){if($size <= 0) return false;switch($mode) {case QR_MODE_NUM:       return self::checkModeNum($size, $data);   break;case QR_MODE_AN:        return self::checkModeAn($size, $data);    break;case QR_MODE_KANJI:     return self::checkModeKanji($size, $data); break;case QR_MODE_8:         return true; break;case QR_MODE_STRUCTURE: return true; break;default:break;}return false;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function estimateBitStreamSize($version){$bits = 0;foreach($this->items as $item) {$bits += $item->estimateBitStreamSizeOfEntry($version);}return $bits;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function estimateVersion(){$version = 0;$prev = 0;do {$prev = $version;$bits = $this->estimateBitStreamSize($prev);$version = QRspec::getMinimumVersion((int)(($bits + 7) / 8), $this->level);if ($version < 0) {return -1;}} while ($version > $prev);return $version;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function lengthOfCode($mode, $version, $bits){$payload = $bits - 4 - QRspec::lengthIndicator($mode, $version);switch($mode) {case QR_MODE_NUM:$chunks = (int)($payload / 10);$remain = $payload - $chunks * 10;$size = $chunks * 3;if($remain >= 7) {$size += 2;} else if($remain >= 4) {$size += 1;}break;case QR_MODE_AN:$chunks = (int)($payload / 11);$remain = $payload - $chunks * 11;$size = $chunks * 2;if($remain >= 6) $size++;break;case QR_MODE_8:$size = (int)($payload / 8);break;case QR_MODE_KANJI:$size = (int)(($payload / 13) * 2);break;case QR_MODE_STRUCTURE:$size = (int)($payload / 8);break;default:$size = 0;break;}$maxsize = QRspec::maximumWords($mode, $version);if($size < 0) $size = 0;if($size > $maxsize) $size = $maxsize;return $size;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function createBitStream(){$total = 0;foreach($this->items as $item) {$bits = $item->encodeBitStream($this->version);if($bits < 0) return -1;$total += $bits;}return $total;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function convertData(){$ver = $this->estimateVersion();if($ver > $this->getVersion()) {$this->setVersion($ver);}for(;;) {$bits = $this->createBitStream();if($bits < 0) return -1;$ver = QRspec::getMinimumVersion((int)(($bits + 7) / 8), $this->level);if($ver < 0) {throw new Exception('WRONG VERSION');return -1;} else if($ver > $this->getVersion()) {$this->setVersion($ver);} else {break;}}return 0;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function appendPaddingBit(&$bstream){$bits = $bstream->size();$maxwords = QRspec::getDataLength($this->version, $this->level);$maxbits = $maxwords * 8;if ($maxbits == $bits) {return 0;}if ($maxbits - $bits < 5) {return $bstream->appendNum($maxbits - $bits, 0);}$bits += 4;$words = (int)(($bits + 7) / 8);$padding = new QRbitstream();$ret = $padding->appendNum($words * 8 - $bits + 4, 0);if($ret < 0) return $ret;$padlen = $maxwords - $words;if($padlen > 0) {$padbuf = array();for($i=0; $i<$padlen; $i++) {$padbuf[$i] = ($i&1)?0x11:0xec;}$ret = $padding->appendBytes($padlen, $padbuf);if($ret < 0)return $ret;}$ret = $bstream->append($padding);return $ret;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function mergeBitStream(){if($this->convertData() < 0) {return null;}$bstream = new QRbitstream();foreach($this->items as $item) {$ret = $bstream->append($item->bstream);if($ret < 0) {return null;}}return $bstream;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function getBitStream(){$bstream = $this->mergeBitStream();if($bstream == null) {return null;}$ret = $this->appendPaddingBit($bstream);if($ret < 0) {return null;}return $bstream;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function getByteStream(){$bstream = $this->getBitStream();if($bstream == null) {return null;}return $bstream->toByte();}


//---- qrbitstream.php -----------------------------


  • PHP QR Code encoder

  • Bitstream class

  • Based on libqrencode C library distributed under LGPL 2.1

  • Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Kentaro Fukuchi fukuchi@megaui.net

  • PHP QR Code is distributed under LGPL 3

  • Copyright © 2010 Dominik Dzienia

  • This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

  • modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

  • version 3 of the License, or any later version.

  • This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

  • but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


  • Lesser General Public License for more details.

