
  • 基础环境
  • 下载安装文件
  • 安装
  • 使用
  • 附录-常用参数:







#解压tar -xvf rarlinux-x64-5.9.0.tar.gz
cd rar/


rar x filename.rar
#压缩 [rarname.rar:要生成的压缩包名称,rarpath:压缩文件夹]
rar a rarname.rar /rarpath


rar help

rar help RAR 5.90   Copyright (c) 1993-2020 Alexander Roshal   26 Mar 2020
Trial version             Type 'rar -?' for helpUsage:     rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...><@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\><Commands>a             Add files to archivec             Add archive commentch            Change archive parameterscw            Write archive comment to filed             Delete files from archivee             Extract files without archived pathsf             Freshen files in archivei[par]=<str>  Find string in archivesk             Lock archivel[t[a],b]     List archive contents [technical[all], bare]m[f]          Move to archive [files only]p             Print file to stdoutr             Repair archiverc            Reconstruct missing volumesrn            Rename archived filesrr[N]         Add data recovery recordrv[N]         Create recovery volumess[name|-]     Convert archive to or from SFXt             Test archive filesu             Update files in archivev[t[a],b]     Verbosely list archive contents [technical[all],bare]x             Extract files with full path<Switches>-             Stop switches scanning@[+]          Disable [enable] file listsad            Append archive name to destination pathag[format]    Generate archive name using the current dateai            Ignore file attributesap<path>      Set path inside archiveas            Synchronize archive contentsc-            Disable comments showcfg-          Disable read configurationcl            Convert names to lower casecu            Convert names to upper casedf            Delete files after archivingdh            Open shared filesds            Disable name sort for solid archivedw            Wipe files after archivinge[+]<attr>    Set file exclude and include attributesed            Do not add empty directoriesen            Do not put 'end of archive' blockep            Exclude paths from namesep1           Exclude base directory from namesep3           Expand paths to full including the drive letterf             Freshen fileshp[password]  Encrypt both file data and headersht[b|c]       Select hash type [BLAKE2,CRC32] for file checksumid[c,d,p,q]   Disable messagesierr          Send all messages to stderrilog[name]    Log errors to fileinul          Disable all messagesisnd[-]       Control notification soundsiver          Display the version numberk             Lock archivekb            Keep broken extracted fileslog[f][=name] Write names to log filem<0..5>       Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)ma[4|5]       Specify a version of archiving formatmc<par>       Set advanced compression parametersmd<n>[k,m,g]  Dictionary size in KB, MB or GBms[ext;ext]   Specify file types to storemt<threads>   Set the number of threadsn<file>       Additionally filter included filesn@            Read additional filter masks from stdinn@<list>      Read additional filter masks from list fileo[+|-]        Set the overwrite modeoh            Save hard links as the link instead of the fileoi[0-4][:min] Save identical files as referencesol[a]         Process symbolic links as the link [absolute paths]or            Rename files automaticallyow            Save or restore file owner and groupp[password]   Set passwordp-            Do not query passwordqo[-|+]       Add quick open information [none|force]r             Recurse subdirectoriesr-            Disable recursionr0            Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names onlyrr[N]         Add data recovery recordrv[N]         Create recovery volumess[<N>,v[-],e] Create solid archives-            Disable solid archivingsc<chr>[obj]  Specify the character setsfx[name]     Create SFX archivesi[name]      Read data from standard input (stdin)sl<size>      Process files with size less than specifiedsm<size>      Process files with size more than specifiedt             Test files after archivingta[mcao]<d>   Process files modified after <d> YYYYMMDDHHMMSS datetb[mcao]<d>   Process files modified before <d> YYYYMMDDHHMMSS datetk            Keep original archive timetl            Set archive time to latest filetn[mcao]<t>   Process files newer than <t> timeto[mcao]<t>   Process files older than <t> timets[m,c,a,p]   Save or restore time (modification, creation, access, preserve)u             Update filesv<size>[k,b]  Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]ver[n]        File version controlvn            Use the old style volume naming schemevp            Pause before each volumew<path>       Assign work directoryx<file>       Exclude specified filex@            Read file names to exclude from stdinx@<list>      Exclude files listed in specified list filey             Assume Yes on all queriesz[file]       Read archive comment from file


  1. linux 下安装rar解压软件,centos下rar解压工具的安装 rar和unrar命令使用方法

    安装rar解压工具我们需要先找到rar的工具包,rar的官方下载地址如下: //www.rarsoft.com/download 找到相对应的压缩包地址 我的是centos 64位的,我需要的地址压缩 ...

  2. ubuntu下rar解压工具安装方法

    1.压缩功能 安装 sudo apt-get install rar 卸载 sudo apt-get remove rar 2.解压功能 安装 sudo apt-get install unrar 卸 ...

  3. Linux下rar解压工具的安装使用

    目录 一.下载 二.解压 三.编译 四.安装 五.使用 一.下载 下载链接:https://www.rarlab.com/download.htm,下载包名为 rarlinux-x64-612.tar ...

  4. linux解压工具软件,linux 安装rar解压工具

    linux中默认的tar命令用于解压压缩文件,但是tar命令不支持rar文件的解压和压缩,需要安装rar解压工具,实现rar命令解压rar压缩包. 1.下载rarlab软件wget -c https: ...

  5. linux 安装rar解压工具

    linux中默认的tar命令用于解压压缩文件,但是tar命令不支持rar文件的解压和压缩,需要安装rar解压工具,实现rar命令解压rar压缩包. 1.下载rarlab软件 官网下载页面:https: ...

  6. windows10下用解压包安装的Mysql远程登陆设置

    windows10下用解压包安装的Mysql远程登陆设置 Windows10 Mysql解压包安装,版本5.7.22 如图解压包安装方式 1.安装过程 本人严格按照以下链接的博客安装 https:// ...

  7. linux安装压缩文件的工具,Linux上安装rar解压工具

    一.widonds下打包rar文件并上传 yum install lrzsz rz test.rar 二.下载并安装rar软件 2.1 下载 mkdir -p /home/oldboy/tools c ...

  8. Windows下MySQL 解压版安装教程

    Windows下MySQL 解压版离线安装教程 先安装微软常用运行库 http://www.downcc.com/soft/438494.html 下载安装包 https://downloads.my ...

  9. mysql解压安装教程 windows_windows下MySQL解压版安装

    MySQL的安装 一.前期准备 获取MySQL解压版安装包(本文使用的是 [mysql-5.7.28-winx64.zip]版本) 获取方式:通过官网下载,官方下载地址:"https://d ...


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