1 Robotics: Aerial Robotics 第1+2周 课程学习记录及课后习题解答
1 Robotics: Aerial Robotics 第3+4周 课程学习记录及课后习题解答


  1. UP主 博主自己做的字幕版本 第二单元更新完毕
  2. Coursera的链接介绍
  • 2.17:等不起全部课程要在2.24才给我通过(申请的助学金),开了个小号作为旁听来听课吧,突然发现旁听竟然没有资格做作业(这也太坑了);看着这么好的课没人翻译,那就一人字幕组走起;刚刚做完第一周的编程作业了,又… 中招好几处,明天更编程作业吧
  • 2.25:今天突然发现原来CSDN是能插入视频的!!过来把视频插一下。
  • 12.29:因为B站还在更新空中机器人的 所以将投稿分割了一下;换一下视频链接

2 Robotics: Computational Motion Planning

WEEK - 1

这一单元为什么… 没有笔记了呢?
——因为… 博主都去做字幕了… 一节课得看4-5遍基本都理解完了
emm 所以大家多多点一下,给点鼓励(三连暗示):UP主 博主自己做的字幕版本
第一周的课真的非常好,其实以前参加过天池一期:未来已来天气那题,用到过A* star听了看了这么多,现在再回来看一遍,觉得恍然大悟,也给后面看的人一点引领吧(课程代码可以白嫖走直接用到自己需要的场合,我发现我资源设的 0C币,但是还是要,后期我会弄到百度云~大家也可以留言让我发一下)

Motion and Planning - 1.2 Grassfire Algorithm:(能在b站投个币,一键三连就更好了)

【自制中英】宾夕法尼亚大学机器人专项课程二 运动规划 - Robotics:Motion and Planning


1.If you use the Grassfire or breadth first search procedure to plan a path through a grid from a node A to a node B, then you use the same procedure to plan a path from node B to node A, will the two paths have the same length?

2.If you use the Grassfire or breadth first search procedure to plan a path through a grid from a node A to a node B, then you use the same procedure to plan a path from node B to node A, are the two paths guaranteed to be the same except in opposite directions?

3.If you use the grassfire algorithm to plan a path through a series of grids with increasing dimension, 2 dimensional, 3 dimensional, 4 dimensional etc. The amount of computational effort required increases ___________ with the dimension of the problem.

4.Generally speaking, which procedure would take less time to find a solution to a typical path planning problem on a discrete grid or graph?

Programming Assignment

Assignment 1: Dijkstra Algorithm

Motion and Planning - 1.3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm:

【自制中英】宾夕法尼亚大学机器人专项课程二 运动规划 - Robotics:Motion and Planning

第一个作业!直接大招:教你怎么写Dijkstra Algorithm,完整的题目我后面贴在资源里面。

  1. 这里看清楚函数的返回有numExpanded也就是往外扩散的次数。每次访问完一个节点的所有邻居需要加1的
function [route,numExpanded] = DijkstraGrid (input_map, start_coords, dest_coords)
  1. 在这if条件语句中:注意!如果第一个邻居就是终点的话得结束的(所以可以看到我的if最后有==6的情况):不然就有这条过不了的提示:Dijkstra Test 3 failed because path length is not as expected
  2. 这个代码有注释,我觉得听完课应该都能看得懂的,这系列的课我预计都会做中英字幕的,欢迎大家来看,三连一下,鼓励一人字幕组 UP主 博主自己做的字幕版本(只是没更新完)注意记得选一下Motion Planning开头的,毕竟我也做了点其他单元的
  3. 给大家先看一下这两个函数的调用:
% TestScript for Assignment 1
%%% Define a small map
map = false(10);% Add an obstacle
map (1:5, 6) = true;start_coords = [6, 2];
dest_coords  = [8, 9];%%
close all;
[route, numExpanded] = DijkstraGrid (map, start_coords, dest_coords);
% Uncomment following line to run Astar
[route, numExpanded] = AStarGrid (map, start_coords, dest_coords);%HINT: With default start and destination coordinates defined above, numExpanded for Dijkstras should be 76, numExpanded for Astar should be 23.