  • You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

  • Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

    class QRbitstream {

     public $data = array();//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function size(){return count($this->data);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function allocate($setLength){$this->data = array_fill(0, $setLength, 0);return 0;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function newFromNum($bits, $num){$bstream = new QRbitstream();$bstream->allocate($bits);$mask = 1 << ($bits - 1);for($i=0; $i<$bits; $i++) {if($num & $mask) {$bstream->data[$i] = 1;} else {$bstream->data[$i] = 0;}$mask = $mask >> 1;}return $bstream;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function newFromBytes($size, $data){$bstream = new QRbitstream();$bstream->allocate($size * 8);$p=0;for($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {$mask = 0x80;for($j=0; $j<8; $j++) {if($data[$i] & $mask) {$bstream->data[$p] = 1;} else {$bstream->data[$p] = 0;}$p++;$mask = $mask >> 1;}}return $bstream;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function append(QRbitstream $arg){if (is_null($arg)) {return -1;}if($arg->size() == 0) {return 0;}if($this->size() == 0) {$this->data = $arg->data;return 0;}$this->data = array_values(array_merge($this->data, $arg->data));return 0;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function appendNum($bits, $num){if ($bits == 0) return 0;$b = QRbitstream::newFromNum($bits, $num);if(is_null($b))return -1;$ret = $this->append($b);unset($b);return $ret;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function appendBytes($size, $data){if ($size == 0) return 0;$b = QRbitstream::newFromBytes($size, $data);if(is_null($b))return -1;$ret = $this->append($b);unset($b);return $ret;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function toByte(){$size = $this->size();if($size == 0) {return array();}$data = array_fill(0, (int)(($size + 7) / 8), 0);$bytes = (int)($size / 8);$p = 0;for($i=0; $i<$bytes; $i++) {$v = 0;for($j=0; $j<8; $j++) {$v = $v << 1;$v |= $this->data[$p];$p++;}$data[$i] = $v;}if($size & 7) {$v = 0;for($j=0; $j<($size & 7); $j++) {$v = $v << 1;$v |= $this->data[$p];$p++;}$data[$bytes] = $v;}return $data;}


//---- qrsplit.php -----------------------------


  • PHP QR Code encoder

  • Input splitting classes

  • Based on libqrencode C library distributed under LGPL 2.1

  • Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Kentaro Fukuchi fukuchi@megaui.net

  • PHP QR Code is distributed under LGPL 3

  • Copyright © 2010 Dominik Dzienia

  • The following data / specifications are taken from

  • “Two dimensional symbol – QR-code – Basic Specification” (JIS X0510:2004)

  • or

  • "Automatic identification and data capture techniques –

  • QR Code 2005 bar code symbology specification" (ISO/IEC 18004:2006)

  • This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

  • modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

  • version 3 of the License, or any later version.

  • This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

  • but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


  • Lesser General Public License for more details.

