
  GREETINGS:  Hello! – 1


  A    Hello!

  A    你好!

  B    Hello. Good morning!

  B    你好! 早上好!

  A    Good afternoon!

  A    下午好!

  B    Good afternoon!

  B    下午好!

  A    Good evening!

  A    晚上好!

  B    Good evening!

  B    晚上好!

  Notes  注意

  1 These greetings can be used in both formal and informal situations and are simply a friendly and common way to greet both friends and people you meet for the first time.


  2 Sometimes they can be shortened to Morning!, Afternoon! and Evening!

  有时可以把它们简略说成Morning!, Afternoon! 和 Evening!

  3  Good morning is typically said in the morning before midday; Good afternoon is said between midday and around 5pm; Good evening is usually said after 5pm.

  Good morning 一般在正午之前使用; Good afternoon 在正午和下午5点之前使用; Good evening 一般在下午5点之后使用。

  Key phrases & sentences         重要的短语和句子

  Hello                 你好!

  Good morning          早上好!

  Good afternoon        下午好!

  Good evening          晚上好!

  Learning Tip  学习建议

  Practise saying Hello, Good morning, Good afternoon and Good evening every day to family, friends or colleagues at work.  Make it a habit!

  每天用Hello, Good morning, Good afternoon 和 Good evening向家人、朋友和同事问好,并形成习惯。

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