The introduction of the Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics

  • Heat = Thermal energy
  • Heat transfer means the rate of the heat transfer, which is depended on the Fourier’s Low

Φ = − λ A d T d x \Phi=-\lambda A \frac{d T}{d x} Φ=−λAdxdT​

and we assume the continuum assumption is valid.

  • Thermodynamics: system at equilibrium state.
  • Heat transfer: system at non-equilibrium state (temperature difference).
  • The main variables in heat transfer include the dimension T-1: the main concern is the rate of energy transfer
  • Basic laws in thermodynamics are widely applied in the heat transfer(First law : The internal energy of an isolated system is constant.Second law: Heat cannot flow from a colder location to a hotter location)

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