
`提示:cannot open tolua.lua: No such file or directorytolua



报错:cannot open tolua.lua: No such file or directorytolua

LuaException: cannot open tolua.lua: No such file or directory
no file './tolua.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/luajit-2.1.0-beta3/tolua.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/tolua.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/tolua/init.lua'



LuaFileUtils.cs 函数FindFile无法查找到数据,LuaConst.cs 是系统路基脚本

public static class LuaConst
{public static string luaDir = Application.dataPath + "/LuaFramework/Lua";                //lua逻辑代码目录public static string toluaDir = Application.dataPath + "/LuaFramework/ToLua/Lua";        //tolua lua文件目录#if UNITY_STANDALONEpublic static string osDir = "Win";
#elif UNITY_ANDROIDpublic static string osDir = "luaframework";//查看手机 luaframework 文件路径是在 luaframework  不是 Android,
#elif UNITY_IPHONEpublic static string osDir = "iOS";
#elsepublic static string osDir = "";
#endifpublic static string luaResDir = string.Format("{0}/{1}/Lua", Application.persistentDataPath, osDir);      //手机运行时lua文件下载目录    ...


修改正确路径LuaConst.cs 修改如上LuaFileUtils.cs。里面有个函数AddSearchPath在LuaState.cs 中有个函数(AddSearchPath)调用,这里也要修改正正确的路径

public void AddSearchPath(string fullPath){if (!Path.IsPathRooted(fullPath)){throw new LuaException(fullPath + " is not a full path");}RuntimePlatform  plat= Application.platform;switch (plat){case RuntimePlatform.Android:fullPath = Application.persistentDataPath+ "/luaframework/lua/?.lua";break;default:fullPath = ToPackagePath(fullPath);break;}LuaFileUtils.Instance.AddSearchPath(fullPath);        }


安卓上面报错LuaException: cannot open tolua.lua:

cannot open tolua.lua: No such file or directory相关推荐

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