Do you like to play target games or fire games?

Do you want to have a target shooting game

where you can spend hours playing and your main mission is to score the highest possible score?

If your answer is yes, then you will have to download

and install PUBG UPGUN on your Android smartphone or tablet because it is the best free flying game for your right now.

get you guns to the top avoiding many ambush in your road

you have some amazing ballistics weopons with powerfull shoot and big jump

the battle objectve of pubg up gun is to unlock all players battleground levels

discover all fair incinerate obstacles in this new free gameplay world

you will find facinate power up gift that help you to reach the top of galaxy game

pubg up gun is free and avalaible on android redmi mobile phones, you can play pubgmobile up gun

with your friends and challenge them to show them who's the royal pubgmobile_cs boss

we have a collection of realistic weopons that you will make you satisfed of your rich experience in pubg

Just take the pan down and start the rich experience of throwable weopons

try to survive and escape from bluehole zone and dead angles that push you to take down

play with your kids and family and compare the duo score to provide a family time rich on fair relation


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Our target game is very easy to play but very hard to master.

Your main objective is to fire to go higher and score the highest possible score on PUBG UPGUN and avoid falling out of the platform.

But, you will have to be very careful because your shoot should be very precise

and you should also collect some coins as you can buy more powerful weapons and even unlock many amazing challenges.

The best thing is that our shooting simulator game is endless which means you can play as much as you want without limits.

Learn about all weapons, attachments, ammo, equipment, health and vehicles of PUBG-UP game which will help you to play better

- Is it hard to play Battleground?

- Do you want useful tip?

- Do you want to share PUBG information with people?

- Do you want to share and draw map with friends?

?How to Install ?


1- Download and Install PUBG UPGUN from Play store

2- Click on PLAY and start shooting

3- Then try to goo up

4- After you can buy new PUBG GUNS

5- get high Pubg Score

6- Select this Theme and Click on Apply


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