  • You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

  • Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
    class QRsplit {

     public $dataStr = '';public $input;public $modeHint;//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function __construct($dataStr, $input, $modeHint) {$this->dataStr  = $dataStr;$this->input    = $input;$this->modeHint = $modeHint;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function isdigitat($str, $pos){    if ($pos >= strlen($str))return false;return ((ord($str[$pos]) >= ord('0'))&&(ord($str[$pos]) <= ord('9')));}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function isalnumat($str, $pos){if ($pos >= strlen($str))return false;return (QRinput::lookAnTable(ord($str[$pos])) >= 0);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function identifyMode($pos){if ($pos >= strlen($this->dataStr)) return QR_MODE_NUL;$c = $this->dataStr[$pos];if(self::isdigitat($this->dataStr, $pos)) {return QR_MODE_NUM;} else if(self::isalnumat($this->dataStr, $pos)) {return QR_MODE_AN;} else if($this->modeHint == QR_MODE_KANJI) {if ($pos+1 < strlen($this->dataStr)) {$d = $this->dataStr[$pos+1];$word = (ord($c) << 8) | ord($d);if(($word >= 0x8140 && $word <= 0x9ffc) || ($word >= 0xe040 && $word <= 0xebbf)) {return QR_MODE_KANJI;}}}return QR_MODE_8;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------public function eatNum(){$ln = QRspec::lengthIndicator(QR_MODE_NUM, $this->input->getVersion());$p = 0;while(self::isdigitat($this->dataStr, $p)) {$p++;}$run = $p;$mode = $this->identifyMode($p);if($mode == QR_MODE_8) {$dif = QRinput::estimateBitsModeNum($run) + 4 + $ln+ QRinput::estimateBitsMode8(1)         // + 4 + l8- QRinput::estimateBitsMode8($run + 1); // - 4 - l8if($dif > 0) {return $this->eat8();}}if($mode == QR_MODE_AN) {$dif = QRinput::estimateBitsModeNum($run) + 4 + $ln+ QRinput::estimateBitsModeAn(1)        // + 4 + la- QRinput::estimateBitsModeAn($run + 1);// - 4 - laif($dif > 0) {return $this->eatAn();}}$ret = $this->input->append(QR_MODE_NUM, $run, str_split($this->dataStr));if($ret < 0)return -1;return $run;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function eatAn(){$la = QRspec::lengthIndicator(QR_MODE_AN,  $this->input->getVersion());$ln = QRspec::lengthIndicator(QR_MODE_NUM, $this->input->getVersion());$p = 0;while(self::isalnumat($this->dataStr, $p)) {if(self::isdigitat($this->dataStr, $p)) {$q = $p;while(self::isdigitat($this->dataStr, $q)) {$q++;}$dif = QRinput::estimateBitsModeAn($p) // + 4 + la+ QRinput::estimateBitsModeNum($q - $p) + 4 + $ln- QRinput::estimateBitsModeAn($q); // - 4 - laif($dif < 0) {break;} else {$p = $q;}} else {$p++;}}$run = $p;if(!self::isalnumat($this->dataStr, $p)) {$dif = QRinput::estimateBitsModeAn($run) + 4 + $la+ QRinput::estimateBitsMode8(1) // + 4 + l8- QRinput::estimateBitsMode8($run + 1); // - 4 - l8if($dif > 0) {return $this->eat8();}}$ret = $this->input->append(QR_MODE_AN, $run, str_split($this->dataStr));if($ret < 0)return -1;return $run;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function eatKanji(){$p = 0;while($this->identifyMode($p) == QR_MODE_KANJI) {$p += 2;}$ret = $this->input->append(QR_MODE_KANJI, $p, str_split($this->dataStr));if($ret < 0)return -1;return $run;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function eat8(){$la = QRspec::lengthIndicator(QR_MODE_AN, $this->input->getVersion());$ln = QRspec::lengthIndicator(QR_MODE_NUM, $this->input->getVersion());$p = 1;$dataStrLen = strlen($this->dataStr);while($p < $dataStrLen) {$mode = $this->identifyMode($p);if($mode == QR_MODE_KANJI) {break;}if($mode == QR_MODE_NUM) {$q = $p;while(self::isdigitat($this->dataStr, $q)) {$q++;}$dif = QRinput::estimateBitsMode8($p) // + 4 + l8+ QRinput::estimateBitsModeNum($q - $p) + 4 + $ln- QRinput::estimateBitsMode8($q); // - 4 - l8if($dif < 0) {break;} else {$p = $q;}} else if($mode == QR_MODE_AN) {$q = $p;while(self::isalnumat($this->dataStr, $q)) {$q++;}$dif = QRinput::estimateBitsMode8($p)  // + 4 + l8+ QRinput::estimateBitsModeAn($q - $p) + 4 + $la- QRinput::estimateBitsMode8($q); // - 4 - l8if($dif < 0) {break;} else {$p = $q;}} else {$p++;}}$run = $p;$ret = $this->input->append(QR_MODE_8, $run, str_split($this->dataStr));if($ret < 0)return -1;return $run;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function splitString(){while (strlen($this->dataStr) > 0){if($this->dataStr == '')return 0;$mode = $this->identifyMode(0);switch ($mode) {case QR_MODE_NUM: $length = $this->eatNum(); break;case QR_MODE_AN:  $length = $this->eatAn(); break;case QR_MODE_KANJI:if ($hint == QR_MODE_KANJI)$length = $this->eatKanji();else    $length = $this->eat8();break;default: $length = $this->eat8(); break;}if($length == 0) return 0;if($length < 0)  return -1;$this->dataStr = substr($this->dataStr, $length);}}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function toUpper(){$stringLen = strlen($this->dataStr);$p = 0;while ($p<$stringLen) {$mode = self::identifyMode(substr($this->dataStr, $p), $this->modeHint);if($mode == QR_MODE_KANJI) {$p += 2;} else {if (ord($this->dataStr[$p]) >= ord('a') && ord($this->dataStr[$p]) <= ord('z')) {$this->dataStr[$p] = chr(ord($this->dataStr[$p]) - 32);}$p++;}}return $this->dataStr;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function splitStringToQRinput($string, QRinput $input, $modeHint, $casesensitive = true){if(is_null($string) || $string == '\0' || $string == '') {throw new Exception('empty string!!!');}$split = new QRsplit($string, $input, $modeHint);if(!$casesensitive)$split->toUpper();return $split->splitString();}


//---- qrrscode.php -----------------------------


  • PHP QR Code encoder

  • Reed-Solomon error correction support

  • Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Phil Karn, KA9Q

  • (libfec is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.)

  • Based on libqrencode C library distributed under LGPL 2.1

  • Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Kentaro Fukuchi fukuchi@megaui.net

  • PHP QR Code is distributed under LGPL 3

  • Copyright © 2010 Dominik Dzienia

  • This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

  • modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

  • version 3 of the License, or any later version.

  • This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

  • but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


  • Lesser General Public License for more details.