然后是Dijkstra的整体代码,Your code are Here是需要我们填充的地方

function [route,numExpanded] = DijkstraGrid (input_map, start_coords, dest_coords)
% Run Dijkstra's algorithm on a grid.
% Inputs :
%   input_map : a logical array where the freespace cells are false or 0 and
%   the obstacles are true or 1
%   start_coords and dest_coords : Coordinates of the start and end cell
%   respectively, the first entry is the row and the second the column.
% Output :
%    route : An array containing the linear indices of the cells along the
%    shortest route from start to dest or an empty array if there is no
%    route. This is a single dimensional vector
%    numExpanded: Remember to also return the total number of nodes
%    expanded during your search. Do not count the goal node as an expanded node.% set up color map for display
% 1 - white - clear cell
% 2 - black - obstacle
% 3 - red = visited
% 4 - blue  - on list
% 5 - green - start
% 6 - yellow - destinationcmap = [1 1 1; ...0 0 0; ...1 0 0; ...0 0 1; ...0 1 0; ...1 1 0; ...0.5 0.5 0.5];colormap(cmap);% variable to control if the map is being visualized on every
% iteration
drawMapEveryTime = true;[nrows, ncols] = size(input_map);% map - a table that keeps track of the state of each grid cell
map = zeros(nrows,ncols);map(~input_map) = 1;   % Mark free cells
map(input_map)  = 2;   % Mark obstacle cells% Generate linear indices of start and dest nodes
start_node = sub2ind(size(map), start_coords(1), start_coords(2));
dest_node  = sub2ind(size(map), dest_coords(1),  dest_coords(2));map(start_node) = 5;
map(dest_node)  = 6;% Initialize distance array
distanceFromStart = Inf(nrows,ncols);% For each grid cell this array holds the index of its parent
parent = zeros(nrows,ncols);distanceFromStart(start_node) = 0;% keep track of number of nodes expanded
numExpanded = 0;% Main Loop
while true% Draw current mapmap(start_node) = 5;map(dest_node) = 6;% make drawMapEveryTime = true if you want to see how the % nodes are expanded on the grid. if (drawMapEveryTime)image(1.5, 1.5, map);grid on;axis image;drawnow;end% Find the node with the minimum distance[min_dist, current] = min(distanceFromStart(:));if ((current == dest_node) || isinf(min_dist))break;end;% Update mapmap(current) = 3;         % mark current node as visiteddistanceFromStart(current) = Inf; % remove this node from further consideration% Compute row, column coordinates of current node[i, j] = ind2sub(size(distanceFromStart), current);% ********************************************************************* % YOUR CODE BETWEEN THESE LINES OF STARS% Visit each neighbor of the current node and update the map, distances% and parent tables appropriately.numExpanded = numExpanded + 1; %运行一次就有一次增加了current_node=[i,j];%i是row j是colsouth_node=[i+1,j];north_node=[i-1,j];east_node=[i,j+1];west_node=[i,j-1];neighbourhood=[south_node;north_node;east_node;west_node];for k=1:4%第一组邻居开始查找确保 有邻居且没有出边界if( (neighbourhood(k,1)>0 && neighbourhood(k,2)>0) && (neighbourhood(k,1)<=nrows && neighbourhood(k,2)<=ncols))%此邻居没有被访问过,不是障碍物,也不是起点if( map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2)) ~=3 && map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2)) ~=2 && map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2)) ~=5 || map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2)) == 6)%距离比以前存下来的距离更近if(distanceFromStart(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2)) >  1+sum(abs(start_coords-current_node)) || map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2)) == 6)map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2))=4;%先进入现在探索列表中distanceFromStart(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2))=1+sum(abs(start_coords-current_node));parent(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2))=sub2ind(size(map),current);%把现在的邻居点加入到父列表中map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2))=3;%放入已经访问的标识符endendendend%*********************************************************************end%% Construct route from start to dest by following the parent links
if (isinf(distanceFromStart(dest_node)))route = [];
elseroute = [dest_node];while (parent(route(1)) ~= 0)route = [parent(route(1)), route];end% Snippet of code used to visualize the map and the pathfor k = 2:length(route) - 1        map(route(k)) = 7;pause(0.1);image(1.5, 1.5, map);grid on;axis image;end

