cdsn cbi

CBI:中央调查局/印度中央银行 (CBI: Central bureau of Investigation / Central Bank of India)

1)CBI:中央调查局 (1) CBI: Central bureau of Investigation)

CBI is an abbreviation of the Central Bureau of Investigation. It is a criminal investigation agency of India which operates under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. Its head office is situated in New Delhi. A senior IPS officer commonly is the director-general of the CBI. Rishi Kumar Shukla is the current director-general of CBI. He is a 1983 batch IPS officer.

CBI是中央调查局的缩写 。 它是印度的刑事调查机构,隶属人事,公共申诉和退休金部管辖。 其总部位于新德里。 IPS的高级官员通常是CBI的局长。 Rishi Kumar Shukla是CBI的现任总干事。 他是1983年的IPS批处理人员。

CBI operates under the Prime Minister of India. Its motto is "Industry, Impartiality, and Integrity".

CBI在印度总理的领导下运作。 它的座右铭是“工业,公正和诚信”。

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CBI历史 (CBI History)

In 1941, it was founded by the government of India as the Special Police Establishment to administer the domestic security. Afterward, on 1st April 1963, it was renamed as CBI. The first director-general of CBI was D.P. Kohli. In 1965, it was assigned with a small amount of some additional responsibilities like the investigation of economic offenses and regular crimes like murders, kidnapping, and crimes associated with terrorism.

1941年,它由印度政府成立,作为管理国内安全的特别警察机构。 此后,在1963年4月1 ,它更名为CBI。 CBI的第一任总干事是DP Kohli。 1965年,它承担了少量的一些额外职责,例如调查经济犯罪和诸如谋杀,绑架和与恐怖主义有关的犯罪等常规犯罪。

CBI是做什么的? (What does CBI do?)

  • Manage and control terrorism by taking severe measures.


  • It investigates all sorts of crime in India and occasionally outside of India also.


  • Manage and control cases of financial frauds.


  • Unsettled cases of the Police department of any state resolve by CBI.


  • It offers leadership and ways to the police forces in combating corruption.


2)CBI:印度中央银行 (2) CBI: Central Bank of India)

CBI is also an abbreviation of Central Bank of India. It is a Government possessed bank. It is the leading commercial bank in India. Its head office is situated in Mumbai. The total branches of this bank are 4600 and it has more than 5000 ATMs all over India.

CBI也是印度中央银行的缩写 。 它是政府所有的银行。 它是印度领先的商业银行。 其总部设在孟买。 该银行的分支机构总数为4600,在印度设有5000多个ATM。

Pallav Mahapatra is the current CEO and Managing Director of Central Bank of India.

Pallav Mahapatra是印度中央银行现任首席执行官兼董事总经理。

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历史 (History)

On 21 December 1911, the Central bank of India bank was founded by Sorabji Pochkhanawala and its first chairman was Pherozeshah Mehta. The bank nationalized in 1969 by the government of India. Some of its revolutionary services are,

1911年12月21日,印度中央银行由Sorabji Pochkhanawala创立,其第一任董事长是Pherozeshah Mehta。 该银行由印度政府于1969年收归国有。 它的一些革命性服务是

  • In 1921, it launched the Home Saving Safe Deposit Scheme.


  • In 1926, it launched the Safe Deposit Locker facility and Rupee Travellers' cheques.


  • In 1932, it launched the Deposit Insurance Benefit Scheme.


  • In 1976, it founded the Merchant Banking Cell.


  • In 1980, it launched the Central card, the credit card of Central Bank of India.


  • In 1986, it introduced the Platinum Jubilee Money Back Deposit Scheme.


  • In 1994, it launched the Quick Cheque Collection Service (QCC)


奖项与成就 (Awards and Achievements)

  • It acknowledged the first prize for the outstanding execution of the Official Language Policy of Government of India in Mumbai for the year 2015-16.


  • Under the category of Mobile Banking, it acknowledged the Fintech India Award 2016.


  • Under RBI Rajbhasha Shield Scheme, it acknowledged the three first prizes for all three linguistic regions.


  • In 2016, it acknowledged the banking technology award for the best technology initiative.



cdsn cbi

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