  • You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

  • Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

    class QRrsItem {

     public $mm;                  // Bits per symbol public $nn;                  // Symbols per block (= (1<<mm)-1) public $alpha_to = array();  // log lookup table public $index_of = array();  // Antilog lookup table public $genpoly = array();   // Generator polynomial public $nroots;              // Number of generator roots = number of parity symbols public $fcr;                 // First consecutive root, index form public $prim;                // Primitive element, index form public $iprim;               // prim-th root of 1, index form public $pad;                 // Padding bytes in shortened block public $gfpoly;//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function modnn($x){while ($x >= $this->nn) {$x -= $this->nn;$x = ($x >> $this->mm) + ($x & $this->nn);}return $x;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function init_rs_char($symsize, $gfpoly, $fcr, $prim, $nroots, $pad){// Common code for intializing a Reed-Solomon control block (char or int symbols)// Copyright 2004 Phil Karn, KA9Q// May be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)$rs = null;// Check parameter rangesif($symsize < 0 || $symsize > 8)                     return $rs;if($fcr < 0 || $fcr >= (1<<$symsize))                return $rs;if($prim <= 0 || $prim >= (1<<$symsize))             return $rs;if($nroots < 0 || $nroots >= (1<<$symsize))          return $rs; // Can't have more roots than symbol values!if($pad < 0 || $pad >= ((1<<$symsize) -1 - $nroots)) return $rs; // Too much padding$rs = new QRrsItem();$rs->mm = $symsize;$rs->nn = (1<<$symsize)-1;$rs->pad = $pad;$rs->alpha_to = array_fill(0, $rs->nn+1, 0);$rs->index_of = array_fill(0, $rs->nn+1, 0);// PHP style macro replacement ;)$NN =& $rs->nn;$A0 =& $NN;// Generate Galois field lookup tables$rs->index_of[0] = $A0; // log(zero) = -inf$rs->alpha_to[$A0] = 0; // alpha**-inf = 0$sr = 1;for($i=0; $i<$rs->nn; $i++) {$rs->index_of[$sr] = $i;$rs->alpha_to[$i] = $sr;$sr <<= 1;if($sr & (1<<$symsize)) {$sr ^= $gfpoly;}$sr &= $rs->nn;}if($sr != 1){// field generator polynomial is not primitive!$rs = NULL;return $rs;}/* Form RS code generator polynomial from its roots */$rs->genpoly = array_fill(0, $nroots+1, 0);$rs->fcr = $fcr;$rs->prim = $prim;$rs->nroots = $nroots;$rs->gfpoly = $gfpoly;/* Find prim-th root of 1, used in decoding */for($iprim=1;($iprim % $prim) != 0;$iprim += $rs->nn); // intentional empty-body loop!$rs->iprim = (int)($iprim / $prim);$rs->genpoly[0] = 1;for ($i = 0,$root=$fcr*$prim; $i < $nroots; $i++, $root += $prim) {$rs->genpoly[$i+1] = 1;// Multiply rs->genpoly[] by  @**(root + x)for ($j = $i; $j > 0; $j--) {if ($rs->genpoly[$j] != 0) {$rs->genpoly[$j] = $rs->genpoly[$j-1] ^ $rs->alpha_to[$rs->modnn($rs->index_of[$rs->genpoly[$j]] + $root)];} else {$rs->genpoly[$j] = $rs->genpoly[$j-1];}}// rs->genpoly[0] can never be zero$rs->genpoly[0] = $rs->alpha_to[$rs->modnn($rs->index_of[$rs->genpoly[0]] + $root)];}// convert rs->genpoly[] to index form for quicker encodingfor ($i = 0; $i <= $nroots; $i++)$rs->genpoly[$i] = $rs->index_of[$rs->genpoly[$i]];return $rs;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encode_rs_char($data, &$parity){$MM       =& $this->mm;$NN       =& $this->nn;$ALPHA_TO =& $this->alpha_to;$INDEX_OF =& $this->index_of;$GENPOLY  =& $this->genpoly;$NROOTS   =& $this->nroots;$FCR      =& $this->fcr;$PRIM     =& $this->prim;$IPRIM    =& $this->iprim;$PAD      =& $this->pad;$A0       =& $NN;$parity = array_fill(0, $NROOTS, 0);for($i=0; $i< ($NN-$NROOTS-$PAD); $i++) {$feedback = $INDEX_OF[$data[$i] ^ $parity[0]];if($feedback != $A0) {      // feedback term is non-zero// This line is unnecessary when GENPOLY[NROOTS] is unity, as it must// always be for the polynomials constructed by init_rs()$feedback = $this->modnn($NN - $GENPOLY[$NROOTS] + $feedback);for($j=1;$j<$NROOTS;$j++) {$parity[$j] ^= $ALPHA_TO[$this->modnn($feedback + $GENPOLY[$NROOTS-$j])];}}// Shift array_shift($parity);if($feedback != $A0) {array_push($parity, $ALPHA_TO[$this->modnn($feedback + $GENPOLY[0])]);} else {array_push($parity, 0);}}}



    class QRrs {

     public static $items = array();//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function init_rs($symsize, $gfpoly, $fcr, $prim, $nroots, $pad){foreach(self::$items as $rs) {if($rs->pad != $pad)       continue;if($rs->nroots != $nroots) continue;if($rs->mm != $symsize)    continue;if($rs->gfpoly != $gfpoly) continue;if($rs->fcr != $fcr)       continue;if($rs->prim != $prim)     continue;return $rs;}$rs = QRrsItem::init_rs_char($symsize, $gfpoly, $fcr, $prim, $nroots, $pad);array_unshift(self::$items, $rs);return $rs;}