Assignment 2: A* Algorithm

Motion and Planning - 1.4 A* Algorithm:(能在b站投个币,一键三连就更好了)


function [route,numExpanded] = AStarGrid (input_map, start_coords, dest_coords)
% Run A* algorithm on a grid.
% Inputs :
%   input_map : a logical array where the freespace cells are false or 0 and
%   the obstacles are true or 1
%   start_coords and dest_coords : Coordinates of the start and end cell
%   respectively, the first entry is the row and the second the column.
% Output :
%    route : An array containing the linear indices of the cells along the
%    shortest route from start to dest or an empty array if there is no
%    route. This is a single dimensional vector
%    numExpanded: Remember to also return the total number of nodes
%    expanded during your search. Do not count the goal node as an expanded node. % set up color map for display
% 1 - white - clear cell
% 2 - black - obstacle
% 3 - red = visited
% 4 - blue  - on list
% 5 - green - start
% 6 - yellow - destinationcmap = [1 1 1; ...0 0 0; ...1 0 0; ...0 0 1; ...0 1 0; ...1 1 0; ...0.5 0.5 0.5];colormap(cmap);% variable to control if the map is being visualized on every
% iteration
drawMapEveryTime = true;[nrows, ncols] = size(input_map);% map - a table that keeps track of the state of each grid cell
map = zeros(nrows,ncols);map(~input_map) = 1;   % Mark free cells
map(input_map)  = 2;   % Mark obstacle cells% Generate linear indices of start and dest nodes
start_node = sub2ind(size(map), start_coords(1), start_coords(2));
dest_node  = sub2ind(size(map), dest_coords(1),  dest_coords(2));map(start_node) = 5;
map(dest_node)  = 6;% meshgrid will `replicate grid vectors' nrows and ncols to produce
% a full grid
% type `help meshgrid' in the Matlab command prompt for more information
parent = zeros(nrows,ncols);%
[X, Y] = meshgrid (1:ncols, 1:nrows);xd = dest_coords(1);
yd = dest_coords(2);% Evaluate Heuristic function, H, for each grid cell
% Manhattan distance
H = abs(X - xd) + abs(Y - yd);
H = H';
% Initialize cost arrays
f = Inf(nrows,ncols);
g = Inf(nrows,ncols);g(start_node) = 0;
f(start_node) = H(start_node);% keep track of the number of nodes that are expanded
numExpanded = 0;% Main Loopwhile true% Draw current mapmap(start_node) = 5;map(dest_node) = 6;% make drawMapEveryTime = true if you want to see how the % nodes are expanded on the grid. if (drawMapEveryTime)image(1.5, 1.5, map);grid on;axis image;drawnow;end% Find the node with the minimum f value[min_f, current] = min(f(:));if ((current == dest_node) || isinf(min_f))break;end;% Update input_mapmap(current) = 3;f(current) = Inf; % remove this node from further consideration% Compute row, column coordinates of current node[i, j] = ind2sub(size(f), current);% *********************************************************************% ALL YOUR CODE BETWEEN THESE LINES OF STARS% Visit all of the neighbors around the current node and update the% entries in the map, f, g and parent arrays%numExpanded=numExpanded+1;current_node=[i,j];%i是row j是colsouth_node=[i+1,j];north_node=[i-1,j];east_node=[i,j+1];west_node=[i,j-1];neighbourhood=[south_node;north_node;east_node;west_node];for k=1:4%第一组邻居开始查找确保 有邻居且没有出边界if( (neighbourhood(k,1)>0 && neighbourhood(k,2)>0) && (neighbourhood(k,1)<=nrows && neighbourhood(k,2)<=ncols))%此邻居没有被访问过,不是障碍物,也不是起点if( map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2)) ~=3 && map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2)) ~=2 && map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2)) ~=5)%距离比以前存下来的距离更近if(g(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2))>  1+sum(abs(start_coords-current_node)) )map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2))=4;%先进入现在探索列表中g(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2)) = 1+sum(abs(start_coords-current_node));f(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2))=g(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2))+H(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2));parent(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2))=sub2ind(size(map),current);%把现在的邻居点加入到父列表中map(neighbourhood(k,1),neighbourhood(k,2))=3;%放入已经访问的标识符endendendend    %*********************************************************************end%% Construct route from start to dest by following the parent links
if (isinf(f(dest_node)))route = [];
elseroute = [dest_node];while (parent(route(1)) ~= 0)route = [parent(route(1)), route];end% Snippet of code used to visualize the map and the pathfor k = 2:length(route) - 1        map(route(k)) = 7;pause(0.1);image(1.5, 1.5, map);grid on;axis image;end

2 Robotics: Computational Motion Planning 第1周(内含Dijkstra 和 A* MATLAB代码手把手教学)课后习题解答相关推荐

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