This is just a little help to get you started with your first SharePoint site.


First things first, log into your Microsoft Office 365 Admin portal account at this link:

首先,请通过以下链接登录您的Microsoft Office 365管理员门户帐户: https://portal.microsofton dmin /默认 lt.aspx 。

Use your username and password to access your Office 365 Administrative portal site.  If you have trouble logging in, use the forgot password option to reset.  Once successfully logged in, select the drop down menu under Admin and select SharePoint. The next page that loads will be to administer your Sharepoint site information. Once loaded, you will be managing your site collections as Microsoft refers.  Think of this as the master and root destination to manage everything.

使用您的用户名和密码访问您的Office 365管理门户网站。 如果登录时遇到问题,请使用“忘记密码”选项进行重置。 成功登录后,选择“管理员”下的下拉菜单,然后选择“ SharePoint”。 加载的下一页将是管理您的Sharepoint网站信息。 加载后,您将按照Microsoft的指示管理网站集 。 将此视为管理所有内容的主目录和根目录。

If you already have a few URLs listed, like, then you are well on your way.


Want to create/check ownership of that domain created?  Select the domain in question and on there is a tab above that has a drop down entitled "Owners, " click it and choose Manage Administrators.  From here, you can check who is your primary site collection administrator as well as see who is your site collections administrator(s). In the event you want others to share the task of editing or managing the site collection with you, adding administrators will be the next task.

是否要创建/检查所创建域的所有权? 选择有问题的域,在上面的选项卡上有一个名为“所有者”的下拉列表,单击它,然后选择“管理管理员”。 在这里,您可以检查谁是您的主要网站集管理员,以及谁是您的网站集管理员。 如果您希望其他人与您共享编辑或管理网站集的任务,那么添加管理员将是下一个任务。

Simply do the following:


Select the URL you want to add administrator(s) to, then hit the same button you did before, Owners.  Once that is selected, you will again see the primary site collection administrator and the box below will give you the option to add and remove secondary administrators to the site.  You can use the address book selection to search users within your domain or you can add a support personnel from this option which is outside of your domain.

选择要向其中添加管理员的URL,然后单击与所有者相同的按钮。 选择后,您将再次看到主要的网站集管理员,并且下面的框将为您提供向该网站添加和删除辅助管理员的选项。 您可以使用通讯录选择来搜索您域内的用户,也可以通过此选项添加支持人员,该选项不在您域内。

Although none of this is simple, I hope over time becoming familiar with the operation of hosted SharePoint will be a lot easier.  Hope this helps get you started with a very basic task in SharePoint.

尽管这都不是一件容易的事,但我希望随着时间的推移,熟悉托管SharePoint的操作会变得容易得多。 希望这有助于您入门SharePoint中的一项非常基本的任务。


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