//---- qrmask.php -----------------------------


  • PHP QR Code encoder

  • Masking

  • Based on libqrencode C library distributed under LGPL 2.1

  • Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Kentaro Fukuchi fukuchi@megaui.net

  • PHP QR Code is distributed under LGPL 3

  • Copyright © 2010 Dominik Dzienia

  • This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

  • modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

  • version 3 of the License, or any later version.

  • This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

  • but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


  • Lesser General Public License for more details.

  • You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

  • Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

    define(‘N1’, 3);
    define(‘N2’, 3);
    define(‘N3’, 40);
    define(‘N4’, 10);

    class QRmask {

     public $runLength = array();//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function __construct() {$this->runLength = array_fill(0, QRSPEC_WIDTH_MAX + 1, 0);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function writeFormatInformation($width, &$frame, $mask, $level){$blacks = 0;$format =  QRspec::getFormatInfo($mask, $level);for($i=0; $i<8; $i++) {if($format & 1) {$blacks += 2;$v = 0x85;} else {$v = 0x84;}$frame[8][$width - 1 - $i] = chr($v);if($i < 6) {$frame[$i][8] = chr($v);} else {$frame[$i + 1][8] = chr($v);}$format = $format >> 1;}for($i=0; $i<7; $i++) {if($format & 1) {$blacks += 2;$v = 0x85;} else {$v = 0x84;}$frame[$width - 7 + $i][8] = chr($v);if($i == 0) {$frame[8][7] = chr($v);} else {$frame[8][6 - $i] = chr($v);}$format = $format >> 1;}return $blacks;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function mask0($x, $y) { return ($x+$y)&1;                       }public function mask1($x, $y) { return ($y&1);                          }public function mask2($x, $y) { return ($x%3);                          }public function mask3($x, $y) { return ($x+$y)%3;                       }public function mask4($x, $y) { return (((int)($y/2))+((int)($x/3)))&1; }public function mask5($x, $y) { return (($x*$y)&1)+($x*$y)%3;           }public function mask6($x, $y) { return ((($x*$y)&1)+($x*$y)%3)&1;       }public function mask7($x, $y) { return ((($x*$y)%3)+(($x+$y)&1))&1;     }//----------------------------------------------------------------------private function generateMaskNo($maskNo, $width, $frame){$bitMask = array_fill(0, $width, array_fill(0, $width, 0));for($y=0; $y<$width; $y++) {for($x=0; $x<$width; $x++) {if(ord($frame[$y][$x]) & 0x80) {$bitMask[$y][$x] = 0;} else {$maskFunc = call_user_func(array($this, 'mask'.$maskNo), $x, $y);$bitMask[$y][$x] = ($maskFunc == 0)?1:0;}}}return $bitMask;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function serial($bitFrame){$codeArr = array();foreach ($bitFrame as $line)$codeArr[] = join('', $line);return gzcompress(join("\n", $codeArr), 9);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function unserial($code){$codeArr = array();$codeLines = explode("\n", gzuncompress($code));foreach ($codeLines as $line)$codeArr[] = str_split($line);return $codeArr;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function makeMaskNo($maskNo, $width, $s, &$d, $maskGenOnly = false) {$b = 0;$bitMask = array();$fileName = QR_CACHE_DIR.'mask_'.$maskNo.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'mask_'.$width.'_'.$maskNo.'.dat';if (QR_CACHEABLE) {if (file_exists($fileName)) {$bitMask = self::unserial(file_get_contents($fileName));} else {$bitMask = $this->generateMaskNo($maskNo, $width, $s, $d);if (!file_exists(QR_CACHE_DIR.'mask_'.$maskNo))mkdir(QR_CACHE_DIR.'mask_'.