最新版本下载地址: http://www.appservnetwork.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=46

AppServ the begining.
       AppServ is not support by Thai Goverment or Corporation but this program was inspire by Phanupong Panyadee (AppServ Foundation). Concept of AppServ it is Easy to install Apache, PHP, MySQL in 1 minute. Many people in this world have problem when Install Apache, PHP, MySQL becuase use long time to configure and some time can make dizzy. First time of distribution provide on October 9, 2001. Many people use AppServ and growing up everywhere in this world. Right now AppServ website provide in Thai and English language. For the future AppServ wet site will provide every languages on world.

AppServ is.
    AppServ is a full-featured of Apache, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin. You can setup in 1 minite.
        Package of AppServ
             - Apache
             - PHP
             - MySQL
             - phpMyAdmin
    All packages download from Official Binary Release. AppServ objective just make easy to setup. We do not provide anything else more than Official Binary Release package. Becuase we think the Official Binary Release work better than compile by individual or third-party binary.
AppServ have only special configuration when install, Apache configure httpd.conf, MySQL configure my.ini, PHP configure php.ini. AppServ can guaranty any package from AppServ can work stable like Official of Apache, PHP, MySQL Release.
    Objective of AppServ Just Easy to install. You can setup web server, database server in 1 minute.For some question AppServ can be Real Production Web Server or Database Server. We can tell you Yes !! 100% can make AppServ to provide Production Server. But Windows OS is not good enough for heavy load on you web or database server.Windows OS architecture use more memory and CPU usage we recommend you to use Linux/Unix OS to service heavy load of work. Because Linux/Unix OS have more speed and use less memory and CPU usage. If you compare hit when use Windows OS and Linux/Unix OS you must be found a very difference speed. e.g. Windows can handle 1000 users per second but Linux/Unix OS can handle more than 1000 users per second and eat a little memory and cpu.

How difference of AppServ version.
    AppServ Version
          2.4.x is a Superb stable version work for all user, by the way this version use PHP 4.x because work fine with your old PHP code.
          2.5.x is the Rock function. This version provide newest and experimental of Apache, PHP, MySQL.

Recommend for AppServ 
     We recommend for all AppServ user. You do not upgrade to new version every time when released. You should to select some version for your work if you think this version stable for you. New version is not mean good.


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