
一般都是进行主题、图表、图画、谚语引入,或个人观点或图表图画总结 谚语解释等。

1. 主题引入句

  • Recently the issue (主题词替换)has aroused wide attention in the public.(不用替换主题词的万能句式)
  • These days ,the topic of medical scientist (主题词替换,其余看保持不变)has captured the midia attention, occupying the newspaper headline, sparking the heated the discussion on the website.
  • It is generally known that reading literature(主题词替换) is not only necessary ,but indispensable as well.
  • It is essential that trust (主题词替换)is to the society what water is to the fish.
  • There is a growing national awareness that the impact of reading literature on kids(主题句替换).
  • Recently,it often hits the headlines of newspapers that the conflict between A(主题词) and B(主题词) becomes increasingly serious主题句替换),which has aroused a heated discussion among the public.
    例如:Recently,it often hits the headlines of newspapers that the conflict between doctors(主题词) and patients(主题词) becomes increasingly serious主题句替换),which has aroused a heated discussion among the public.(医患冲突)

2. 图画引入

  • As is shown above,the picture demonstrate an interesting scene,…
  • As is vividly shown in the picture, +图画描述

2. 图画描述

  • As is vividly shown in the picture,in front of the desk stands a female teacher,sending a literature to her student.(地点+动作1+某人/某物,doing something2(伴随状语)and doing something3(伴随状语))

3. 图画总结

  • Simple as the it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking.


There is a growing national awareness that the impace of reading literature on kids
As is vividly shown in the picture,in front of the desk stands a female teacher,sending a literature to her student.
Sample as it is,what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking.

3. 图表引入

图表:chart diagram
线状图:line chart
柱状图:bar chart
饼状图:pie chart

  • As is indicated in the chart,…
  • The table shows the changes in the number of … over the period form … to …

3. 图表描述

  • 动态:the number of (主题词)+变化+程度+范围
  • 静态:the percentage of (主题词)accounts for x%

3. 图表总结

  • Isolated as the figures seem to be,they are connnected to one another closely.


The chart shows the changes in the number of gross enrolment ratio in higher education over the period from 1990 to 2019.
The number of GER in higher education inceased significantly from 3.4% in 1990 to 51.4% in 2019.
Isolated as the figures seem to be,they are connected to one another closely.

4. 引出谚语

  • Just as an old proverb says,"…"
  • It is a truth universally acknowledged that beauty of the soul is the most important character(谚语替换,或谚语改写更好).

4. 谚语解释

  • This proverb reflects the exact meaning of lifelong learning(谚语主题词).
  • This proverb indicates the importance of mutual respect.(主题句替换)
  • This saying indicates the meaning of mutual respect.(主题句替换)
  • This saying indicates the relationship between A and B.(主题句替换)
  • This saying indicates the impact of A on B.(主题句替换)


It is a truth universally acknowledged that “Never go out there to see what happens,go out there to make something happen”.This saying shows the importance of being particapates rather than mere onlookers.


1. 再次交代主旨

2. 举例论证

  • ①Numerous illustrations can be given,but this will suffice.(万能句)
  • ①Our human history has been filled with a wide variety of examples on
    this topic主题词替换), with the following one例子人名替换) being the foremost.(主题词替换)
  • ②Sb.,honored for his success in …(成就),is always remembered by his…(品质),which shines through every chapter of his life.
  • ③According to one recent survey conducted by a certain national authority,…(品质)is not only necessary but indispensable as well for a successful corporation.

2. 举例论证适用题目


2.1 举例论证写作框架


2.2 举例论证例子

Our human history has bee


3.1 原因论证适用题目


3.1 原因论证写作框架


3. 原因论证之①引出原因

  • A number of factors can account for such phenomennon(主题词替换),but the
    followings might be critical ones.(万能句)
    A number of factors can account for China’s achievement in higher education,but the following might be critical ones.
  • I can thick of no better reasons than the following ones.(万能句)
  • What exactly contribes to such phenomenon(主题词可替换)?It’s a thought-provoking question.(坏的事情引出原因万能句)


两句话,最主要(First and foremost) 其次(In addition)

  • It is …that makes this suprising trend come into being.

3. 原因论证之③说明结果

  • As a matter of fact,a large number of people have come to realize the changes and benefits cause by poverty alleviation**(万能句可替换好的结果).
  • The problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequens if we keep turning a blind eye to it.(万能句可替换坏的结果)

3.1 原因论证之中间段例子

2021.06 China’s achievement in poverty alleviation.(好的结果例子)
A number of factors can account for China’s achievement in higher education,but the following might be critical ones.
First and foremost, due attention paid to residents in poor areas leads to the rapid improvement of their living standand.
In addition, It is the enforement of polices abour poverty alleviation that makes this suprising trend come into being.
As a mater of fact , a large number of peoplr have come to realize the changes and benifits cause by poverty alleviation.
2015.12 大量误导人的网络信息造成的问题。(坏的结果例子)

4. 各方观点论证之引出争议

  • Every coins has two sides,and this issue is no exception(万能句).
  • When it comes to …, views vary from person to person.
    例子1:When it comes to the impact of scientific technology on daily life(主题句可替换),views vary from person to person.
    例子2:When it comes to the impact of the internet on interpersonal communication,views vary from person to person.
  • In fact,there is no consensus of opinions among people over the issue of whether to find a job in a company or to go to a graduate school(主题句可替换).

4. 各方观点值各方观点描述

  • When faced with …,quiet a few people claim that …,but other people hold the view that…
  • On the one hand,some people argure that …One the other hand,a majority of people maintain that…
    例:1:When faced with options upon graduation,quite a few people claim that finding a job will bring income to one’s life,but other people hold the view that self-employment will bring about new possibilities.
    例子2:On the one hand,some people argue that online shopiing is nothing but a waste of time and money.On the other hand,a majority of people maintain that the internet has enhanced efficency to some extent.

4. 各方观点值观点利弊论述








如:2017.06 Whether to attend college at home or abroad.




1. 归纳总结

  • There is no doubt that computers (主题词替换)are very useful in technology and business.
  • There is no doubt that further attention must be paid to the problem of …
    例子:There is no doubt that further attention must be paid to the problem of protecting our nature.
  • Based on what we have discussed above

2. 建议措施

  • I strongly advise you to change your eating habits(更换对应的主题).
  • It is essential that laws and regulations should be worked out and enforced to…
  • Our society should take the responsibility to …
    例子:Our society should take the reponsibility to enhance the comprehensive development of college students(主题句替换).
  1. I should bear in the mind,
  2. As for as I am concerned,

3. 憧憬未来

  • With these measures taken,it is reasonable for us to believe that the
    problem,undoubtedly, will be solved in the near future.(万能句)
  • Only in this way can we…
    例子:Only in this way can we avoid the harm caused by misleading information(主题句).
  • Only with these measures taken can we…


First and foremost,
Last but not least,


There is no doubt that further attention must be paid to the chinese achievement in higher education.
Our society should take the responsibility to the popularity of higher education.Only in this way can we expect a better society.


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