$maskNo);file_put_contents($fileName, self::serial($bitMask));}} else {$bitMask = $this->generateMaskNo($maskNo, $width, $s, $d);}if ($maskGenOnly)return;$d = $s;for($y=0; $y<$width; $y++) {for($x=0; $x<$width; $x++) {if($bitMask[$y][$x] == 1) {$d[$y][$x] = chr(ord($s[$y][$x]) ^ (int)$bitMask[$y][$x]);}$b += (int)(ord($d[$y][$x]) & 1);}}return $b;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function makeMask($width, $frame, $maskNo, $level){$masked = array_fill(0, $width, str_repeat("\0", $width));$this->makeMaskNo($maskNo, $width, $frame, $masked);$this->writeFormatInformation($width, $masked, $maskNo, $level);return $masked;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function calcN1N3($length){$demerit = 0;for($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {if($this->runLength[$i] >= 5) {$demerit += (N1 + ($this->runLength[$i] - 5));}if($i & 1) {if(($i >= 3) && ($i < ($length-2)) && ($this->runLength[$i] % 3 == 0)) {$fact = (int)($this->runLength[$i] / 3);if(($this->runLength[$i-2] == $fact) &&($this->runLength[$i-1] == $fact) &&($this->runLength[$i+1] == $fact) &&($this->runLength[$i+2] == $fact)) {if(($this->runLength[$i-3] < 0) || ($this->runLength[$i-3] >= (4 * $fact))) {$demerit += N3;} else if((($i+3) >= $length) || ($this->runLength[$i+3] >= (4 * $fact))) {$demerit += N3;}}}}}return $demerit;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function evaluateSymbol($width, $frame){$head = 0;$demerit = 0;for($y=0; $y<$width; $y++) {$head = 0;$this->runLength[0] = 1;$frameY = $frame[$y];if ($y>0)$frameYM = $frame[$y-1];for($x=0; $x<$width; $x++) {if(($x > 0) && ($y > 0)) {$b22 = ord($frameY[$x]) & ord($frameY[$x-1]) & ord($frameYM[$x]) & ord($frameYM[$x-1]);$w22 = ord($frameY[$x]) | ord($frameY[$x-1]) | ord($frameYM[$x]) | ord($frameYM[$x-1]);if(($b22 | ($w22 ^ 1))&1) {                                                                     $demerit += N2;}}if(($x == 0) && (ord($frameY[$x]) & 1)) {$this->runLength[0] = -1;$head = 1;$this->runLength[$head] = 1;} else if($x > 0) {if((ord($frameY[$x]) ^ ord($frameY[$x-1])) & 1) {$head++;$this->runLength[$head] = 1;} else {$this->runLength[$head]++;}}}$demerit += $this->calcN1N3($head+1);}for($x=0; $x<$width; $x++) {$head = 0;$this->runLength[0] = 1;for($y=0; $y<$width; $y++) {if($y == 0 && (ord($frame[$y][$x]) & 1)) {$this->runLength[0] = -1;$head = 1;$this->runLength[$head] = 1;} else if($y > 0) {if((ord($frame[$y][$x]) ^ ord($frame[$y-1][$x])) & 1) {$head++;$this->runLength[$head] = 1;} else {$this->runLength[$head]++;}}}$demerit += $this->calcN1N3($head+1);}return $demerit;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function mask($width, $frame, $level){$minDemerit = PHP_INT_MAX;$bestMaskNum = 0;$bestMask = array();$checked_masks = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7);if (QR_FIND_FROM_RANDOM !== false) {$howManuOut = 8-(QR_FIND_FROM_RANDOM % 9);for ($i = 0; $i <  $howManuOut; $i++) {$remPos = rand (0, count($checked_masks)-1);unset($checked_masks[$remPos]);$checked_masks = array_values($checked_masks);}}$bestMask = $frame;foreach($checked_masks as $i) {$mask = array_fill(0, $width, str_repeat("\0", $width));$demerit = 0;$blacks = 0;$blacks  = $this->makeMaskNo($i, $width, $frame, $mask);$blacks += $this->writeFormatInformation($width, $mask, $i, $level);$blacks  = (int)(100 * $blacks / ($width * $width));$demerit = (int)((int)(abs($blacks - 50) / 5) * N4);$demerit += $this->evaluateSymbol($width, $mask);if($demerit < $minDemerit) {$minDemerit = $demerit;$bestMask = $mask;$bestMaskNum = $i;}}return $bestMask;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------


//---- qrencode.php -----------------------------


  • PHP QR Code encoder

  • Main encoder classes.

  • Based on libqrencode C library distributed under LGPL 2.1

  • Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Kentaro Fukuchi fukuchi@megaui.net

  • PHP QR Code is distributed under LGPL 3

  • Copyright © 2010 Dominik Dzienia

  • This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

  • modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either

  • version 3 of the License, or any later version.

  • This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

  • but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


  • Lesser General Public License for more details.

  • You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

  • License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

  • Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

    class QRrsblock {
    public $dataLength;
    public $data = array();
    public $eccLength;
    public $ecc = array();

     public function __construct($dl, $data, $el, &$ecc, QRrsItem $rs){$rs->encode_rs_char($data, $ecc);$this->dataLength = $dl;$this->data = $data;$this->eccLength = $el;$this->ecc = $ecc;}



    class QRrawcode {
    public $version;
    public $datacode = array();
    public $ecccode = array();
    public $blocks;
    public $rsblocks = array(); //of RSblock
    public $count;
    public $dataLength;
    public $eccLength;
    public $b1;

     //----------------------------------------------------------------------public function __construct(QRinput $input){$spec = array(0,0,0,0,0);$this->datacode = $input->getByteStream();if(is_null($this->datacode)) {throw new Exception('null imput string');}QRspec::getEccSpec($input->getVersion(), $input->getErrorCorrectionLevel(), $spec);$this->version = $input->getVersion();$this->b1 = QRspec::rsBlockNum1($spec);$this->dataLength = QRspec::rsDataLength($spec);$this->eccLength = QRspec::rsEccLength($spec);$this->ecccode = array_fill(0, $this->eccLength, 0);$this->blocks = QRspec::rsBlockNum($spec);$ret = $this->init($spec);if($ret < 0) {throw new Exception('block alloc error');return null;}$this->count = 0;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function init(array $spec){$dl = QRspec::rsDataCodes1($spec);$el = QRspec::rsEccCodes1($spec);$rs = QRrs::init_rs(8, 0x11d, 0, 1, $el, 255 - $dl - $el);$blockNo = 0;$dataPos = 0;$eccPos = 0;for($i=0; $i<QRspec::rsBlockNum1($spec); $i++) {$ecc = array_slice($this->ecccode,$eccPos);$this->rsblocks[$blockNo] = new QRrsblock($dl, array_slice($this->datacode, $dataPos), $el,  $ecc, $rs);$this->ecccode = array_merge(array_slice($this->ecccode,0, $eccPos), $ecc);$dataPos += $dl;$eccPos += $el;$blockNo++;}if(QRspec::rsBlockNum2($spec) == 0)return 0;$dl = QRspec::rsDataCodes2($spec);$el = QRspec::rsEccCodes2($spec);$rs = QRrs::init_rs(8, 0x11d, 0, 1, $el, 255 - $dl - $el);if($rs == NULL) return -1;for($i=0; $i<QRspec::rsBlockNum2($spec); $i++) {$ecc = array_slice($this->ecccode,$eccPos);$this->rsblocks[$blockNo] = new QRrsblock($dl, array_slice($this->datacode, $dataPos), $el, $ecc, $rs);$this->ecccode = array_merge(array_slice($this->ecccode,0, $eccPos), $ecc);$dataPos += $dl;$eccPos += $el;$blockNo++;}return 0;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function getCode(){$ret;if($this->count < $this->dataLength) {$row = $this->count % $this->blocks;$col = $this->count / $this->blocks;if($col >= $this->rsblocks[0]->dataLength) {$row += $this->b1;}$ret = $this->rsblocks[$row]->data[$col];} else if($this->count < $this->dataLength + $this->eccLength) {$row = ($this->count - $this->dataLength) % $this->blocks;$col = ($this->count - $this->dataLength) / $this->blocks;$ret = $this->rsblocks[$row]->ecc[$col];} else {return 0;}$this->count++;return $ret;}



    class QRcode {

     public $version;public $width;public $data; //----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeMask(QRinput $input, $mask){if($input->getVersion() < 0 || $input->getVersion() > QRSPEC_VERSION_MAX) {throw new Exception('wrong version');}if($input->getErrorCorrectionLevel() > QR_ECLEVEL_H) {throw new Exception('wrong level');}$raw = new QRrawcode($input);QRtools::markTime('after_raw');$version = $raw->version;$width = QRspec::getWidth($version);$frame = QRspec::newFrame($version);$filler = new FrameFiller($width, $frame);if(is_null($filler)) {return NULL;}// inteleaved data and ecc codesfor($i=0; $i<$raw->dataLength + $raw->eccLength; $i++) {$code = $raw->getCode();$bit = 0x80;for($j=0; $j<8; $j++) {$addr = $filler->next();$filler->setFrameAt($addr, 0x02 | (($bit & $code) != 0));$bit = $bit >> 1;}}QRtools::markTime('after_filler');unset($raw);// remainder bits$j = QRspec::getRemainder($version);for($i=0; $i<$j; $i++) {$addr = $filler->next();$filler->setFrameAt($addr, 0x02);}$frame = $filler->frame;unset($filler);// masking$maskObj = new QRmask();if($mask < 0) {if (QR_FIND_BEST_MASK) {$masked = $maskObj->mask($width, $frame, $input->getErrorCorrectionLevel());} else {$masked = $maskObj->makeMask($width, $frame, (intval(QR_DEFAULT_MASK) % 8), $input->getErrorCorrectionLevel());}} else {$masked = $maskObj->makeMask($width, $frame, $mask, $input->getErrorCorrectionLevel());}if($masked == NULL) {return NULL;}QRtools::markTime('after_mask');$this->version = $version;$this->width = $width;$this->data = $masked;return $this;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeInput(QRinput $input){return $this->encodeMask($input, -1);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeString8bit($string, $version, $level){if(string == NULL) {throw new Exception('empty string!');return NULL;}$input = new QRinput($version, $level);if($input == NULL) return NULL;$ret = $input->append($input, QR_MODE_8, strlen($string), str_split($string));if($ret < 0) {unset($input);return NULL;}return $this->encodeInput($input);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeString($string, $version, $level, $hint, $casesensitive){if($hint != QR_MODE_8 && $hint != QR_MODE_KANJI) {throw new Exception('bad hint');return NULL;}$input = new QRinput($version, $level);if($input == NULL) return NULL;$ret = QRsplit::splitStringToQRinput($string, $input, $hint, $casesensitive);if($ret < 0) {return NULL;}return $this->encodeInput($input);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function png($text, $outfile = false, $level = QR_ECLEVEL_L, $size = 3, $margin = 4, $saveandprint=false) {$enc = QRencode::factory($level, $size, $margin);return $enc->encodePNG($text, $outfile, $saveandprint=false);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function text($text, $outfile = false, $level = QR_ECLEVEL_L, $size = 3, $margin = 4) {$enc = QRencode::factory($level, $size, $margin);return $enc->encode($text, $outfile);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function raw($text, $outfile = false, $level = QR_ECLEVEL_L, $size = 3, $margin = 4) {$enc = QRencode::factory($level, $size, $margin);return $enc->encodeRAW($text, $outfile);}



    class FrameFiller {

     public $width;public $frame;public $x;public $y;public $dir;public $bit;//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function __construct($width, &$frame){$this->width = $width;$this->frame = $frame;$this->x = $width - 1;$this->y = $width - 1;$this->dir = -1;$this->bit = -1;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function setFrameAt($at, $val){$this->frame[$at['y']][$at['x']] = chr($val);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function getFrameAt($at){return ord($this->frame[$at['y']][$at['x']]);}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function next(){do {if($this->bit == -1) {$this->bit = 0;return array('x'=>$this->x, 'y'=>$this->y);}$x = $this->x;$y = $this->y;$w = $this->width;if($this->bit == 0) {$x--;$this->bit++;} else {$x++;$y += $this->dir;$this->bit--;}if($this->dir < 0) {if($y < 0) {$y = 0;$x -= 2;$this->dir = 1;if($x == 6) {$x--;$y = 9;}}} else {if($y == $w) {$y = $w - 1;$x -= 2;$this->dir = -1;if($x == 6) {$x--;$y -= 8;}}}if($x < 0 || $y < 0) return null;$this->x = $x;$this->y = $y;} while(ord($this->frame[$y][$x]) & 0x80);return array('x'=>$x, 'y'=>$y);}

    } ;


    class QRencode {

     public $casesensitive = true;public $eightbit = false;public $version = 0;public $size = 3;public $margin = 4;public $structured = 0; // not supported yetpublic $level = QR_ECLEVEL_L;public $hint = QR_MODE_8;//----------------------------------------------------------------------public static function factory($level = QR_ECLEVEL_L, $size = 3, $margin = 4){$enc = new QRencode();$enc->size = $size;$enc->margin = $margin;switch ($level.'') {case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':$enc->level = $level;break;case 'l':case 'L':$enc->level = QR_ECLEVEL_L;break;case 'm':case 'M':$enc->level = QR_ECLEVEL_M;break;case 'q':case 'Q':$enc->level = QR_ECLEVEL_Q;break;case 'h':case 'H':$enc->level = QR_ECLEVEL_H;break;}return $enc;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodeRAW($intext, $outfile = false) {$code = new QRcode();if($this->eightbit) {$code->encodeString8bit($intext, $this->version, $this->level);} else {$code->encodeString($intext, $this->version, $this->level, $this->hint, $this->casesensitive);}return $code->data;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encode($intext, $outfile = false) {$code = new QRcode();if($this->eightbit) {$code->encodeString8bit($intext, $this->version, $this->level);} else {$code->encodeString($intext, $this->version, $this->level, $this->hint, $this->casesensitive);}QRtools::markTime('after_encode');if ($outfile!== false) {file_put_contents($outfile, join("\n", QRtools::binarize($code->data)));} else {return QRtools::binarize($code->data);}}//----------------------------------------------------------------------public function encodePNG($intext, $outfile = false,$saveandprint=false) {try {ob_start();$tab = $this->encode($intext);$err = ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean();if ($err != '')QRtools::log($outfile, $err);$maxSize = (int)(QR_PNG_MAXIMUM_SIZE / (count($tab)+2*$this->margin));QRimage::png($tab, $outfile, min(max(1, $this->size), $maxSize), $this->margin,$saveandprint);} catch (Exception $e) {QRtools::log($outfile, $e->getMessage());}}



     QRcode::png({$url}, false, 'L', 6);$pic = 'data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode(ob_get_contents());ob_end_clean();return $pic; //返回给前端img标签的src属性就可以了

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